""" Yum backend for :mod:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages`. This module is the most complex backend because it has to handle Yum sources without yum Python libraries, with yum Python libraries, and Pulp sources. (See :ref:`native-yum-libraries` for details on using the yum Python libraries and :ref:`pulp-source-support` for details on Pulp sources.) .. _bcfg2-yum-helper: bcfg2-yum-helper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If using the yum Python libraries, :class:`YumCollection` makes shell calls to an external command, ``bcfg2-yum-helper``, which performs the actual yum API calls. This is done because the yum libs have horrific memory leaks, and apparently the right way to get around that in long-running processes it to have a short-lived helper. This is how it's done by yum itself in ``yum-updatesd``, which is a long-running daemon that checks for and applies updates. .. _yum-pkg-objects: Package Objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` objects have the option to translate from some backend-specific representation of packages to XML entries; see :ref:`pkg-objects` for more information on this. If you are using the Python yum libraries, :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Yum.YumCollection` opts to do this, using the yum tuple representation of packages, which is:: (, , , , ) For shorthand this is occasionally abbrevated "naevr". Any datum that is not defined is ``None``. So a normal package entry that can be any version would be passed to :ref:`bcfg2-yum-helper` as:: ("somepackage", None, None, None, None) A package returned from the helper might look more like this:: ("somepackage", "x86_64", None, "1.2.3", "1.el6") We translate between this representation and the XML representation of packages with :func:`YumCollection.packages_from_entry` and :func:`YumCollection.packages_to_entry`. The Yum Backend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """ import os import re import sys import copy import socket import logging import lxml.etree from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin # pylint: disable=W0622 from Bcfg2.Compat import StringIO, cPickle, HTTPError, URLError, \ ConfigParser, any # pylint: enable=W0622 from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source import SourceInitError, Source, \ fetch_url LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=E0611 try: from pulp.client.consumer.config import ConsumerConfig from pulp.client.api.repository import RepositoryAPI from pulp.client.api.consumer import ConsumerAPI from pulp.client.api import server HAS_PULP = True except ImportError: HAS_PULP = False # pylint: enable=E0611 try: import yum try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json HAS_YUM = True except ImportError: HAS_YUM = False LOGGER.info("Packages: No yum libraries found; forcing use of internal " "dependency resolver") XP = '{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/common}' RP = '{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/rpm}' RPO = '{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}' FL = '{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/filelists}' PULPSERVER = None PULPCONFIG = None def _setup_pulp(setup): """ Connect to a Pulp server and pass authentication credentials. This only needs to be called once, but multiple calls won't hurt anything. :param setup: A Bcfg2 options dict :type setup: dict :returns: :class:`pulp.client.api.server.PulpServer` """ global PULPSERVER, PULPCONFIG if not HAS_PULP: msg = "Packages: Cannot create Pulp collection: Pulp libraries " + \ "not found" LOGGER.error(msg) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg) if PULPSERVER is None: try: username = setup.cfp.get("packages:pulp", "username") password = setup.cfp.get("packages:pulp", "password") except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: msg = "Packages: No [pulp] section found in bcfg2.conf" LOGGER.error(msg) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: msg = "Packages: Required option not found in bcfg2.conf: %s" % \ sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.error(msg) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg) PULPCONFIG = ConsumerConfig() serveropts = PULPCONFIG.server PULPSERVER = server.PulpServer(serveropts['host'], int(serveropts['port']), serveropts['scheme'], serveropts['path']) PULPSERVER.set_basic_auth_credentials(username, password) server.set_active_server(PULPSERVER) return PULPSERVER class YumCollection(Collection): """ Handle collections of Yum sources. If we're using the yum Python libraries, then this becomes a very full-featured :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` object; if not, then it defers to the :class:`YumSource` object. .. private-include: _add_gpg_instances, _get_pulp_consumer """ #: Options that are included in the [packages:yum] section of the #: config but that should not be included in the temporary #: yum.conf we write out option_blacklist = ["use_yum_libraries", "helper"] def __init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=False): Collection.