import os import re import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Server.Lint import Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX import Bcfg2.Client.Tools.VCS from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages import Apt, Yum from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Bundler import have_genshi if have_genshi: from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.SGenshi import SGenshiTemplateFile # format verifying functions def is_filename(val): return val.startswith("/") and len(val) > 1 def is_selinux_type(val): return re.match(r'^[a-z_]+_t', val) def is_selinux_user(val): return re.match(r'^[a-z_]+_u', val) def is_octal_mode(val): return re.match(r'[0-7]{3,4}', val) def is_username(val): return re.match(r'^([a-z]\w{0,30}|\d+)$', val) def is_device_mode(val): try: # checking upper bound seems like a good way to discover some # obscure OS with >8-bit device numbers return int(val) > 0 except: return False class RequiredAttrs(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin): """ verify attributes for configuration entries (as defined in doc/server/configurationentries) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.required_attrs = dict( Path=dict( device=dict(name=is_filename, owner=is_username, group=is_username, dev_type=lambda v: \ v in Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX.device_map), directory=dict(name=is_filename, owner=is_username, group=is_username, perms=is_octal_mode), file=dict(name=is_filename, owner=is_username, group=is_username, perms=is_octal_mode, __text__=None), hardlink=dict(name=is_filename, to=is_filename), symlink=dict(name=is_filename, to=is_filename), ignore=dict(name=is_filename), nonexistent=dict(name=is_filename), permissions=dict(name=is_filename, owner=is_username, group=is_username, perms=is_octal_mode), vcs=dict(vcstype=lambda v: (v != 'Path' and hasattr(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.VCS, "Install%s" % v)), revision=None, sourceurl=None)), Service={ "chkconfig": dict(name=None), "deb": dict(name=None), "rc-update": dict(name=None), "smf": dict(name=None, FMRI=None), "upstart": dict(name=None)}, Action={None: dict(name=None, timing=lambda v: v in ['pre', 'post', 'both'], when=lambda v: v in ['modified', 'always'], status=lambda v: v in ['ignore', 'check'], command=None)}, Package={None: dict(name=None)}, SELinux=dict( boolean=dict(name=None, value=lambda v: v in ['on', 'off']), module=dict(name=None, __text__=None), port=dict(name=lambda v: re.match(r'^\d+(-\d+)?/(tcp|udp)', v), selinuxtype=is_selinux_type), fcontext=dict(name=None, selinuxtype=is_selinux_type), node=dict(name=lambda v: "/" in v, selinuxtype=is_selinux_type, proto=lambda v: v in ['ipv6', 'ipv4']), login=dict(name=is_username, selinuxuser=is_selinux_user), user=dict(name=is_selinux_user, roles=lambda v: all(is_selinux_user(u) for u in " ".split(v)), prefix=None), interface=dict(name=None, selinuxtype=is_selinux_type), permissive=dict(name=is_selinux_type)) ) def Run(self): self.check_packages() if "Defaults" in self.core.plugins:"Defaults plugin enabled; skipping required " "attribute checks") else: self.check_rules() self.check_bundles() @classmethod def Errors(cls): return {"unknown-entry-type":"error", "unknown-entry-tag":"error", "required-attrs-missing":"error", "required-attr-format":"error", "extra-attrs":"warning"} def check_packages(self): """ check package sources for Source entries with missing attrs """ if 'Packages' in self.core.plugins: for source in self.core.plugins['Packages'].sources: if isinstance(source, Yum.YumSource): if (not source.pulp_id and not source.url and not source.rawurl): self.LintError("required-attrs-missing", "A %s source must have either a url, " "rawurl, or pulp_id attribute: %s" % (source.ptype, self.RenderXML(source.xsource))) elif not source.url and not source.rawurl: self.LintError("required-attrs-missing", "A %s source must have either a url or " "rawurl attribute: %s" % (source.ptype, self.RenderXML(source.xsource))) if (not isinstance(source, Apt.AptSource) and source.recommended): self.LintError("extra-attrs", "The recommended attribute is not " "supported on %s sources: %s" % (source.ptype, self.RenderXML(source.xsource))) def check_rules(self): """ check Rules for Path entries with missing attrs """ if 'Rules' in self.core.plugins: for rules in self.core.plugins['Rules'].entries.values(): xdata = for path in xdata.xpath("//Path"): self.check_entry(path, os.path.join(self.config['repo'], def check_bundles(self): """ check bundles for BoundPath entries with missing attrs """ if 'Bundler' in self.core.plugins: for bundle in self.core.plugins['Bundler'].entries.values(): if (self.HandlesFile( and (not have_genshi or not isinstance(bundle, SGenshiTemplateFile))): try: xdata = lxml.etree.XML( except (lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError, AttributeError): xdata = \ lxml.etree.parse(bundle.template.filepath).getroot() for path in xdata.xpath("//*[substring(name(), 1, 5) = 'Bound']"): self.check_entry(path, def check_entry(self, entry, filename): """ generic entry check """ if self.HandlesFile(filename): name = entry.get('name') tag = entry.tag if tag.startswith("Bound"): tag = tag[5:] if tag not in self.required_attrs: self.LintError("unknown-entry-tag", "Unknown entry tag '%s': %s" % (tag, self.RenderXML(entry))) if isinstance(self.required_attrs[tag], dict): etype = entry.get('type') if etype in self.required_attrs[tag]: required_attrs = self.required_attrs[tag][etype] else: self.LintError("unknown-entry-type", "Unknown %s type %s: %s" % (tag, etype, self.RenderXML(entry))) return else: required_attrs = self.required_attrs[tag] attrs = set(entry.attrib.keys()) if 'dev_type' in required_attrs: dev_type = entry.get('dev_type') if dev_type in ['block', 'char']: # check if major/minor are specified required_attrs['major'] = is_device_mode required_attrs['minor'] = is_device_mode if '__text__' in required_attrs: del required_attrs['__text__'] if (not entry.text and not entry.get('empty', 'false').lower() == 'true'): self.LintError("required-attrs-missing", "Text missing for %s %s in %s: %s" % (tag, name, filename, self.RenderXML(entry))) if not attrs.issuperset(required_attrs.keys()): self.LintError("required-attrs-missing", "The following required attribute(s) are " "missing for %s %s in %s: %s\n%s" % (tag, name, filename, ", ".join([attr for attr in set(required_attrs.keys()).difference(attrs)]), self.RenderXML(entry))) for attr, fmt in required_attrs.items(): if fmt and attr in attrs and not fmt(entry.attrib[attr]): self.LintError("required-attr-format", "The %s attribute of %s %s in %s is " "malformed\n%s" % (attr, tag, name, filename, self.RenderXML(entry)))