import os import re import sys import copy import socket import logging import lxml.etree from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin from Bcfg2.Compat import StringIO, cPickle, HTTPError, URLError, \ ConfigParser from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import SourceInitError, Source, \ fetch_url logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from pulp.client.consumer.config import ConsumerConfig from pulp.client.api.repository import RepositoryAPI from pulp.client.api.consumer import ConsumerAPI from pulp.client.api import server has_pulp = True except ImportError: has_pulp = False try: import yum has_yum = True except ImportError: has_yum = False"Packages: No yum libraries found; forcing use of internal " "dependency resolver") try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json XP = '{}' RP = '{}' RPO = '{}' FL = '{}' PULPSERVER = None PULPCONFIG = None def _setup_pulp(setup): global PULPSERVER, PULPCONFIG if not has_pulp: msg = "Packages: Cannot create Pulp collection: Pulp libraries not found" logger.error(msg) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg) if PULPSERVER is None: try: username = setup.cfp.get("packages:pulp", "username") password = setup.cfp.get("packages:pulp", "password") except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: msg = "Packages: No [pulp] section found in Packages/packages.conf" logger.error(msg) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: msg = "Packages: Required option not found in Packages/packages.conf: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1] logger.error(msg) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg) PULPCONFIG = ConsumerConfig() serveropts = PULPCONFIG.server PULPSERVER = server.PulpServer(serveropts['host'], int(serveropts['port']), serveropts['scheme'], serveropts['path']) PULPSERVER.set_basic_auth_credentials(username, password) server.set_active_server(PULPSERVER) return PULPSERVER class YumCollection(Collection): # options that are included in the [yum] section but that should # not be included in the temporary yum.conf we write out option_blacklist = ["use_yum_libraries", "helper"] def __init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False): Collection.__init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=debug) self.keypath = os.path.join(self.basepath, "keys") if self.use_yum: self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.cachepath, "cache-%s" % self.cachekey) if not os.path.exists(self.cachefile): os.mkdir(self.cachefile) self.cfgfile = os.path.join(self.cachefile, "yum.conf") self.write_config() if has_pulp and self.has_pulp_sources: _setup_pulp(self.setup) self._helper = None @property def helper(self): try: return self.setup.cfp.get("packages:yum", "helper") except: pass if not self._helper: # first see if bcfg2-yum-helper is in PATH try: Popen(['bcfg2-yum-helper'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).wait() self._helper = 'bcfg2-yum-helper' except OSError: self._helper = "/usr/sbin/bcfg2-yum-helper" return self._helper @property def use_yum(self): return has_yum and self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages:yum", "use_yum_libraries", default=False) @property def has_pulp_sources(self): """ see if there are any pulp sources to handle """ for source in self.sources: if source.pulp_id: return True return False def write_config(self): if not os.path.exists(self.cfgfile): yumconf = self.get_config(raw=True) yumconf.add_section("main") # we set installroot to the cache directory so # bcfg2-yum-helper works with an empty rpmdb. otherwise # the rpmdb is so hopelessly intertwined with yum that we # have to totally reinvent the dependency resolver. mainopts = dict(cachedir='/', installroot=self.cachefile, keepcache="0", debuglevel="0", sslverify="0", reposdir="/dev/null") if self.setup['debug']: mainopts['debuglevel'] = "5" elif self.setup['verbose']: mainopts['debuglevel'] = "2" try: for opt in self.setup.cfp.options("packages:yum"): if opt not in self.option_blacklist: mainopts[opt] = self.setup.cfp.get("packages:yum", opt) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: pass for opt, val in list(mainopts.items()): yumconf.set("main", opt, val) yumconf.write(open(self.cfgfile, 'w')) def