""" ``bcfg2-lint`` plugin for :ref:`Cfg ` """ import os import Bcfg2.Options from fnmatch import fnmatch from Bcfg2.Server.Lint import ServerPlugin from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Cfg import CfgGenerator class Cfg(ServerPlugin): """ warn about Cfg issues """ __serverplugin__ = 'Cfg' def Run(self): for basename, entry in list(self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.items()): self.check_pubkey(basename, entry) self.check_missing_files() self.check_conflicting_handlers() @classmethod def Errors(cls): return {"no-pubkey-xml": "warning", "unknown-cfg-files": "error", "extra-cfg-files": "error", "multiple-global-handlers": "error"} def check_conflicting_handlers(self): """ Check that a single entryset doesn't have multiple non-specific (i.e., 'all') handlers. """ cfg = self.core.plugins['Cfg'] for eset in list(cfg.entries.values()): alls = [e for e in list(eset.entries.values()) if (e.specific.all and issubclass(e.__class__, CfgGenerator))] if len(alls) > 1: self.LintError("multiple-global-handlers", "%s has multiple global handlers: %s" % (eset.path, ", ".join(os.path.basename(e.name) for e in alls))) def check_pubkey(self, basename, entry): """ check that privkey.xml files have corresponding pubkey.xml files """ if "privkey.xml" not in entry.entries: return privkey = entry.entries["privkey.xml"] if not self.HandlesFile(privkey.name): return pubkey = basename + ".pub" if pubkey not in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries: self.LintError("no-pubkey-xml", "%s has no corresponding pubkey.xml at %s" % (basename, pubkey)) else: pubset = self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries[pubkey] if "pubkey.xml" not in pubset.entries: self.LintError("no-pubkey-xml", "%s has no corresponding pubkey.xml at %s" % (basename, pubkey)) def _list_path_components(self, path): """ Get a list of all components of a path. E.g., ``self._list_path_components("/foo/bar/foobaz")`` would return ``["foo", "bar", "foo", "baz"]``. The list is not guaranteed to be in order.""" rv = [] remaining, component = os.path.split(path) while component != '': rv.append(component) remaining, component = os.path.split(remaining) return rv def check_missing_files(self): """ check that all files on the filesystem are known to Cfg """ cfg = self.core.plugins['Cfg'] # first, collect ignore patterns from handlers ignore = set() for hdlr in Bcfg2.Options.setup.cfg_handlers: ignore.update(hdlr.__ignore__) # next, get a list of all non-ignored files on the filesystem all_files = set() for root, _, files in os.walk(cfg.data): for fname in files: fpath = os.path.join(root, fname) # check against the handler ignore patterns and the # global FAM ignore list if (not any(fname.endswith("." + i) for i in ignore) and not any(fnmatch(fpath, p) for p in Bcfg2.Options.setup.ignore_files) and not any(fnmatch(c, p) for p in Bcfg2.Options.setup.ignore_files for c in self._list_path_components(fpath))): all_files.add(fpath) # next, get a list of all files known to Cfg cfg_files = set() for root, eset in list(cfg.entries.items()): cfg_files.update(os.path.join(cfg.data, root.lstrip("/"), fname) for fname in list(eset.entries.keys())) # finally, compare the two unknown_files = all_files - cfg_files extra_files = cfg_files - all_files if unknown_files: self.LintError( "unknown-cfg-files", "Files on the filesystem could not be understood by Cfg: %s" % "; ".join(unknown_files)) if extra_files: self.LintError( "extra-cfg-files", "Cfg has entries for files that do not exist on the " "filesystem: %s\nThis is probably a bug." % "; ".join(extra_files))