__init__(self, metadata, sources, basepath, debug=debug) self.keypath = os.path.join(self.basepath, "keys") if self.use_yum: #: Define a unique cache file for this collection to use #: for cached yum metadata self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.basepath, "cache-%s" % self.cachekey) if not os.path.exists(self.cachefile): os.mkdir(self.cachefile) #: The path to the server-side config file used when #: resolving packages with the Python yum libraries self.cfgfile = os.path.join(self.cachefile, "yum.conf") self.write_config() else: self.cachefile = None if HAS_PULP and self.has_pulp_sources: _setup_pulp(self.setup) self._helper = None @property def __package_groups__(self): """ YumCollections support package groups only if :attr:`use_yum` is True """ return self.use_yum @property def helper(self): """ The full path to :file:`bcfg2-yum-helper`. First, we check in the config file to see if it has been explicitly specified; next we see if it's in $PATH (which we do by making a call to it; I wish there was a way to do this without forking, but apparently not); finally we check in /usr/sbin, the default location. """ try: return self.setup.cfp.get("packages:yum", "helper") except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): pass if not self._helper: # first see if bcfg2-yum-helper is in PATH try: Popen(['bcfg2-yum-helper'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).wait() self._helper = 'bcfg2-yum-helper' except OSError: self._helper = "/usr/sbin/bcfg2-yum-helper" return self._helper @property def use_yum(self): """ True if we should use the yum Python libraries, False otherwise """ return HAS_YUM and self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages:yum", "use_yum_libraries", default=False) @property def has_pulp_sources(self): """ True if there are any Pulp sources to handle, False otherwise """ return any(s.pulp_id for s in self) @property def cachefiles(self): """ A list of the full path to all cachefiles used by this collection.""" cachefiles = set(Collection.cachefiles(self)) if self.cachefile: cachefiles.add(self.cachefile) return list(cachefiles) @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def write_config(self): """ Write the server-side config file to :attr:`cfgfile` based on the data from :func:`get_config`""" if not os.path.exists(self.cfgfile): yumconf = self.get_config(raw=True) yumconf.add_section("main") # we set installroot to the cache directory so # bcfg2-yum-helper works with an empty rpmdb. otherwise # the rpmdb is so hopelessly intertwined with yum that we # have to totally reinvent the dependency resolver. mainopts = dict(cachedir='/', installroot=self.cachefile, keepcache="0", debuglevel="0", sslverify="0", reposdir="/dev/null") if self.setup['debug']: mainopts['debuglevel'] = "5" elif self.setup['verbose']: mainopts['debuglevel'] = "2" try: for opt in self.setup.cfp.options("packages:yum"): if opt not in self.option_blacklist: mainopts[opt] = self.setup.cfp.get("packages:yum", opt) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: pass for opt, val in list(mainopts.items()): yumconf.set("main", opt, val) yumconf.write(open(self.cfgfile, 'w')) def get_config(self, raw=False): # pylint: disable=W0221 """ Get the yum configuration for this collection. :param raw: Return a :class:`ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser` object representing the configuration instead of a string. This is useful if you need to modify the config before writing it (as :func:`write_config` does in order to produce a server-specific configuration). :type raw: bool :returns: string or ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser """ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() for source in self: for url_map in source.url_map: if url_map['arch'] not in self.metadata.groups: continue basereponame = source.get_repo_name(url_map) reponame = basereponame added = False while not added: try: config.add_section(reponame) added = True except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError: match = re.search("-(\d+)", reponame) if match: rid = int(match.group(1)) + 1 else: rid = 1 reponame = "%s-%d" % (basereponame, rid) config.set(reponame, "name", reponame) config.set(reponame, "baseurl", url_map['url']) config.set(reponame, "enabled", "1") if len(source.gpgkeys): config.set(reponame, "gpgcheck", "1") config.set(reponame, "gpgkey", " ".join(source.gpgkeys)) else: config.set(reponame, "gpgcheck", "0") if len(source.blacklist): config.set(reponame, "exclude", " ".join(source.blacklist)) if