get_config(self, raw=False): config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() for source in self.sources: for url_map in source.url_map: if url_map['arch'] not in self.metadata.groups: continue basereponame = source.get_repo_name(url_map) reponame = basereponame added = False while not added: try: config.add_section(reponame) added = True except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError: match ="-(\d+)", reponame) if match: rid = int( + 1 else: rid = 1 reponame = "%s-%d" % (basereponame, rid) config.set(reponame, "name", reponame) config.set(reponame, "baseurl", url_map['url']) config.set(reponame, "enabled", "1") if len(source.gpgkeys): config.set(reponame, "gpgcheck", "1") config.set(reponame, "gpgkey", " ".join(source.gpgkeys)) else: config.set(reponame, "gpgcheck", "0") if len(source.blacklist): config.set(reponame, "exclude", " ".join(source.blacklist)) if len(source.whitelist): config.set(reponame, "includepkgs", " ".join(source.whitelist)) if raw: opts = source.server_options else: opts = source.client_options for opt, val in opts.items(): config.set(reponame, opt, val) if raw: return config else: # configparser only writes to file, so we have to use a # StringIO object to get the data out as a string buf = StringIO() config.write(buf) return "# This config was generated automatically by the Bcfg2 " \ "Packages plugin\n\n" + buf.getvalue() def build_extra_structures(self, independent): """ build list of gpg keys to be added to the specification by validate_structures() """ needkeys = set() for source in self.sources: for key in source.gpgkeys: needkeys.add(key) if len(needkeys): if has_yum: # this must be be has_yum, not use_yum, because # regardless of whether the user wants to use the yum # resolver we want to include gpg key data keypkg = lxml.etree.Element('BoundPackage', name="gpg-pubkey", type=self.ptype, origin='Packages') else: self.logger.warning("GPGKeys were specified for yum sources in " "sources.xml, but no yum libraries were " "found") self.logger.warning("GPG key version/release data cannot be " "determined automatically") self.logger.warning("Install yum libraries, or manage GPG keys " "manually") keypkg = None for key in needkeys: # figure out the path of the key on the client keydir = self.setup.cfp.get("global", "gpg_keypath", default="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg") remotekey = os.path.join(keydir, os.path.basename(key)) localkey = os.path.join(self.keypath, os.path.basename(key)) kdata = open(localkey).read() # copy the key to the client keypath = lxml.etree.Element("BoundPath", name=remotekey, encoding='ascii', owner='root', group='root', type='file', perms='0644', important='true') keypath.text = kdata # hook to add version/release info if possible self._add_gpg_instances(keypkg, kdata, localkey, remotekey) independent.append(keypath) if keypkg is not None: independent.append(keypkg) if self.has_pulp_sources: consumerapi = ConsumerAPI() consumer = self._get_pulp_consumer(consumerapi=consumerapi) if consumer is None: consumer = consumerapi.create(self.metadata.hostname, self.metadata.hostname) lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, "BoundAction", name="pulp-update", timing="pre", when="always", status="check", command="pulp-consumer consumer update") for source in self.sources: # each pulp source can only have one arch, so we don't # have to check the arch in url_map if (source.pulp_id and source.pulp_id not in consumer['repoids']): consumerapi.bind(self.metadata.hostname, source.pulp_id) crt = lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, "BoundPath", name="/etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem", type="file", owner="root", group="root", perms="0644") crt.text = consumerapi.certificate(self.metadata.hostname) def _get_pulp_consumer(self, consumerapi=None): if consumerapi is None: consumerapi = ConsumerAPI() consumer = None try: consumer = consumerapi.consumer(self.metadata.hostname) except server.ServerRequestError: # consumer does not exist pass except socket.error: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Could not contact Pulp server: %s" % err) except: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Unknown error querying Pulp server: %s" % err) return consumer def _add_gpg_instances(self, keyentry, keydata, localkey, remotekey): """ add gpg keys to the specification to ensure they get installed """ # this must be be has_yum, not use_yum, because regardless of # whether the user wants to use the yum resolver we want to # include gpg key data if not has_yum: return try: kinfo = yum.misc.getgpgkeyinfo(keydata) version = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(kinfo['keyid']) release = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(kinfo['timestamp']) lxml.etree.SubElement(keyentry, 'Instance', version=version, release=release, simplefile=remotekey) except ValueError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Could not read GPG key %s: %s" % (localkey, err)) def is_package(self, package): if not self.use_yum: return Collection.is_package(self, package) elif isinstance(package, tuple): if package[1] is None and package[2] == (None, None, None): package = package[0] else: return None else: # this should really never get called; it's just provided # for API completeness return self.call_helper("is_package", package) def is_virtual_package(self, package): if not self.use_yum: return Collection.is_virtual_package(self, package) else: # this should really never get called; it's just provided # for API completeness return self.call_helper("is_virtual_package", package) def get_deps(self, package): if not self.use_yum: return Collection.get_deps(self, package) else: # this should really never get called; it's just provided # for API completeness return self.call_helper("get_deps", package) def get_provides(self, required, all=False, silent=False): if not self.use_yum: return Collection.get_provides(self, package) else: # this should really never get called; it's just provided # for API completeness return self.call_helper("get_provides", package) def get_groups(self, grouplist): if not self.use_yum: self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported by " "Bcfg2's internal Yum dependency generator") return dict() if not grouplist: return dict() gdicts = [] for group, ptype in grouplist: if group.startswith("@"): group = group[1:] if not ptype: ptype = "default" gdicts.append(dict(group=group, type=ptype)) return self.call_helper("get_groups", gdicts) def get_group(self, group, ptype="default"): if not self.use_yum: self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported by " "Bcfg2's internal Yum dependency generator") return [] if group.startswith("@"): group = group[1:] return self.call_helper("get_group", dict(group=group, type=ptype)) def packages_from_entry(self, entry): rv = set() name = entry.get("name") def _tag_to_pkg(tag): rv = (name, tag.get("arch"), tag.get("epoch"), tag.get("version"), tag.get("release")) # if a package requires no specific version, we just use # the name, not the tuple. this limits the amount of JSON # encoding/decoding that has to be done to pass the # package list to bcfg2-yum-helper. if rv[1:] == (None, None, None, None): return name else: return rv for inst in entry.getchildren(): if inst.tag != "Instance": continue rv.add(_tag_to_pkg(inst)) if not rv: rv.add(_tag_to_pkg(entry)) return list(rv) def packages_to_entry(self, pkglist, entry): def _get_entry_attrs(pkgtup): attrs = dict(version=self.setup.cfp.get("packages", "version", default="auto")) if attrs['version'] == 'any': return attrs if pkgtup[1]: attrs['arch'] = pkgtup[1] if pkgtup[2]: attrs['epoch'] = pkgtup[2] if pkgtup[3]: attrs['version'] = pkgtup[3] if pkgtup[4]: attrs['release'] = pkgtup[4] return attrs packages = dict() for pkg in pkglist: try: packages[pkg[0]].append(pkg) except KeyError: packages[pkg[0]] = [pkg] for name, instances in packages.items(): pkgattrs = dict(type=self.ptype, origin='Packages', name=name) if len(instances) > 1: pkg_el = lxml.etree.SubElement(entry, 'BoundPackage', **pkgattrs) for inst in instances: lxml.etree.SubElement(pkg_el, "Instance", _get_entry_attrs(inst)) else: attrs = _get_entry_attrs(instances[0]) attrs.update(pkgattrs) lxml.etree.SubElement(entry, 'BoundPackage', **attrs) def get_new_packages(self, initial, complete): initial_names = [] for pkg in initial: if isinstance(pkg, tuple): initial_names.append(pkg[0]) else: initial_names.append(pkg) new = [] for pkg in complete: if pkg[0] not in initial_names: