"""This plugin provides automatic dependency handling.""" import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin class DNode(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.INode): """DNode provides supports for single predicate types for dependencies.""" def _load_children(self, data, idict): for item in data.getchildren(): if item.tag in self.containers: self.children.append(self.__class__(item, idict, self)) else: data = [(child.tag, child.get('name')) for child in item.getchildren()] try: self.contents[item.tag][item.get('name')] = data except KeyError: self.contents[item.tag] = {item.get('name'): data} class DepXMLSrc(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.XMLSrc): __node__ = DNode class Deps(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PrioDir, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator): name = 'Deps' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' __child__ = DepXMLSrc # Override the default sort_order (of 500) so that this plugin # gets handled after others running at the default. In particular, # we want to run after Packages, so we can see the final set of # packages that will be installed on the client. sort_order = 750 def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PrioDir.__init__(self, core, datastore) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator.__init__(self) self.cache = {} def HandleEvent(self, event): self.cache = {} Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PrioDir.HandleEvent(self, event) def validate_structures(self, metadata, structures): """Examine the passed structures and append any additional prerequisite entries as defined by the files in Deps. """ entries = [] for structure in structures: for entry in structure.getchildren(): tag = entry.tag if tag.startswith('Bound'): tag = tag[5:] if (tag, entry.get('name')) not in entries \ and not isinstance(entry, lxml.etree._Comment): entries.append((tag, entry.get('name'))) entries.sort() entries = tuple(entries) gdata = list(metadata.groups) gdata.sort() gdata = tuple(gdata) # Check to see if we have cached the prereqs already if (entries, gdata) in self.cache: prereqs = self.cache[(entries, gdata)] else: prereqs = self.calculate_prereqs(metadata, entries) self.cache[(entries, gdata)] = prereqs newstruct = lxml.etree.Element("Independent") for tag, name in prereqs: try: lxml.etree.SubElement(newstruct, tag, name=name) except: self.logger.error("Failed to add dep entry for %s:%s" % (tag, name)) structures.append(newstruct) def calculate_prereqs(self, metadata, entries): """Calculate the prerequisites defined in Deps for the passed set of entries. """ prereqs = [] [src.Cache(metadata) for src in self.entries.values()] toexamine = list(entries[:]) while toexamine: entry = toexamine.pop() matching = [src for src in list(self.entries.values()) if src.cache and entry[0] in src.cache[1] and entry[1] in src.cache[1][entry[0]]] if len(matching) > 1: prio = [int(src.priority) for src in matching] if prio.count(max(prio)) > 1: self.logger.error("Found conflicting %s sources with same priority for %s, pkg %s" % (entry[0].lower(), metadata.hostname, entry[1])) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError index = prio.index(max(prio)) matching = [matching[index]] elif len(matching) == 1: for prq in matching[0].cache[1][entry[0]][entry[1]]: # XML comments seem to show up in the cache as a # tuple with item 0 being callable. The logic # below filters them out. Would be better to # exclude them when we load the cache in the first # place. if prq not in prereqs and prq not in entries and not callable(prq[0]): toexamine.append(prq) prereqs.append(prq) else: continue return prereqs