len(source.whitelist): config.set(reponame, "includepkgs", " ".join(source.whitelist)) if raw: opts = source.server_options else: opts = source.client_options for opt, val in opts.items(): config.set(reponame, opt, val) if raw: return config else: # configparser only writes to file, so we have to use a # StringIO object to get the data out as a string buf = StringIO() config.write(buf) return "# This config was generated automatically by the Bcfg2 " \ "Packages plugin\n\n" + buf.getvalue() @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def build_extra_structures(self, independent): """ Add additional entries to the ```` section of the final configuration. This adds several kinds of entries: * For GPG keys, adds a ``Package`` entry that describes the version and release of all expected ``gpg-pubkey`` packages; and ``Path`` entries to copy all of the GPG keys to the appropriate place on the client filesystem. Calls :func:`_add_gpg_instances`. * For Pulp Sources, adds a ``Path`` entry for the consumer certificate; and ``Action`` entries to update the consumer-side Pulp config if the consumer is newly registered. Creates a new Pulp consumer from the Bcfg2 server as necessary. :param independent: The XML tag to add extra entries to. This is modified in place. :type independent: lxml.etree._Element """ needkeys = set() for source in self: for key in source.gpgkeys: needkeys.add(key) if len(needkeys): if HAS_YUM: # this must be be HAS_YUM, not use_yum, because # regardless of whether the user wants to use the yum # resolver we want to include gpg key data keypkg = lxml.etree.Element('BoundPackage', name="gpg-pubkey", type=self.ptype, origin='Packages') else: self.logger.warning("GPGKeys were specified for yum sources " "in sources.xml, but no yum libraries " "were found") self.logger.warning("GPG key version/release data cannot be " "determined automatically") self.logger.warning("Install yum libraries, or manage GPG " "keys manually") keypkg = None for key in needkeys: # figure out the path of the key on the client keydir = self.setup.cfp.get("global", "gpg_keypath", default="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg") remotekey = os.path.join(keydir, os.path.basename(key)) localkey = os.path.join(self.keypath, os.path.basename(key)) kdata = open(localkey).read() # copy the key to the client keypath = lxml.etree.Element("BoundPath", name=remotekey, encoding='ascii', owner='root', group='root', type='file', perms='0644', important='true') keypath.text = kdata # hook to add version/release info if possible self._add_gpg_instances(keypkg, localkey, remotekey, keydata=kdata) independent.append(keypath) if keypkg is not None: independent.append(keypkg) if self.has_pulp_sources: consumerapi = ConsumerAPI() consumer = self._get_pulp_consumer(consumerapi=consumerapi) if consumer is None: consumer = consumerapi.create(self.metadata.hostname, self.metadata.hostname) lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, "BoundAction", name="pulp-update", timing="pre", when="always", status="check", command="pulp-consumer consumer update") for source in self: # each pulp source can only have one arch, so we don't # have to check the arch in url_map if (source.pulp_id and source.pulp_id not in consumer['repoids']): consumerapi.bind(self.metadata.hostname, source.pulp_id) crt = lxml.etree.SubElement(independent, "BoundPath", name="/etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem", type="file", owner="root", group="root", perms="0644") crt.text = consumerapi.certificate(self.metadata.hostname) @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def _get_pulp_consumer(self, consumerapi=None): """ Get a Pulp consumer object for the client. :param consumerapi: A Pulp ConsumerAPI object. If none is passed, one will be instantiated. :type consumerapi: pulp.client.api.consumer.ConsumerAPI :returns: dict - the consumer. Returns None on failure (including if there is no existing Pulp consumer for this client. """ if consumerapi is None: consumerapi = ConsumerAPI() consumer = None try: consumer = consumerapi.consumer(self.metadata.hostname) except server.ServerRequestError: # consumer does not exist pass except socket.error: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Could not contact Pulp server: %s" % err) except: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Unknown error querying Pulp server: " "%s" % err) return consumer @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def _add_gpg_instances(self, keyentry, localkey, remotekey, keydata=None): """ Add GPG keys instances to a ``Package`` entry. This is called from :func:`build_extra_structures` to add GPG keys to the specification. :param keyentry: The ``Package`` entry to add key instances to. This will be modified in place. :type