new.append(pkg) return new def complete(self, packagelist): if not self.use_yum: return Collection.complete(self, packagelist) if packagelist: result = \ self.call_helper("complete", dict(packages=list(packagelist), groups=list(self.get_relevant_groups()))) if not result: # some sort of error, reported by call_helper() return set(), packagelist # json doesn't understand sets or tuples, so we get back a # lists of lists (packages) and a list of unicode strings # (unknown). turn those into a set of tuples and a set of # strings, respectively. unknown = set([str(u) for u in result['unknown']]) packages = set([tuple(p) for p in result['packages']]) self.filter_unknown(unknown) return packages, unknown else: return set(), set() def call_helper(self, command, input=None): """ Make a call to bcfg2-yum-helper. The yum libs have horrific memory leaks, so apparently the right way to get around that in long-running processes it to have a short-lived helper. No, seriously -- check out the yum-updatesd code. It's pure madness. """ cmd = [self.helper, "-c", self.cfgfile] verbose = self.debug_flag or self.setup['verbose'] if verbose: cmd.append("-v") cmd.append(command) self.debug_log("Packages: running %s" % " ".join(cmd), flag=verbose) try: helper = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to execute %s: %s" % (" ".join(cmd), err)) return None if input: idata = json.dumps(input) (stdout, stderr) = helper.communicate(idata) else: (stdout, stderr) = helper.communicate() rv = helper.wait() if rv: self.logger.error("Packages: error running bcfg2-yum-helper " "(returned %d): %s" % (rv, stderr)) else: self.debug_log("Packages: debug info from bcfg2-yum-helper: %s" % stderr, flag=verbose) try: return json.loads(stdout) except ValueError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: error reading bcfg2-yum-helper " "output: %s" % err) return None def setup_data(self, force_update=False): if not self.use_yum: return Collection.setup_data(self, force_update) if force_update: # we call this twice: one to clean up data from the old # config, and once to clean up data from the new config self.call_helper("clean") os.unlink(self.cfgfile) self.write_config() if force_update: self.call_helper("clean") class YumSource(Source): basegroups = ['yum', 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'] ptype = 'yum' def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup): Source.__init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup) self.pulp_id = None if has_pulp and xsource.get("pulp_id"): self.pulp_id = xsource.get("pulp_id") _setup_pulp(self.setup) repoapi = RepositoryAPI() try: self.repo = repoapi.repository(self.pulp_id) self.gpgkeys = [os.path.join(PULPCONFIG.cds['keyurl'], key) for key in repoapi.listkeys(self.pulp_id)] except server.ServerRequestError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err[0] == 401: msg = "Packages: Error authenticating to Pulp: %s" % err[1] elif err[0] == 404: msg = "Packages: Pulp repo id %s not found: %s" % \ (self.pulp_id, err[1]) else: msg = "Packages: Error %d fetching pulp repo %s: %s" % \ (err[0], self.pulp_id, err[1]) raise SourceInitError(msg) except socket.error: err = sys.exc_info()[1] raise SourceInitError("Could not contact Pulp server: %s" % err) except: err = sys.exc_info()[1] raise SourceInitError("Unknown error querying Pulp server: %s" % err) self.rawurl = "%s/%s" % (PULPCONFIG.cds['baseurl'], self.repo['relative_path']) self.arches = [self.repo['arch']] self.packages = dict() self.deps = dict([('global', dict())]) self.provides = dict([('global', dict())]) self.filemap = dict([(x, dict()) for x in ['global'] + self.arches]) self.needed_paths = set() self.file_to_arch = dict() @property def use_yum(self): return has_yum and self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages:yum", "use_yum_libraries", default=False) def save_state(self): if not self.use_yum: cache = open(self.cachefile, 'wb') cPickle.dump((self.packages, self.deps, self.provides, self.filemap, self.url_map), cache, 2) cache.close() def load_state(self): if not self.use_yum: data = open(self.cachefile) (self.packages, self.deps, self.provides, self.filemap, self.url_map) = cPickle.load(data) def get_urls(self): return [self._get_urls_from_repodata(m['url'], m['arch']) for m in