""" Packages resolves Package entries on the Bcfg2 server in order to present a complete list of Package entries to the client in order to determine the completeness of the client configuration. """ import os import sys import glob import shutil import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Server.Cache import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin from Bcfg2.Compat import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection import Collection, \ get_collection_class from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.PackagesSources import PackagesSources from Bcfg2.Server.Statistics import track_statistics def packages_boolean(value): """ For historical reasons, the Packages booleans 'resolver' and 'metadata' both accept "enabled" in addition to the normal boolean values. """ if value == 'disabled': return False elif value == 'enabled': return True else: return value class PackagesBackendAction(Bcfg2.Options.ComponentAction): """ ComponentAction to load Packages backends """ bases = ['Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages'] module = True fail_silently = True class Packages(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.ClientRunHooks): """ Packages resolves Package entries on the Bcfg2 server in order to present a complete list of Package entries to the client in order to determine the completeness of the client configuration. It does so by delegating control of package version information to a number of backends, which may parse repository metadata directly or defer to package manager libraries for truly dynamic resolution. .. private-include: _build_packages""" options = [ Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=("packages", "backends"), dest="packages_backends", help="Packages backends to load", type=Bcfg2.Options.Types.comma_list, action=PackagesBackendAction, default=['Yum', 'Apt', 'Pac', 'Pkgng']), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption( cf=("packages", "cache"), dest="packages_cache", help="Path to the Packages cache", default='/Packages/cache'), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=("packages", "resolver"), dest="packages_resolver", help="Disable the Packages resolver", type=packages_boolean, default=True), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=("packages", "metadata"), dest="packages_metadata", help="Disable all Packages metadata processing", type=packages_boolean, default=True), Bcfg2.Options.Option( cf=("packages", "version"), dest="packages_version", help="Set default Package entry version", default="auto", choices=["auto", "any"]), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption( cf=("packages", "yum_config"), help="The default path for generated yum configs", default="/etc/yum.repos.d/bcfg2.repo"), Bcfg2.Options.PathOption( cf=("packages", "apt_config"), help="The default path for generated apt configs", default="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "bcfg2-packages-generated-sources.list")] #: Packages is an alternative to #: :mod:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Pkgmgr` and conflicts with it. conflicts = ['Pkgmgr'] #: Packages exposes two additional XML-RPC calls, :func:`Refresh` #: and :func:`Reload` __rmi__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__rmi__ + ['Refresh', 'Reload'] def __init__(self, core): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.ClientRunHooks.__init__(self) #: Packages does a potentially tremendous amount of on-disk #: caching. ``cachepath`` holds the base directory to where #: data should be cached. self.cachepath = Bcfg2.Options.setup.packages_cache #: Where Packages should store downloaded GPG key files self.keypath = os.path.join(self.cachepath, 'keys') if not os.path.exists(self.keypath): # create key directory if needed os.makedirs(self.keypath) # pylint: disable=C0301 #: The #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.PackagesSources.PackagesSources` #: object used to generate #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.Source` objects for #: this plugin. self.sources = PackagesSources(os.path.join(self.data, "sources.xml"), self.cachepath, self) #: We cache #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` #: objects in ``collections`` so that calling :func:`Refresh` #: or :func:`Reload` can tell the collection objects to clean #: up their cache, but we don't actually use the cache to #: return a ``Collection`` object when one is requested, #: because that prevents new machines from working, since a #: ``Collection`` object gets created by #: :func:`get_additional_data`, which is called for all #: clients at server startup and various other times. (It #: would also prevent machines that change groups from working #: properly; e.g., if you reinstall a machine with a new OS, #: then returning a cached ``Collection`` object would give #: the wrong sources to that client.) These are keyed by