""" Handle encrypted Genshi templates (.crypt.genshi or .genshi.crypt files) """ from genshi.template import TemplateLoader from Bcfg2.Compat import StringIO from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PluginExecutionError from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Cfg.CfgGenshiGenerator import CfgGenshiGenerator try: from Bcfg2.Server.Encryption import bruteforce_decrypt HAS_CRYPTO = True except ImportError: HAS_CRYPTO = False class EncryptedTemplateLoader(TemplateLoader): """ Subclass :class:`genshi.template.TemplateLoader` to decrypt the data on the fly as it's read in using :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Encryption.bruteforce_decrypt` """ def _instantiate(self, cls, fileobj, filepath, filename, encoding=None): plaintext = StringIO(bruteforce_decrypt(fileobj.read())) return TemplateLoader._instantiate(self, cls, plaintext, filepath, filename, encoding=encoding) class CfgEncryptedGenshiGenerator(CfgGenshiGenerator): """ CfgEncryptedGenshiGenerator lets you encrypt your Genshi :ref:`server-plugins-generators-cfg` files on the server """ #: handle .crypt.genshi or .genshi.crypt files __extensions__ = ['genshi.crypt', 'crypt.genshi'] #: Override low priority from parent class __priority__ = 0 #: Use a TemplateLoader class that decrypts the data on the fly #: when it's read in __loader_cls__ = EncryptedTemplateLoader def __init__(self, fname, spec, encoding): CfgGenshiGenerator.__init__(self, fname, spec, encoding) if not HAS_CRYPTO: raise PluginExecutionError("M2Crypto is not available")