""" The multiprocessing server core is a reimplementation of the :mod:`Bcfg2.Server.BuiltinCore` that uses the Python :mod:`multiprocessing` library to offload work to multiple child processes. As such, it requires Python 2.6+. The parent communicates with the children over :class:`multiprocessing.Pipe` objects that are wrapped in a :class:`Bcfg2.Server.MultiprocessingCore.ThreadSafePipeDispatcher` to make them thread-safe. Each command passed over the Pipe should be in the following format:: (, , ) The parent can also communicate with children over a one-way :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` object that is used for publish-subscribe communications, i.e., most XML-RPC commands. (Setting debug, e.g., doesn't require a response from the children.) The method must be exposed by the child by decorating it with :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Core.exposed`. """ import time import threading import lxml.etree import multiprocessing from uuid import uuid4 from itertools import cycle from Bcfg2.Cache import Cache from Bcfg2.Compat import Queue, Empty from Bcfg2.Server.Core import BaseCore, exposed from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import Debuggable from Bcfg2.Server.BuiltinCore import Core as BuiltinCore class DispatchingCache(Cache, Debuggable): """ Implementation of :class:`Bcfg2.Cache.Cache` that propagates cache expiration events to child nodes. """ #: The method to send over the pipe to expire the cache method = "expire_cache" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.cmd_q = kwargs.pop("queue") Debuggable.__init__(self) Cache.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def expire(self, key=None): self.cmd_q.put((self.method, [key], dict())) Cache.expire(self, key=key) class PublishSubscribeQueue(object): """ An implementation of a :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` designed for publish-subscribe use patterns. I.e., a single node adds items to the queue, and every other node retrieves the item. This is the 'publish' end; the subscribers can deal with this as a normal Queue with no special handling. Note that, since this is the publishing end, there's no support for getting. """ def __init__(self): self._queues = [] def add_subscriber(self): """ Add a subscriber to the queue. This returns a :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` object that is used as the subscription end of the queue. """ new_q = multiprocessing.Queue() self._queues.append(new_q) return new_q def put(self, obj, block=True, timeout=None): """ Put ``obj`` into the queue. See :func:`multiprocessing.Queue.put` for more details.""" for queue in self._queues: queue.put(obj, block=block, timeout=timeout) def put_nowait(self, obj): """ Equivalent to ``put(obj, False)``. """ self.put(obj, block=False) def close(self): """ Close the queue. See :func:`multiprocessing.Queue.close` for more details. """ for queue in self._queues: queue.close() class ThreadSafePipeDispatcher(Debuggable): """ This is a wrapper around :class:`multiprocessing.Pipe` objects that allows them to be used in multithreaded applications. When performing a ``send()``, a key is included that will be used to identify the response. As responses are received from the Pipe, they are added to a dict that is used to get the appropriate response for a given thread. The remote end of the Pipe must deal with the key being sent with the data in a tuple of ``(key, data)``, and it must include the key with its response. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the key is unique. Note that this adds a bottleneck -- all communication over the actual Pipe happens in a single thread. But for our purposes, Pipe communication is fairly minimal and that's an acceptable bottleneck.""" #: How long to wait while polling for new data to send. This #: doesn't affect the speed with which data is sent, but #: setting it too high will result in longer shutdown times, since #: we only check for the termination event from the main process #: every ``poll_wait`` seconds. poll_wait = 2.0 _sentinel = object() def __init__(self, terminate): Debuggable.__init__(self) #: The threading flag that is used to determine when the #: threads should stop. self.terminate = terminate #: The :class:`multiprocessing.Pipe` tuple used by this object self.pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe() self._mainpipe = self.pipe[0] self._recv_dict = dict() self._send_queue = Queue() self.send_thread = threading.Thread(name="PipeSendThread", target=self._send_thread) self.send_thread.start() self.recv_thread = threading.Thread(name="PipeRecvThread", target=self._recv_thread) self.recv_thread.start() def _send_thread(self): """ Run the single thread through which send requests are passed """ self.logger.debug("Starting interprocess RPC send thread") while not self.terminate.isSet(): try: data = self._send_queue.get(True, self.poll_wait) self._mainpipe.send(data) except Empty: pass self.logger.info("Interprocess RPC send thread stopped") def send(self, key, data): """ Send data with the given unique key """ self._send_queue.put((key, data)) def _recv_thread(self): """ Run the single thread through which recv requests are passed """ self.logger.debug("Starting interprocess RPC receive thread") while not self.terminate.isSet(): if self._mainpipe.poll(self.poll_wait): key, data = self._mainpipe.recv() if key in self._recv_dict: self.logger.error("Duplicate key in received data: %s" % key) self._mainpipe.close() self._recv_dict[key] = data self.logger.info("Interprocess RPC receive thread stopped") def recv(self, key): """ Receive data with the given unique key """ self.poll(key, timeout=None) return self._recv_dict.pop(key) def poll(self, key, timeout=_sentinel): """ Poll for data with the given unique key. See :func:`multiprocessing.Connection.poll` for the possible values of ``timeout``. """ if timeout is self._sentinel: return key in self._recv_dict abort = threading.Event() if timeout is not None: timer = threading.Timer(float(timeout), abort.set) timer.start() try: while not abort.is_set(): if key in self._recv_dict: return True return False finally: if timeout is not None: timer.cancel() @staticmethod def genkey(base): """ Generate a key suitable for use with :class:`Bcfg2.Server.MultiprocessingCore.ThreadSafePipeDispatcher` send() requests, based on the given data. The key is constructed from the string given, some information about this thread, and some random data. """ thread = threading.current_thread() return "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (base, thread.name, thread.ident, uuid4()) class DualEvent(object): """ DualEvent is a clone of :class:`threading.Event` that internally implements both :class:`threading.Event` and :class:`multiprocessing.Event`. """ def __init__(self, threading_event=None, multiprocessing_event=None): self._threading_event = threading_event or threading.Event() self._multiproc_event = multiprocessing_event or \ multiprocessing.Event() if threading_event or multiprocessing_event: # initialize internal flag to false, regardless of the # state of either object passed in self.clear() def is_set(self): """ Return true if and only if the internal flag is true. """ return self._threading_event.is_set() isSet = is_set def set(self): """ Set the internal flag to true. """ self._threading_event.set() self._multiproc_event.set() def clear(self): """ Reset the internal flag to false. """ self._threading_event.clear() self._multiproc_event.clear() def wait(self, timeout=None): """ Block until the internal flag is true, or until the optional timeout occurs. """ return self._threading_event.wait(timeout=timeout) class ChildCore(BaseCore): """ A child process for :class:`Bcfg2.MultiprocessingCore.Core`. This core builds configurations from a given :class:`multiprocessing.Pipe`. Note that this is a full-fledged server core; the only input it gets from the parent process is the hostnames of clients to render. All other state comes from the FAM. However, this core only is used to render configs; it doesn't handle anything else (authentication, probes, etc.) because those are all much faster. There's no reason that it couldn't handle those, though, if the pipe communication "protocol" were made more robust. """ #: How long to wait while polling for new RPC commands. This #: doesn't affect the speed with which a command is processed, but #: setting it too high will result in longer shutdown times, since #: we only check for the termination event from the main process #: every ``poll_wait`` seconds. poll_wait = 3.0 def __init__(self, name, setup, rpc_pipe, cmd_q, terminate): """ :param name: The name of this child :type name: string :param setup: A Bcfg2 options dict :type setup: Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser :param rpc_pipe: The pipe used for RPC communication with the parent process :type rpc_pipe: multiprocessing.Pipe :param cmd_q: The queue used for one-way pub-sub communications from the parent process :type cmd_q: multiprocessing.Queue :param terminate: An event that flags ChildCore objects to shut themselves down. :type terminate: multiprocessing.Event """ BaseCore.__init__(self, setup) #: The name of this child self.name = name #: The pipe used for RPC communication with the parent self.rpc_pipe = rpc_pipe #: The queue used to receive pub-sub commands self.cmd_q = cmd_q #: The :class:`multiprocessing.Event` that will be monitored #: to determine when this child should shut down. self.terminate = terminate # a list of all rendering threads self._threads = [] # the thread used to process publish-subscribe commands self._command_thread = threading.Thread(name="CommandThread", target=self._dispatch_commands) # override this setting so that the child doesn't try to write # the pidfile self.setup['daemon'] = False # ensure that the child doesn't start a perflog thread self.perflog_thread = None def _run(self): self._command_thread.start() return True def _daemonize(self): return True def _dispatch_commands(self): """ Dispatch commands received via the pub-sub queue interface """ self.logger.debug("Starting %s RPC subscription thread" % self.name) while not self.terminate.is_set(): try: data = self.cmd_q.get(True, self.poll_wait) self.logger.debug("%s: Processing asynchronous command: %s" % (self.name, data[0])) self._dispatch(data) except Empty: pass self.logger.info("%s RPC subscription thread stopped" % self.name) def _dispatch_render(self): """ Dispatch render requests received via the RPC pipe interface """ key, data = self.rpc_pipe.recv() self.rpc_pipe.send((key, self._dispatch(data))) def _reap_threads(self): """ Reap rendering threads that have completed """ for thread in self._threads[:]: if not