keyentry: lxml.etree._Element :param localkey: The full path to the key file on the Bcfg2 server :type localkey: string :param remotekey: The full path to the key file on the client. (If they key is not yet on the client, this will be the full path to where the key file will go eventually.) :type remotekey: string :param keydata: The contents of the key file. If this is not provided, read the data from ``localkey``. :type keydata: string """ # this must be be HAS_YUM, not use_yum, because regardless of # whether the user wants to use the yum resolver we want to # include gpg key data if not HAS_YUM: return if keydata is None: keydata = open(localkey).read() try: kinfo = yum.misc.getgpgkeyinfo(keydata) version = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(kinfo['keyid']) release = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(kinfo['timestamp']) lxml.etree.SubElement(keyentry, 'Instance', version=version, release=release, simplefile=remotekey) except ValueError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Could not read GPG key %s: %s" % (localkey, err)) @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def get_groups(self, grouplist): """ If using the yum libraries, given a list of package group names, return a dict of ``: ``. This is much faster than implementing :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.get_group`, since we have to make a call to the bcfg2 Yum helper, and each time we do that we make another call to yum, which means we set up yum metadata from the cache (hopefully) each time. So resolving ten groups once is much faster than resolving one group ten times. If you are using the builtin yum parser, this raises a warning and returns an empty dict. :param grouplist: The list of groups to query :type grouplist: list of strings - group names :returns: dict of ``: `` In this implementation the packages may be strings or tuples. See :ref:`yum-pkg-objects` for more information. """ if not self.use_yum: self.logger.warning("Packages: Package groups are not supported " "by Bcfg2's internal Yum dependency generator") return dict() if not grouplist: return dict() gdicts = [] for group, ptype in grouplist: if group.startswith("@"): group = group[1:] if not ptype: ptype = "default" gdicts.append(dict(group=group, type=ptype)) return self.call_helper("get_groups", inputdata=gdicts) def packages_from_entry(self, entry): """ When using the Python yum libraries, convert a Package entry to a list of package tuples. See :ref:`yum-pkg-objects` and :ref:`pkg-objects` for more information on this process. :param entry: The Package entry to convert :type entry: lxml.etree._Element :returns: list of tuples """ rv = set() name = entry.get("name") def _tag_to_pkg(tag): """ Convert a Package or Instance tag to a package tuple """ rv = (name, tag.get("arch"), tag.get("epoch"), tag.get("version"), tag.get("release")) if rv[3] in ['any', 'auto']: rv = (rv[0], rv[1], rv[2], None, None) # if a package requires no specific version, we just use # the name, not the tuple. this limits the amount of JSON # encoding/decoding that has to be done to pass the # package list to bcfg2-yum-helper. if rv[1:] == (None, None, None, None): return name else: return rv for inst in entry.getchildren(): if inst.tag != "Instance": continue rv.add(_tag_to_pkg(inst)) if not rv: rv.add(_tag_to_pkg(entry)) return list(rv) def packages_to_entry(self, pkglist, entry): """ When using the Python yum libraries, convert a list of package tuples to a Package entry. See :ref:`yum-pkg-objects` and :ref:`pkg-objects` for more information on this process. If pkglist contains only one package, then its data is converted to a single ``BoundPackage`` entry that is added as a subelement of ``entry``. If pkglist contains more than one package, then a parent ``BoundPackage`` entry is created and child ``Instance`` entries are added to it. :param pkglist: A list of package tuples to convert to an XML Package entry :type pkglist: list of tuples :param entry: The base XML entry to add Package entries to. This is modified in place. :type entry: lxml.etree._Element :returns: None """ def _get_entry_attrs(pkgtup): """ Given a package tuple, return a dict of attributes suitable for applying to either a Package or an Instance tag """ attrs = dict(version=self.setup.cfp.get("packages", "version", default="auto")) if attrs['version'] == 'any' or not isinstance(pkgtup, tuple): return attrs try: if pkgtup[1]: attrs['arch'] = pkgtup[1] if pkgtup[2]: attrs['epoch'] = pkgtup[2] if pkgtup[3]: attrs['version'] = pkgtup[3] if pkgtup[4]: attrs['release'] = pkgtup[4] except IndexError: self.logger.warning("Malformed package tuple: %s" % pkgtup) return attrs packages = dict() for pkg in pkglist: try: packages[pkg[0]].append(pkg) except KeyError: packages[pkg[0]] = [pkg] for