""" check files for various required comments """ import os import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Server.Lint from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Cfg.CfgPlaintextGenerator \ import CfgPlaintextGenerator from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Cfg.CfgGenshiGenerator import CfgGenshiGenerator from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Cfg.CfgCheetahGenerator import CfgCheetahGenerator from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Cfg.CfgInfoXML import CfgInfoXML class Comments(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin): """ check files for various required headers """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.config_cache = {} def Run(self): self.check_bundles() self.check_properties() self.check_metadata() self.check_cfg() self.check_probes() @classmethod def Errors(cls): return {"unexpanded-keywords": "warning", "keywords-not-found": "warning", "comments-not-found": "warning"} def required_keywords(self, rtype): """ given a file type, fetch the list of required VCS keywords from the bcfg2-lint config """ return self.required_items(rtype, "keyword") def required_comments(self, rtype): """ given a file type, fetch the list of required comments from the bcfg2-lint config """ return self.required_items(rtype, "comment") def required_items(self, rtype, itype): """ given a file type and item type (comment or keyword), fetch the list of required items from the bcfg2-lint config """ if itype not in self.config_cache: self.config_cache[itype] = {} if rtype not in self.config_cache[itype]: rv = [] global_item = "global_%ss" % itype if global_item in self.config: rv.extend(self.config[global_item].split(",")) item = "%s_%ss" % (rtype.lower(), itype) if item in self.config: if self.config[item]: rv.extend(self.config[item].split(",")) else: # config explicitly specifies nothing rv = [] self.config_cache[itype][rtype] = rv return self.config_cache[itype][rtype] def check_bundles(self): """ check bundle files for required headers """ if 'Bundler' in self.core.plugins: for bundle in self.core.plugins['Bundler'].entries.values(): xdata = None rtype = "" try: xdata = lxml.etree.XML(bundle.data) rtype = "bundler" except (lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError, AttributeError): xdata = \ lxml.etree.parse(bundle.template.filepath).getroot() rtype = "genshibundler" self.check_xml(bundle.name, xdata, rtype) def check_properties(self): """ check properties files for required headers """ if 'Properties' in self.core.plugins: props = self.core.plugins['Properties'] for propfile, pdata in props.store.entries.items(): if os.path.splitext(propfile)[1] == ".xml": self.check_xml(pdata.name, pdata.xdata, 'properties') def check_metadata(self): """ check metadata files for required headers """ if self.has_all_xincludes("groups.xml"): self.check_xml(os.path.join(self.metadata.data, "groups.xml"), self.metadata.groups_xml.data, "metadata") if self.has_all_xincludes("clients.xml"): self.check_xml(os.path.join(self.metadata.data, "clients.xml"), self.metadata.clients_xml.data, "metadata") def check_cfg(self): """ check Cfg files and info.xml files for required headers """ if 'Cfg' in self.core.plugins: for entryset in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.values(): for entry in entryset.entries.values(): rtype = None if isinstance(entry, CfgGenshiGenerator): rtype = "genshi" elif isinstance(entry, CfgPlaintextGenerator): rtype = "cfg" elif isinstance(entry, CfgCheetahGenerator): rtype = "cheetah" elif isinstance(entry, CfgInfoXML): self.check_xml(entry.infoxml.name, entry.infoxml.pnode.data, "infoxml") continue if rtype: self.check_plaintext(entry.name, entry.data, rtype) def check_probes(self): """ check probes for required headers """ if 'Probes' in self.core.plugins: for probe in self.core.plugins['Probes'].probes.entries.values(): self.check_plaintext(probe.name, probe.data, "probes") def check_xml(self, filename, xdata, rtype): """ check generic XML files for required headers """ self.check_lines(filename, [str(el) for el in xdata.getiterator(lxml.etree.Comment)], rtype) def check_plaintext(self, filename, data, rtype): """ check generic plaintext files for required headers """ self.check_lines(filename, data.splitlines(), rtype) def check_lines(self, filename, lines, rtype): """ generic header check for a set of lines """ if self.HandlesFile(filename): # found is trivalent: # False == not found # None == found but not expanded # True == found and expanded found = dict((k, False) for k in self.required_keywords(rtype)) for line in lines: # we check for both '$:' and '$$' to see # if the keyword just hasn't been expanded for (keyword, status) in found.items(): if not status: if '$%s:' % keyword in line: found[keyword] = True elif '$%s$' % keyword in line: found[keyword] = None unexpanded = [keyword for (keyword, status) in found.items() if status is None] if unexpanded: self.LintError("unexpanded-keywords", "%s: Required keywords(s) found but not " "expanded: %s" % (filename, ", ".join(unexpanded))) missing = [keyword for (keyword, status) in found.items() if status is False] if missing: self.LintError("keywords-not-found", "%s: Required keywords(s) not found: $%s$" % (filename, "$, $".join(missing))) # next, check for required comments. found is just # boolean found = dict((k, False) for k in self.required_comments(rtype)) for line in lines: for (comment, status) in found.items(): if not status: found[comment] = comment in line missing = [comment for (comment, status) in found.items() if status is False] if missing: self.LintError("comments-not-found", "%s: Required comments(s) not found: %s" % (filename, ", ".join(missing)))