import tarfile from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import _Collection from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import Source class PacCollection(_Collection): pass class PacSource(Source): basegroups = ['arch', 'parabola'] ptype = 'pacman' def get_urls(self): if not self.rawurl: rv = [] for part in self.components: for arch in self.arches: rv.append("%s%s/os/%s/%s.db.tar.gz" % (self.url, part, arch, part)) return rv else: raise Exception("PacSource : RAWUrl not supported (yet)") urls = property(get_urls) def read_files(self): bdeps = dict() bprov = dict() depfnames = ['Depends', 'Pre-Depends'] if self.recommended: depfnames.append('Recommends') for fname in self.files: if not self.rawurl: barch = [x for x in fname.split('@') if x in self.arches][0] else: # RawURL entries assume that they only have one # element and that it is the architecture of the source. barch = self.arches[0] if barch not in bdeps: bdeps[barch] = dict() bprov[barch] = dict() try: self.debug_log("Packages: try to read %s" % fname) tar =, "r") except: self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to read file %s" % fname) raise for tarinfo in tar: if tarinfo.isdir(): self.pkgnames.add("-", 2)[0]) self.debug_log("Packages: added %s" %"-", 2)[0]) tar.close() self.process_files(bdeps, bprov)