""" ``bcfg2-lint`` plugin for :ref:`TemplateHelper ` """ import sys import imp from Bcfg2.Server.Lint import ServerPlugin from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.TemplateHelper import HelperModule, MODULE_RE, \ safe_module_name class TemplateHelper(ServerPlugin): """ ``bcfg2-lint`` plugin to ensure that all :ref:`TemplateHelper ` modules are valid. This can check for: * A TemplateHelper module that cannot be imported due to syntax or other compile-time errors; * A TemplateHelper module that does not have an ``__export__`` attribute, or whose ``__export__`` is not a list; * Bogus symbols listed in ``__export__``, including symbols that don't exist, that are reserved, or that start with underscores. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ServerPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.reserved_keywords = dir(HelperModule("foo.py")) self.reserved_defaults = \ self.core.plugins['TemplateHelper'].reserved_defaults def Run(self): for helper in self.core.plugins['TemplateHelper'].entries.values(): if self.HandlesFile(helper.name): self.check_helper(helper.name) def check_helper(self, helper): """ Check a single helper module. :param helper: The filename of the helper module :type helper: string """ module_name = MODULE_RE.search(helper).group(1) try: module = imp.load_source(safe_module_name(module_name), helper) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.LintError("templatehelper-import-error", "Failed to import %s: %s" % (helper, err)) return if not hasattr(module, "__export__"): self.LintError("templatehelper-no-export", "%s has no __export__ list" % helper) return elif not isinstance(module.__export__, list): self.LintError("templatehelper-nonlist-export", "__export__ is not a list in %s" % helper) return for sym in module.__export__: if not hasattr(module, sym): self.LintError("templatehelper-nonexistent-export", "%s: exported symbol %s does not exist" % (helper, sym)) elif sym in self.reserved_keywords: self.LintError("templatehelper-reserved-export", "%s: exported symbol %s is reserved" % (helper, sym)) elif sym.startswith("_"): self.LintError("templatehelper-underscore-export", "%s: exported symbol %s starts with underscore" % (helper, sym)) if sym in getattr(module, "__default__", []): self.LintError("templatehelper-export-and-default", "%s: %s is listed in both __default__ and " "__export__" % (helper, sym)) for sym in getattr(module, "__default__", []): if sym in self.reserved_defaults: self.LintError("templatehelper-reserved-default", "%s: default symbol %s is reserved" % (helper, sym)) @classmethod def Errors(cls): return {"templatehelper-import-error": "error", "templatehelper-no-export": "error", "templatehelper-nonlist-export": "error", "templatehelper-nonexistent-export": "error", "templatehelper-reserved-export": "error", "templatehelper-reserved-default": "error", "templatehelper-underscore-export": "warning", "templatehelper-export-and-default": "warning"}