name, instances in packages.items(): pkgattrs = dict(type=self.ptype, origin='Packages', name=name) if len(instances) > 1: pkg_el = lxml.etree.SubElement(entry, 'BoundPackage', **pkgattrs) for inst in instances: lxml.etree.SubElement(pkg_el, "Instance", _get_entry_attrs(inst)) else: attrs = _get_entry_attrs(instances[0]) attrs.update(pkgattrs) lxml.etree.SubElement(entry, 'BoundPackage', **attrs) def get_new_packages(self, initial, complete): """ Compute the difference between the complete package list (as returned by :func:`complete`) and the initial package list computed from the specification, allowing for package tuples. See :ref:`yum-pkg-objects` and :ref:`pkg-objects` for more information on this process. :param initial: The initial package list :type initial: set of strings, but see :ref:`pkg-objects` :param complete: The final package list :type complete: set of strings, but see :ref:`pkg-objects` :return: set of tuples """ initial_names = [] for pkg in initial: if isinstance(pkg, tuple): initial_names.append(pkg[0]) else: initial_names.append(pkg) new = [] for pkg in complete: if pkg[0] not in initial_names: new.append(pkg) return new @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def complete(self, packagelist): """ Build a complete list of all packages and their dependencies. When using the Python yum libraries, this defers to the :ref:`bcfg2-yum-helper`; when using the builtin yum parser, this defers to :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.complete`. :param packagelist: Set of initial packages computed from the specification. :type packagelist: set of strings, but see :ref:`pkg-objects` :returns: tuple of sets - The first element contains a set of strings (but see :ref:`pkg-objects`) describing the complete package list, and the second element is a set of symbols whose dependencies could not be resolved. """ if not self.use_yum: return Collection.complete(self, packagelist) if packagelist: result = \ self.call_helper("complete", dict(packages=list(packagelist), groups=list(self.get_relevant_groups()))) if not result: # some sort of error, reported by call_helper() return set(), packagelist # json doesn't understand sets or tuples, so we get back a # lists of lists (packages) and a list of unicode strings # (unknown). turn those into a set of tuples and a set of # strings, respectively. unknown = set([str(u) for u in result['unknown']]) packages = set([tuple(p) for p in result['packages']]) self.filter_unknown(unknown) return packages, unknown else: return set(), set() @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def call_helper(self, command, inputdata=None): """ Make a call to :ref:`bcfg2-yum-helper`. The yum libs have horrific memory leaks, so apparently the right way to get around that in long-running processes it to have a short-lived helper. No, seriously -- check out the yum-updatesd code. It's pure madness. :param command: The :ref:`bcfg2-yum-helper` command to call. :type command: string :param inputdata: The input to pass to ``bcfg2-yum-helper`` on stdin. If this is None, no input will be given at all. :type inputdata: Any JSON-encodable data structure. :returns: Varies depending on the return value of the ``bcfg2-yum-helper`` command. """ cmd = [self.helper, "-c", self.cfgfile] verbose = self.debug_flag or self.setup['verbose'] if verbose: cmd.append("-v") cmd.append(command) self.debug_log("Packages: running %s" % " ".join(cmd), flag=verbose) try: helper = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to execute %s: %s" % (" ".join(cmd), err)) return None if inputdata: idata = json.dumps(inputdata) (stdout, stderr) = helper.communicate(idata) else: (stdout, stderr) = helper.communicate() rv = helper.wait() if rv: self.logger.error("Packages: error running bcfg2-yum-helper " "(returned %d): %s" % (rv, stderr)) else: self.debug_log("Packages: debug info from bcfg2-yum-helper: %s" % stderr, flag=verbose) try: return json.loads(stdout) except ValueError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: error reading bcfg2-yum-helper " "output: %s" % err) return None def setup_data(self, force_update=False): """ Do any collection-level data setup tasks. This is called when sources are loaded or reloaded by :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Packages`. If the builtin yum parsers are in use, this defers to :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.setup_data`. If using the yum Python libraries, this cleans up cached yum metadata, regenerates the server-side yum config (in order to catch any new sources that have been added to this server), and then cleans up cached yum metadata again, in case the new config has any preexisting cache. :param force_update: Ignore all local cache and setup data from its original upstream sources (i.e., the package repositories) :type