self.url_map] urls = property(get_urls) def _get_urls_from_repodata(self, url, arch): if self.use_yum: return [url] rmdurl = '%srepodata/repomd.xml' % url try: repomd = fetch_url(rmdurl) xdata = lxml.etree.XML(repomd) except ValueError: self.logger.error("Packages: Bad url string %s" % rmdurl) return [] except URLError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. %s" % (rmdurl, err)) return [] except HTTPError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. code=%s" % (rmdurl, err.code)) return [] except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to process metadata at %s: %s" % (rmdurl, err)) return [] urls = [] for elt in xdata.findall(RPO + 'data'): if elt.get('type') in ['filelists', 'primary']: floc = elt.find(RPO + 'location') fullurl = url + floc.get('href') urls.append(fullurl) self.file_to_arch[self.escape_url(fullurl)] = arch return urls def read_files(self): # we have to read primary.xml first, and filelists.xml afterwards; primaries = list() filelists = list() for fname in self.files: if fname.endswith('primary.xml.gz'): primaries.append(fname) elif fname.endswith('filelists.xml.gz'): filelists.append(fname) for fname in primaries: farch = self.file_to_arch[fname] fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot() self.parse_primary(fdata, farch) for fname in filelists: farch = self.file_to_arch[fname] fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot() self.parse_filelist(fdata, farch) # merge data sdata = list(self.packages.values()) try: self.packages['global'] = copy.deepcopy(sdata.pop()) except IndexError: logger.error("Packages: No packages in repo") while sdata: self.packages['global'] = \ self.packages['global'].intersection(sdata.pop()) for key in self.packages: if key == 'global': continue self.packages[key] = \ self.packages[key].difference(self.packages['global']) self.save_state() def parse_filelist(self, data, arch): if arch not in self.filemap: self.filemap[arch] = dict() for pkg in data.findall(FL + 'package'): for fentry in pkg.findall(FL + 'file'): if fentry.text in self.needed_paths: if fentry.text in self.filemap[arch]: self.filemap[arch][fentry.text].add(pkg.get('name')) else: self.filemap[arch][fentry.text] = \ set([pkg.get('name')]) def parse_primary(self, data, arch): if arch not in self.packages: self.packages[arch] = set() if arch not in self.deps: self.deps[arch] = dict() if arch not in self.provides: self.provides[arch] = dict() for pkg in data.getchildren(): if not pkg.tag.endswith('package'): continue pkgname = pkg.find(XP + 'name').text self.packages[arch].add(pkgname) pdata = pkg.find(XP + 'format') self.deps[arch][pkgname] = set() pre = pdata.find(RP + 'requires') if pre is not None: for entry in pre.getchildren(): self.deps[arch][pkgname].add(entry.get('name')) if entry.get('name').startswith('/'): self.needed_paths.add(entry.get('name')) pro = pdata.find(RP + 'provides') if pro != None: for entry in pro.getchildren(): prov = entry.get('name') if prov not in self.provides[arch]: self.provides[arch][prov] = list() self.provides[arch][prov].append(pkgname) def is_package(self, metadata, item): arch = [a for a in self.arches if a in metadata.groups] if not arch: return False return ((item in self.packages['global'] or item in self.packages[arch[0]]) and item not in self.blacklist and (len(self.whitelist) == 0 or item in self.whitelist)) def get_vpkgs(self, metadata): if self.use_yum: return dict() rv = Source.get_vpkgs(self, metadata) for arch, fmdata in list(self.filemap.items()): if arch not in metadata.groups and arch != 'global': continue for filename, pkgs in list(fmdata.items()): rv[filename] = pkgs return rv def filter_unknown(self, unknown): if self.use_yum: filtered = set() for unk in unknown: try: if unk.startswith('rpmlib'): filtered.update(unk) except AttributeError: try: if unk[0].startswith('rpmlib'): filtered.update(unk) except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass else: filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('rpmlib')]) unknown.difference_update(filtered) def setup_data(self, force_update=False): if not self.use_yum: Source.setup_data(self, force_update=force_update) def get_repo_name(self, url_map): if self.pulp_id: return self.pulp_id else: return Source.get_repo_name(self, url_map)