import re import gzip from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import Source from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import cPickle, file class AptCollection(Collection): def get_group(self, group): self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported by APT") return [] class AptSource(Source): basegroups = ['apt', 'debian', 'ubuntu', 'nexenta'] ptype = 'deb' essentialpkgs = set() def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, config): Source.__init__(self, basepath, xsource, config) self.pkgnames = set() self.url_map = [{'rawurl': self.rawurl, 'url': self.url, 'version': self.version, 'components': self.components, 'arches': self.arches}] def save_state(self): cache = file(self.cachefile, 'wb') cPickle.dump((self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides), cache, 2) cache.close() def load_state(self): data = file(self.cachefile) self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides = cPickle.load(data) def filter_unknown(self, unknown): filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('choice')]) unknown.difference_update(filtered) def get_urls(self): if not self.rawurl: rv = [] for part in self.components: for arch in self.arches: rv.append("%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % (self.url, self.version, part, arch)) return rv else: return ["%sPackages.gz" % self.rawurl] urls = property(get_urls) def read_files(self): bdeps = dict() bprov = dict() depfnames = ['Depends', 'Pre-Depends'] if self.recommended: depfnames.append('Recommends') for fname in self.files: if not self.rawurl: barch = [x for x in fname.split('@') if x.startswith('binary-')][0][7:] else: # RawURL entries assume that they only have one # element and that it is the architecture of the source. barch = self.arches[0] if barch not in bdeps: bdeps[barch] = dict() bprov[barch] = dict() try: reader = gzip.GzipFile(fname) except: self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to read file %s" % fname) raise for line in reader.readlines(): words = str(line.strip()).split(':', 1) if words[0] == 'Package': pkgname = words[1].strip().rstrip() self.pkgnames.add(pkgname) bdeps[barch][pkgname] = [] elif words[0] == 'Essential' and self.essential: self.essentialpkgs.add(pkgname) elif words[0] in depfnames: vindex = 0 for dep in words[1].split(','): if '|' in dep: cdeps = [re.sub('\s+', '', re.sub('\(.*\)', '', cdep)) for cdep in dep.split('|')] dyn_dname = "choice-%s-%s-%s" % (pkgname, barch, vindex) vindex += 1 bdeps[barch][pkgname].append(dyn_dname) bprov[barch][dyn_dname] = set(cdeps) else: raw_dep = re.sub('\(.*\)', '', dep) raw_dep = raw_dep.rstrip().strip() bdeps[barch][pkgname].append(raw_dep) elif words[0] == 'Provides': for pkg in words[1].split(','): dname = pkg.rstrip().strip() if dname not in bprov[barch]: bprov[barch][dname] = set() bprov[barch][dname].add(pkgname) self.deps['global'] = dict() self.provides['global'] = dict() for barch in bdeps: self.deps[barch] = dict() self.provides[barch] = dict() for pkgname in self.pkgnames: pset = set() for barch in bdeps: if pkgname not in bdeps[barch]: bdeps[barch][pkgname] = [] pset.add(tuple(bdeps[barch][pkgname])) if len(pset) == 1: self.deps['global'][pkgname] = pset.pop() else: for barch in bdeps: self.deps[barch][pkgname] = bdeps[barch][pkgname] provided = set() for bprovided in list(bprov.values()): provided.update(set(bprovided)) for prov in provided: prset = set() for barch in bprov: if prov not in bprov[barch]: continue prset.add(tuple(bprov[barch].get(prov, ()))) if len(prset) == 1: self.provides['global'][prov] = prset.pop() else: for barch in bprov: self.provides[barch][prov] = bprov[barch].get(prov, ()) self.save_state() def is_package(self, _, pkg): return (pkg in self.pkgnames and pkg not in self.blacklist and (len(self.whitelist) == 0 or pkg in self.whitelist))