the #: collection #: :attr:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.cachekey`, #: a unique key identifying the collection by its *config*, #: which could be shared among multiple clients. self.collections = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Packages", "collections") #: clients is a cache mapping of hostname -> #: :attr:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.cachekey` #: Unlike :attr:`collections`, this _is_ used to return a #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` #: object when one is requested, so each entry is very #: short-lived -- it's purged at the end of each client run. self.clients = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Packages", "cache") # pylint: enable=C0301 __init__.__doc__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__.__doc__ def set_debug(self, debug): rv = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.set_debug(self, debug) self.sources.set_debug(debug) for collection in self.collections.values(): collection.set_debug(debug) return rv set_debug.__doc__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.set_debug.__doc__ def create_config(self, entry, metadata): """ Create yum/apt config for the specified client. :param entry: The base entry to bind. This will be modified in place. :type entry: lxml.etree._Element :param metadata: The client to create the config for. :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata """ attrib = dict(encoding='ascii', owner='root', group='root', type='file', mode='0644', important='true') collection = self.get_collection(metadata) entry.text = collection.get_config() for (key, value) in list(attrib.items()): entry.attrib.__setitem__(key, value) def get_config(self, metadata): """ Get yum/apt config, as a string, for the specified client. :param metadata: The client to create the config for. :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata """ return self.get_collection(metadata).get_config() def HandleEntry(self, entry, metadata): """ Bind configuration entries. ``HandleEntry`` handles entries two different ways: * All ``Package`` entries have their ``version`` and ``type`` attributes set according to the appropriate :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` object for this client. * ``Path`` entries are delegated to :func:`create_config` :param entry: The entry to bind :type entry: lxml.etree._Element :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :return: lxml.etree._Element - The fully bound entry """ if entry.tag == 'Package': collection = self.get_collection(metadata) entry.set('version', Bcfg2.Options.setup.packages_version) entry.set('type', collection.ptype) elif entry.tag == 'Path': self.create_config(entry, metadata) return entry def HandlesEntry(self, entry, metadata): """ Determine if the given entry can be handled. Packages handles two kinds of entries: * ``Package`` entries are handled if the client has any sources at all. * ``Path`` entries are handled if they match the paths that are handled by a backend that can produce client configurations, e.g., :attr:`YUM_CONFIG_DEFAULT`, :attr:`APT_CONFIG_DEFAULT`, or the overridden value of either of those from the configuration. :param entry: The entry to bind :type entry: lxml.etree._Element :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :return: bool - Whether or not this plugin can handle the entry :raises: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.exceptions.PluginExecutionError` """ if entry.tag == 'Package': return True elif entry.tag == 'Path': # managed entries for yum/apt configs if entry.get("name") in [Bcfg2.Options.setup.apt_config, Bcfg2.Options.setup.yum_config]: return True return False @track_statistics() def validate_structures(self, metadata, structures): """ Do the real work of Packages. This does two things: #. Given the full list of all packages that apply to this client from the specification, calls :func:`_build_packages` to resolve dependencies, determine unknown packages (i.e., those that are not in any repository that applies to this client), and build a complete package list. #. Calls :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.build_extra_structures` to add any other extra data required by the backend (e.g., GPG keys) :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :param structures: A list of lxml.etree._Element objects describing the structures (i.e., bundles) for this client. This can be modified in place. :type structures: list of lxml.etree._Element objects :returns: None """ collection = self.get_collection(metadata) indep = lxml.etree.Element('Independent', name=self.__class__.