force_update: bool """ if not self.use_yum: return Collection.setup_data(self, force_update) if force_update: # we call this twice: one to clean up data from the old # config, and once to clean up data from the new config self.call_helper("clean") os.unlink(self.cfgfile) self.write_config() if force_update: self.call_helper("clean") class YumSource(Source): """ Handle yum sources """ #: :ref:`server-plugins-generators-packages-magic-groups` for #: ``YumSource`` are "yum", "redhat", "centos", and "fedora" basegroups = ['yum', 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'] #: YumSource sets the ``type`` on Package entries to "yum" ptype = 'yum' def __init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup): Source.__init__(self, basepath, xsource, setup) self.pulp_id = None if HAS_PULP and xsource.get("pulp_id"): self.pulp_id = xsource.get("pulp_id") _setup_pulp(self.setup) repoapi = RepositoryAPI() try: self.repo = repoapi.repository(self.pulp_id) self.gpgkeys = [os.path.join(PULPCONFIG.cds['keyurl'], key) for key in repoapi.listkeys(self.pulp_id)] except server.ServerRequestError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err[0] == 401: msg = "Packages: Error authenticating to Pulp: %s" % err[1] elif err[0] == 404: msg = "Packages: Pulp repo id %s not found: %s" % \ (self.pulp_id, err[1]) else: msg = "Packages: Error %d fetching pulp repo %s: %s" % \ (err[0], self.pulp_id, err[1]) raise SourceInitError(msg) except socket.error: err = sys.exc_info()[1] raise SourceInitError("Could not contact Pulp server: %s" % err) except: err = sys.exc_info()[1] raise SourceInitError("Unknown error querying Pulp server: %s" % err) self.rawurl = "%s/%s" % (PULPCONFIG.cds['baseurl'], self.repo['relative_path']) self.arches = [self.repo['arch']] self.packages = dict() self.deps = dict([('global', dict())]) self.provides = dict([('global', dict())]) self.filemap = dict([(x, dict()) for x in ['global'] + self.arches]) self.needed_paths = set() self.file_to_arch = dict() __init__.__doc__ = Source.__init__.__doc__ @property def use_yum(self): """ True if we should use the yum Python libraries, False otherwise """ return HAS_YUM and self.setup.cfp.getboolean("packages:yum", "use_yum_libraries", default=False) def save_state(self): """ If using the builtin yum parser, save state to :attr:`cachefile`. If using the Python yum libraries, yum handles caching and state and this method is a no-op.""" if not self.use_yum: cache = open(self.cachefile, 'wb') cPickle.dump((self.packages, self.deps, self.provides, self.filemap, self.url_map), cache, 2) cache.close() def load_state(self): """ If using the builtin yum parser, load saved state from :attr:`cachefile`. If using the Python yum libraries, yum handles caching and state and this method is a no-op.""" if not self.use_yum: data = open(self.cachefile) (self.packages, self.deps, self.provides, self.filemap, self.url_map) = cPickle.load(data) @property def urls(self): """ A list of URLs to the base metadata file for each repository described by this source. """ rv = [] for umap in self.url_map: rv.extend(self._get_urls_from_repodata(umap['url'], umap['arch'])) return rv def _get_urls_from_repodata(self, url, arch): """ When using the builtin yum parser, given the base URL of a repository, return the URLs of the various repo metadata files needed to get package data from the repo. If using the yum Python libraries, this just returns ``url`` as it was passed in, but should realistically not be called. :param url: The base URL to the repository (i.e., the directory that contains the ``repodata/`` directory) :type url: string :param arch: The architecture of the directory. :type arch: string :return: list of strings - URLs to metadata files """ if self.use_yum: return [url] rmdurl = '%srepodata/repomd.xml' % url try: repomd = fetch_url(rmdurl) except ValueError: self.logger.error("Packages: Bad url string %s" % rmdurl) return [] except HTTPError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. code=%s" % (rmdurl, err.code)) return [] except URLError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. %s" % (rmdurl, err)) return [] try: xdata = lxml.etree.XML(repomd) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Failed to process metadata at %s: %s" % (rmdurl, err)) return [] urls = [] for elt in xdata.findall(RPO + 'data'): if elt.get('type') in ['filelists', 'primary']: floc = elt.find(RPO + 'location') fullurl = url + floc.get('href') urls.append(fullurl) self.file_to_arch[self.escape_url(fullurl)] = arch return urls @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def read_files(self): """ When using the builtin yum parser, read and parse locally downloaded metadata files. This diverges from the stock :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.Source.read_files` quite