"""This provides bundle clauses with translation functionality.""" import os import re import sys import copy import fnmatch import lxml.etree from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import StructFile, Plugin, Structure, \ StructureValidator, XMLDirectoryBacked, Generator from Bcfg2.version import Bcfg2VersionInfo from genshi.template import TemplateError class BundleFile(StructFile): """ Representation of a bundle XML file """ bundle_name_re = re.compile(r'^(?P.*)\.(xml|genshi)$') def __init__(self, filename, should_monitor=False): StructFile.__init__(self, filename, should_monitor=should_monitor) if self.name.endswith(".genshi"): self.logger.warning("Bundler: %s: Bundle filenames ending with " ".genshi are deprecated; add the Genshi XML " "namespace to a .xml bundle instead" % self.name) def Index(self): StructFile.Index(self) if self.xdata.get("name"): self.logger.warning("Bundler: %s: Explicitly specifying bundle " "names is deprecated" % self.name) @property def bundle_name(self): """ The name of the bundle, as determined from the filename """ return self.bundle_name_re.match( os.path.basename(self.name)).group("name") class Bundler(Plugin, Structure, StructureValidator, XMLDirectoryBacked): """ The bundler creates dependent clauses based on the bundle/translation scheme from Bcfg1. """ __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' __child__ = BundleFile patterns = re.compile(r'^.*\.(?:xml|genshi)$') def __init__(self, core): Plugin.__init__(self, core) Structure.__init__(self) StructureValidator.__init__(self) XMLDirectoryBacked.__init__(self, self.data) #: Bundles by bundle name, rather than filename self.bundles = dict() def HandleEvent(self, event): XMLDirectoryBacked.HandleEvent(self, event) self.bundles = dict([(b.bundle_name, b) for b in list(self.entries.values())]) def validate_structures(self, metadata, structures): """ Translate entries into entries """ for struct in structures: for pathglob in struct.xpath("//Path[@glob]"): for plugin in self.core.plugins_by_type(Generator): for match in fnmatch.filter(list(plugin.Entries['Path'].keys()), pathglob.get("glob")): lxml.etree.SubElement(pathglob.getparent(), "Path", name=match) pathglob.getparent().remove(pathglob) def BuildStructures(self, metadata): bundleset = [] bundles = copy.copy(metadata.bundles) bundles_added = set(bundles) while bundles: bundlename = bundles.pop() try: bundle = self.bundles[bundlename] except KeyError: self.logger.error("Bundler: Bundle %s does not exist" % bundlename) continue try: data = bundle.XMLMatch(metadata) except TemplateError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Bundler: Failed to render templated bundle " "%s: %s" % (bundlename, err)) continue except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Bundler: Unexpected bundler error for %s" % bundlename, exc_info=e) continue if data.get("independent", "false").lower() == "true": data.tag = "Independent" del data.attrib['independent'] data.set("name", bundlename) for child in data.findall("Bundle"): if child.getchildren(): # XInclude'd bundle -- "flatten" it so there # aren't extra Bundle tags, since other bits in # Bcfg2 only handle the direct children of the # top-level Bundle tag if data.get("name"): self.logger.warning("Bundler: In file XIncluded from " "%s: Explicitly specifying " "bundle names is deprecated" % self.name) for el in child.getchildren(): data.append(el) data.remove(child) else: # no children -- wat self.logger.warning("Bundler: Useless empty Bundle tag " "in %s" % self.name) data.remove(child) for child in data.findall('RequiredBundle'): if child.get("name"): # dependent bundle -- add it to the list of # bundles for this client if child.get("name") not in bundles_added: bundles.add(child.get("name")) bundles_added.add(child.get("name")) if child.get('inherit_modification', 'false') == 'true': if metadata.version_info >= \ Bcfg2VersionInfo('1.4.0pre2'): lxml.etree.SubElement(data, 'BoundBundle', name=child.get('name')) else: self.logger.warning( 'Bundler: inherit_modification="true" is ' 'only supported for clients starting ' '1.4.0pre2') data.remove(child) else: # no name -- wat self.logger.warning('Bundler: Missing required name in ' 'RequiredBundle tag in %s' % self.name) data.remove(child) bundleset.append(data) return bundleset