__name__) self._build_packages(metadata, indep, structures, collection=collection) collection.build_extra_structures(indep) structures.append(indep) @track_statistics() def _build_packages(self, metadata, independent, # pylint: disable=R0914 structures, collection=None): """ Perform dependency resolution and build the complete list of packages that need to be included in the specification by :func:`validate_structures`, based on the initial list of packages. :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :param independent: The XML tag to add package entries generated by dependency resolution to. This will be modified in place. :type independent: lxml.etree._Element :param structures: A list of lxml.etree._Element objects describing the structures (i.e., bundles) for this client :type structures: list of lxml.etree._Element objects :param collection: The collection of sources for this client. If none is given, one will be created with :func:`get_collection` :type collection: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection """ if (not Bcfg2.Options.setup.packages_metadata or not Bcfg2.Options.setup.packages_resolver): # Config requests no resolver. Note that disabling # metadata implies disabling the resolver. for struct in structures: for pkg in struct.xpath('//Package | //BoundPackage'): if pkg.get("group"): if pkg.get("type"): pkg.set("choose", pkg.get("type")) return if collection is None: collection = self.get_collection(metadata) initial = set() to_remove = [] groups = [] recommended = dict() pinned_src = dict() if hasattr(metadata, 'PkgVars'): pinned_src = metadata.PkgVars['pin'] for struct in structures: for pkg in struct.xpath('//Package | //BoundPackage'): if pkg.get("name"): initial.update(collection.packages_from_entry(pkg)) if pkg.get("recommended"): recommended[pkg.get("name")] = pkg.get("recommended") elif pkg.get("group"): groups.append((pkg.get("group"), pkg.get("type"))) to_remove.append(pkg) else: self.logger.error( "Packages: Malformed Package: %s" % lxml.etree.tostring( pkg, xml_declaration=False).decode('UTF-8')) # base is the set of initial packages explicitly given in the # specification, packages from expanded package groups, and # packages essential to the distribution base = set(initial) # remove package groups for el in to_remove: el.getparent().remove(el) groups.sort() # check for this set of groups in the group cache gcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Packages", "pkg_groups", collection.cachekey) gkey = hash(tuple(groups)) if gkey not in gcache: gcache[gkey] = collection.get_groups(groups) for pkgs in gcache[gkey].values(): base.update(pkgs) # essential pkgs are those marked as such by the distribution base.update(collection.get_essential()) # check for this set of packages in the package cache pkey = hash((tuple(base), tuple(recommended), tuple(pinned_src))) pcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Packages", "pkg_sets", collection.cachekey) if pkey not in pcache: pcache[pkey] = collection.complete(base, recommended, pinned_src) packages, unknown = pcache[pkey] if unknown: self.logger.info("Packages: Got %d unknown entries" % len(unknown)) self.logger.info("Packages: %s" % list(unknown)) newpkgs = collection.get_new_packages(initial, packages) self.debug_log("Packages: %d base, %d complete, %d new" % (len(base), len(packages), len(newpkgs))) newpkgs.sort() collection.packages_to_entry(newpkgs, independent) @track_statistics() def Refresh(self): """ Packages.Refresh() => True|False Reload configuration specification and download sources """ self._load_config(force_update=True) return True @track_statistics() def Reload(self): """ Packages.Refresh() => True|False Reload configuration specification and sources """ self._load_config() return True def child_reload(self, _=None): """ Reload the Packages configuration on a child process. """ self.Reload() def _load_config(self, force_update=False): """ Load the configuration data and setup sources :param force_update: Ignore all locally cached and downloaded data and fetch the metadata anew from the upstream repository. :type force_update: bool """ self._load_sources(force_update) self._load_gpg_keys(force_update) def _load_sources(self, force_update): """ Load sources from the config, downloading if necessary. :param force_update: Ignore all locally cached and downloaded data and fetch the metadata anew from the upstream repository. :type force_update: bool """ cachefiles = set() for collection in list(self.collections.values()): cachefiles.update(collection.cachefiles) if Bcfg2.Options.setup.packages_metadata: collection.setup_data(force_update) # clear Collection and package caches Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Packages") for source in self.sources.entries: cachefiles.add(source.cachefile) if Bcfg2.Options.setup.packages_metadata: source.setup_data(force_update) for cfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cachepath, "cache-*")): if cfile not in cachefiles: try: if os.path.isdir(cfile): shutil.rmtree(cfile) else: os.unlink(cfile) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Could not remove cache file " "%s: %s" % (cfile, err)) def _load_gpg_keys(self, force_update): """ Load GPG keys from the config, downloading if necessary. :param force_update: Ignore all locally cached and downloaded data and fetch the metadata anew from the upstream repository. :type force_update: bool """ keyfiles = [] keys = [] for source in self.sources.entries: for key in source.gpgkeys: localfile = os.path.join(self.keypath, os.path.basename(key.rstrip("/"))) if localfile not in keyfiles: keyfiles.append(localfile) if ((force_update and key not in keys) or not os.path.exists(localfile)): self.logger.info("Packages: Downloading and parsing %s" % key) try: open(localfile, 'w').write(urlopen(key).read()) keys.append(key) except (URLError, HTTPError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Error downloading %s: %s" % (key, err)) except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Packages: Error writing %s to %s: " "%s" % (key, localfile, err)) for kfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.keypath, "*")): if kfile not in keyfiles: os.unlink(kfile) @track_statistics() def get_collection(self, metadata): """ Get a :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` object for this client. :param metadata: The client metadata to get a Collection for :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :returns: An instance of the appropriate subclass of :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` that contains all relevant sources that apply to the given client """ if not self.sources.loaded: # if sources.xml has not received a FAM event yet, defer; # instantiate a dummy Collection object return Collection(metadata, [], self.cachepath, self.data) if metadata.hostname in self.clients: return self.collections[self.clients[metadata.hostname]] sclasses = set() relevant = list() for source in self.sources.entries: if source.applies(metadata): relevant.append(source) if 'cclass' in dir(source): sclasses.update([source.cclass]) else: sclass = source.__class__.__name__.replace("Source", "") sclasses.update([sclass]) if len(sclasses) > 1: self.logger.warning("Packages: Multiple source types found for " "%s: %s" % (metadata.hostname, ",".join([sclasses]))) cclass = Collection elif len(sclasses) == 0: self.logger.error("Packages: No sources found for %s" % metadata.hostname) cclass = Collection else: cclass = get_collection_class(sclasses.pop()) if self.debug_flag: self.logger.error("Packages: Using %s for Collection of sources " "for %s" % (cclass.__name__, metadata.hostname)) collection = cclass(metadata, relevant, self.cachepath, self.data, debug=self.debug_flag) ckey = collection.cachekey if cclass != Collection: self.clients[metadata.hostname] = ckey self.collections[ckey] = collection return collection def get_additional_data(self, metadata): """ Return additional data for the given client. This will be an :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.OnDemandDict` containing two keys: * ``sources``, whose value is a list of data returned from :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection.get_additional_data`, namely, a list of :attr:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.Source.url_map` data; and * ``get_config``, whose value is the :func:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Packages.get_config` function, which can be used to get the Packages config for other systems. This uses an OnDemandDict instead of just a normal dict because loading a source collection can be a fairly time-consuming process, particularly for the first time. As a result, when all metadata objects are built at once (such as after the server is restarted, or far more frequently if Metadata caching is disabled), this function would be a major bottleneck if we tried to build all collections at the same time. Instead, they're merely built on-demand. :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :return: dict of lists of ``url_map`` data """ def get_sources(): """ getter for the 'sources' key of the OnDemandDict returned by this function. This delays calling get_collection() until it's absolutely necessary. """ return self.get_collection(metadata).get_additional_data() return Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.OnDemandDict( sources=get_sources, get_config=lambda: self.get_config) def end_client_run(self, metadata): """ Hook to clear the cache for this client in :attr:`clients`, which must persist only the duration of a client run. :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata """ self.clients.expire(metadata.hostname) def end_statistics(self, metadata): """ Hook to clear the cache for this client in :attr:`clients` once statistics are processed to ensure that a stray cached :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection` object is not built during statistics and preserved until a subsequent client run. :param metadata: The client metadata :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata """ self.end_client_run(metadata)