a bit. """ # we have to read primary.xml first, and filelists.xml afterwards; primaries = list() filelists = list() for fname in self.files: if fname.endswith('primary.xml.gz'): primaries.append(fname) elif fname.endswith('filelists.xml.gz'): filelists.append(fname) for fname in primaries: farch = self.file_to_arch[fname] fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot() self.parse_primary(fdata, farch) for fname in filelists: farch = self.file_to_arch[fname] fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot() self.parse_filelist(fdata, farch) # merge data sdata = list(self.packages.values()) try: self.packages['global'] = copy.deepcopy(sdata.pop()) except IndexError: self.logger.error("Packages: No packages in repo") while sdata: self.packages['global'] = \ self.packages['global'].intersection(sdata.pop()) for key in self.packages: if key == 'global': continue self.packages[key] = \ self.packages[key].difference(self.packages['global']) self.save_state() @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def parse_filelist(self, data, arch): """ parse filelists.xml.gz data """ if arch not in self.filemap: self.filemap[arch] = dict() for pkg in data.findall(FL + 'package'): for fentry in pkg.findall(FL + 'file'): if fentry.text in self.needed_paths: if fentry.text in self.filemap[arch]: self.filemap[arch][fentry.text].add(pkg.get('name')) else: self.filemap[arch][fentry.text] = \ set([pkg.get('name')]) @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.track_statistics() def parse_primary(self, data, arch): """ parse primary.xml.gz data """ if arch not in self.packages: self.packages[arch] = set() if arch not in self.deps: self.deps[arch] = dict() if arch not in self.provides: self.provides[arch] = dict() for pkg in data.getchildren(): if not pkg.tag.endswith('package'): continue pkgname = pkg.find(XP + 'name').text self.packages[arch].add(pkgname) pdata = pkg.find(XP + 'format') self.deps[arch][pkgname] = set() pre = pdata.find(RP + 'requires') if pre is not None: for entry in pre.getchildren(): self.deps[arch][pkgname].add(entry.get('name')) if entry.get('name').startswith('/'): self.needed_paths.add(entry.get('name')) pro = pdata.find(RP + 'provides') if pro != None: for entry in pro.getchildren(): prov = entry.get('name') if prov not in self.provides[arch]: self.provides[arch][prov] = list() self.provides[arch][prov].append(pkgname) def is_package(self, metadata, package): arch = [a for a in self.arches if a in metadata.groups] if not arch: return False return ((package in self.packages['global'] or package in self.packages[arch[0]]) and package not in self.blacklist and (len(self.whitelist) == 0 or package in self.whitelist)) is_package.__doc__ = Source.is_package.__doc__ def get_vpkgs(self, metadata): if self.use_yum: return dict() rv = Source.get_vpkgs(self, metadata) for arch, fmdata in list(self.filemap.items()): if arch not in metadata.groups and arch != 'global': continue for filename, pkgs in list(fmdata.items()): rv[filename] = pkgs return rv get_vpkgs.__doc__ = Source.get_vpkgs.__doc__ def unknown_filter(self, package): """ By default, :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.Source` filters out unknown packages that start with "choice", but that doesn't mean anything to Yum or RPM. Instead, we filter out unknown packages that start with "rpmlib", although this is likely legacy behavior; that would seem to indicate that a package required some RPM feature that isn't provided, which is a bad thing. This should probably go away at some point. :param package: The name of a package that was unknown to the backend :type package: string :returns: bool """ return package.startswith("rpmlib") def filter_unknown(self, unknown): if self.use_yum: filtered = set() for unk in unknown: try: if self.unknown_filter(unk): filtered.update(unk) except AttributeError: try: if self.unknown_filter(unk[0]): filtered.update(unk) except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass unknown.difference_update(filtered) else: Source.filter_unknown(self, unknown) filter_unknown.__doc__ = Source.filter_unknown.__doc__ def setup_data(self, force_update=False): if not self.use_yum: Source.setup_data(self, force_update=force_update) setup_data.__doc__ = \ "``setup_data`` is only used by the builtin yum parser. " + \ Source.setup_data.__doc__ def get_repo_name(self, url_map): """ Try to find a sensible name for a repository. First use a repository's Pulp ID, if it has one; if not, then defer to :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.Source.get_repo_name` :param url_map: A single :attr:`url_map` dict, i.e., any single element of :attr:`url_map`. :type url_map: dict :returns: string - the name of the repository. """ if self.pulp_id: return self.pulp_id else: return Source.get_repo_name(self, url_map)