thread.is_alive(): self._threads.remove(thread) def _dispatch(self, data): """ Generic method dispatcher used for commands received from either the pub-sub queue or the RPC pipe. """ method, args, kwargs = data if not hasattr(self, method): self.logger.error("%s: Method %s does not exist" % (self.name, method)) return None func = getattr(self, method) if func.exposed: self.logger.debug("%s: Calling RPC method %s" % (self.name, method)) return func(*args, **kwargs) else: self.logger.error("%s: Method %s is not exposed" % (self.name, method)) return None def _block(self): while not self.terminate.isSet(): try: if self.rpc_pipe.poll(self.poll_wait): rpc_thread = threading.Thread( name="Renderer%s" % len(self._threads), target=self._dispatch_render) self._threads.append(rpc_thread) rpc_thread.start() self._reap_threads() except KeyboardInterrupt: break self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): BaseCore.shutdown(self) self._reap_threads() while len(threading.enumerate()) > 1: threads = [t for t in threading.enumerate() if t != threading.current_thread()] self.logger.info("%s: Waiting for %d thread(s): %s" % (self.name, len(threads), [t.name for t in threads])) time.sleep(1) self._reap_threads() self.logger.info("%s: All threads stopped" % self.name) @exposed def set_debug(self, address, debug): BaseCore.set_debug(self, address, debug) @exposed def expire_cache(self, client=None): """ Expire the metadata cache for a client """ self.metadata_cache.expire(client) @exposed def GetConfig(self, client): """ Render the configuration for a client """ self.logger.debug("%s: Building configuration for %s" % (self.name, client)) return lxml.etree.tostring(self.BuildConfiguration(client)) class Core(BuiltinCore): """ A multiprocessing core that delegates building the actual client configurations to :class:`Bcfg2.Server.MultiprocessingCore.ChildCore` objects. The parent process doesn't build any children itself; all calls to :func:`GetConfig` are delegated to children. All other calls are handled by the parent process. """ #: How long to wait for a child process to shut down cleanly #: before it is terminated. shutdown_timeout = 10.0 def __init__(self, setup): BuiltinCore.__init__(self, setup) if setup['children'] is None: setup['children'] = multiprocessing.cpu_count() #: A dict of child name -> #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.MultiprocessingCore.ThreadSafePipeDispatcher` #: objects used to pass render requests to that child. (The #: child is given the other end of the Pipe.) self.pipes = dict() #: A #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.MultiprocessingCore.PublishSubscribeQueue` #: object used to publish commands to all children. self.cmd_q = PublishSubscribeQueue() #: The flag that indicates when to stop child threads and #: processes self.terminate = DualEvent(threading_event=self.terminate) self.metadata_cache = DispatchingCache(queue=self.cmd_q) #: A list of children that will be cycled through self._all_children = [] #: An iterator that each child will be taken from in sequence, #: to provide a round-robin distribution of render requests self.children = None def _run(self): for cnum in range(self.setup['children']): name = "Child-%s" % cnum # create Pipe for render requests dispatcher = ThreadSafePipeDispatcher(self.terminate) self.pipes[name] = dispatcher self.logger.debug("Starting child %s" % name) childcore = ChildCore(name, self.setup, dispatcher.pipe[1], self.cmd_q.add_subscriber(), self.terminate) child = multiprocessing.Process(target=childcore.run, name=name) child.start() self.logger.debug("Child %s started with PID %s" % (name, child.pid)) self._all_children.append(name) self.logger.debug("Started %s children: %s" % (len(self._all_children), self._all_children)) self.children = cycle(self._all_children) return BuiltinCore._run(self) def shutdown(self): BuiltinCore.shutdown(self) self.logger.debug("Closing RPC command queues") self.cmd_q.close() def term_children(): """ Terminate all remaining multiprocessing children. """ for child in multiprocessing.active_children(): self.logger.error("Waited %s seconds to shut down %s, " "terminating" % (self.shutdown_timeout, child.name)) child.terminate() timer = threading.Timer(self.shutdown_timeout, term_children) timer.start() while len(multiprocessing.active_children()): self.logger.info("Waiting for %s child(ren): %s" % (len(multiprocessing.active_children()), [c.name for c in multiprocessing.active_children()])) time.sleep(1) timer.cancel() self.logger.info("All children shut down") while len(threading.enumerate()) > 1: threads = [t for t in threading.enumerate() if t != threading.current_thread()] self.logger.info("Waiting for %s thread(s): %s" % (len(threads), [t.name for t in threads])) time.sleep(1) self.logger.info("Shutdown complete") @exposed def set_debug(self, address, debug): self.cmd_q.put(("set_debug", [address, debug], dict())) self.metadata_cache.set_debug(debug) for pipe in self.pipes.values(): pipe.set_debug(debug) return BuiltinCore.set_debug(self, address, debug) @exposed def GetConfig(self, address): client = self.resolve_client(address)[0] childname = self.children.next() self.logger.debug("Building configuration for %s on %s" % (client, childname)) key = ThreadSafePipeDispatcher.genkey(client) pipe = self.pipes[childname] pipe.send(key, ("GetConfig", [client], dict())) return pipe.recv(key)