'''This module implements a package management scheme for all images''' import re import glob import logging import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import Bcfg2.Server.Lint try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Plugins.Pkgmgr') class FuzzyDict(dict): fuzzy = re.compile('(?P.*):(?P\S+(,\S+)*)') def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): mdata = self.fuzzy.match(key) if mdata: return dict.__getitem__(self, mdata.groupdict()['name']) else: print("got non-string key %s" % str(key)) return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def __contains__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): mdata = self.fuzzy.match(key) if mdata: return dict.__contains__(self, mdata.groupdict()['name']) else: print("got non-string key %s" % str(key)) return dict.__contains__(self, key) def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self.__getitem__(key) except: if default: return default raise class PNode(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.INode): """PNode has a list of packages available at a particular group intersection. """ splitters = {'rpm': re.compile('^(.*/)?(?P[\w\+\d\.]+(-[\w\+\d\.]+)*)-' + \ '(?P[\w\d\.]+-([\w\d\.]+))\.(?P\S+)\.rpm$'), 'encap': re.compile('^(?P[\w-]+)-(?P[\w\d\.+-]+).encap.*$')} ignore = ['Package'] def Match(self, metadata, data, entry=lxml.etree.Element("None")): """Return a dictionary of package mappings.""" if self.predicate(metadata, entry): for key in self.contents: try: data[key].update(self.contents[key]) except: data[key] = FuzzyDict() data[key].update(self.contents[key]) for child in self.children: child.Match(metadata, data) def __init__(self, data, pdict, parent=None): # copy local attributes to all child nodes if no local attribute exists if 'Package' not in pdict: pdict['Package'] = set() for child in data.getchildren(): attrs = set(data.attrib.keys()).difference(child.attrib.keys() + ['name']) for attr in attrs: try: child.set(attr, data.get(attr)) except: # don't fail on things like comments and other immutable elements pass Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.INode.__init__(self, data, pdict, parent) if 'Package' not in self.contents: self.contents['Package'] = FuzzyDict() for pkg in data.findall('./Package'): if 'name' in pkg.attrib and pkg.get('name') not in pdict['Package']: pdict['Package'].add(pkg.get('name')) if pkg.get('name') != None: self.contents['Package'][pkg.get('name')] = {} if pkg.getchildren(): self.contents['Package'][pkg.get('name')]['__children__'] \ = pkg.getchildren() if 'simplefile' in pkg.attrib: pkg.set('url', "%s/%s" % (pkg.get('uri'), pkg.get('simplefile'))) self.contents['Package'][pkg.get('name')].update(pkg.attrib) else: if 'file' in pkg.attrib: if 'multiarch' in pkg.attrib: archs = pkg.get('multiarch').split() srcs = pkg.get('srcs', pkg.get('multiarch')).split() url = ' '.join(["%s/%s" % (pkg.get('uri'), pkg.get('file') % {'src':srcs[idx], 'arch':archs[idx]}) for idx in range(len(archs))]) pkg.set('url', url) else: pkg.set('url', '%s/%s' % (pkg.get('uri'), pkg.get('file'))) if pkg.get('type') in self.splitters and pkg.get('file') != None: mdata = self.splitters[pkg.get('type')].match(pkg.get('file')) if not mdata: logger.error("Failed to match pkg %s" % pkg.get('file')) continue pkgname = mdata.group('name') self.contents['Package'][pkgname] = mdata.groupdict() self.contents['Package'][pkgname].update(pkg.attrib) if pkg.attrib.get('file'): self.contents['Package'][pkgname]['url'] = pkg.get('url') self.contents['Package'][pkgname]['type'] = pkg.get('type') if pkg.get('verify'): self.contents['Package'][pkgname]['verify'] = pkg.get('verify') if pkg.get('multiarch'): self.contents['Package'][pkgname]['multiarch'] = pkg.get('multiarch') if pkgname not in pdict['Package']: pdict['Package'].add(pkgname) if pkg.getchildren(): self.contents['Package'][pkgname]['__children__'] = pkg.getchildren() else: self.contents['Package'][pkg.get('name')].update(pkg.attrib) class PkgSrc(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.XMLSrc): """PkgSrc files contain a PNode hierarchy that returns matching package entries. """ __node__ = PNode __cacheobj__ = FuzzyDict class Pkgmgr(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PrioDir): """This is a generator that handles package assignments.""" name = 'Pkgmgr' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' __child__ = PkgSrc __element__ = 'Package' def HandleEvent(self, event): '''Handle events and update dispatch table''' Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.XMLDirectoryBacked.HandleEvent(self, event) for src in list(self.entries.values()): for itype, children in list(src.items.items()): for child in children: try: self.Entries[itype][child] = self.BindEntry except KeyError: self.Entries[itype] = FuzzyDict([(child, self.BindEntry)]) def BindEntry(self, entry, metadata): """Bind data for entry, and remove instances that are not requested.""" pname = entry.get('name') Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PrioDir.BindEntry(self, entry, metadata) if entry.findall('Instance'): mdata = FuzzyDict.fuzzy.match(pname) if mdata: arches = mdata.group('alist').split(',') [entry.remove(inst) for inst in \ entry.findall('Instance') \ if inst.get('arch') not in arches] def HandlesEntry(self, entry, metadata): return entry.tag == 'Package' and entry.get('name').split(':')[0] in list(self.Entries['Package'].keys()) def HandleEntry(self, entry, metadata): self.BindEntry(entry, metadata) class PkgmgrLint(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerlessPlugin): """ find duplicate Pkgmgr entries with the same priority """ def Run(self): pset = set() for pfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.config['repo'], 'Pkgmgr', '*.xml')): if self.HandlesFile(pfile): xdata = lxml.etree.parse(pfile).getroot() # get priority, type, group priority = xdata.get('priority') ptype = xdata.get('type') for pkg in xdata.xpath("//Package"): if pkg.getparent().tag == 'Group': grp = pkg.getparent().get('name') if (type(grp) is not str and grp.getparent().tag == 'Group'): pgrp = grp.getparent().get('name') else: pgrp = 'none' else: grp = 'none' pgrp = 'none' ptuple = (pkg.get('name'), priority, ptype, grp, pgrp) # check if package is already listed with same # priority, type, grp if ptuple in pset: self.LintError("duplicate-package", "Duplicate Package %s, priority:%s, type:%s" % (pkg.get('name'), priority, ptype)) else: pset.add(ptuple) @classmethod def Errors(cls): return {"duplicate-packages":"error"}