""" A plugin to gather information from a client machine """ import re import os import sys import time import copy import operator import lxml.etree import Bcfg2.Server import Bcfg2.Server.Cache import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin from Bcfg2.Compat import unicode # pylint: disable=W0622 import Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor from Bcfg2.Logger import Debuggable from Bcfg2.Server.Statistics import track_statistics HAS_DJANGO = False # pylint: disable=C0103 ProbesDataModel = None ProbesGroupsModel = None # pylint: enable=C0103 def load_django_models(): """ Load models for Django after option parsing has completed """ # pylint: disable=W0602 global ProbesDataModel, ProbesGroupsModel, HAS_DJANGO # pylint: enable=W0602 try: from django.db import models HAS_DJANGO = True except ImportError: HAS_DJANGO = False return class ProbesDataModel(models.Model, # pylint: disable=W0621,W0612 Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginDatabaseModel): """ The database model for storing probe data """ hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) probe = models.CharField(max_length=255) timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) data = models.TextField(null=True) class ProbesGroupsModel(models.Model, # pylint: disable=W0621,W0612 Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginDatabaseModel): """ The database model for storing probe groups """ hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) group = models.CharField(max_length=255) try: import json HAS_JSON = True except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json HAS_JSON = True except ImportError: HAS_JSON = False try: import yaml HAS_YAML = True except ImportError: HAS_YAML = False class ProbeStore(Debuggable): """ Caching abstraction layer between persistent probe data storage and the Probes plugin.""" def __init__(self, core, datastore): # pylint: disable=W0613 Debuggable.__init__(self) self._groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probegroups") self._datacache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probedata") def get_groups(self, hostname): """ Get the list of groups for the given host """ if hostname not in self._groupcache: self._load_groups(hostname) return self._groupcache.get(hostname, []) def set_groups(self, hostname, groups): """ Set the list of groups for the given host """ raise NotImplementedError def get_data(self, hostname): """ Get a dict of probe data for the given host """ if hostname not in self._datacache: self._load_data(hostname) return self._datacache.get(hostname, dict()) def set_data(self, hostname, data): """ Set probe data for the given host """ raise NotImplementedError def _load_groups(self, hostname): """ When probe groups are not found in the cache, this function is called to load them from the backend (XML or database). """ raise NotImplementedError def _load_data(self, hostname): """ When probe groups are not found in the cache, this function is called to load them from the backend (XML or database). """ raise NotImplementedError def commit(self): """ Commit the current data in the cache to the persistent backend store. This is not used with the :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.DBProbeStore`, because it commits on every change. """ pass class DBProbeStore(ProbeStore, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked): """ Caching abstraction layer between the database and the Probes plugin. """ create = False def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked.__init__(self, core, datastore) ProbeStore.__init__(self, core, datastore) def _load_groups(self, hostname): Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups", hostname) groupdata = ProbesGroupsModel.objects.filter(hostname=hostname) self._groupcache[hostname] = list(set(r.group for r in groupdata)) Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata", hostname) @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked.get_db_lock def set_groups(self, hostname, groups): Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups", hostname) olddata = self._groupcache.get(hostname, []) self._groupcache[hostname] = groups for group in groups: try: ProbesGroupsModel.objects.get_or_create( hostname=hostname, group=group) except ProbesGroupsModel.MultipleObjectsReturned: ProbesGroupsModel.objects.filter(hostname=hostname, group=group).delete() ProbesGroupsModel.objects.get_or_create( hostname=hostname, group=group) ProbesGroupsModel.objects.filter( hostname=hostname).exclude(group__in=groups).delete() if olddata != groups: Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata", hostname) def _load_data(self, hostname): Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups", hostname) Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probedata", hostname) self._datacache[hostname] = ClientProbeDataSet() ts_set = False for pdata in ProbesDataModel.objects.filter(hostname=hostname): if not ts_set: self._datacache[hostname].timestamp = \ time.mktime(pdata.timestamp.timetuple()) ts_set = True self._datacache[hostname][pdata.probe] = ProbeData(pdata.data) Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata", hostname) @Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked.get_db_lock def set_data(self, hostname, data): Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probedata", hostname) self._datacache[hostname] = ClientProbeDataSet() expire_metadata = False for probe, pdata in data.items(): self._datacache[hostname][probe] = pdata record, created = ProbesDataModel.objects.get_or_create( hostname=hostname, probe=probe) expire_metadata |= created if record.data != pdata: record.data = pdata record.save() expire_metadata = True qset = ProbesDataModel.objects.filter( hostname=hostname).exclude(probe__in=data.keys()) if len(qset): qset.delete() expire_metadata = True if expire_metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata", hostname) class XMLProbeStore(ProbeStore): """ Caching abstraction layer between ``probed.xml`` and the Probes plugin.""" def __init__(self, core, datastore): ProbeStore.__init__(self, core, datastore) self._fname = os.path.join(datastore, 'probed.xml') self._load_data() def _load_data(self, _=None): """ Load probe data from probed.xml """ Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups") Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probedata") if not os.path.exists(self._fname): self.commit() try: data = lxml.etree.parse(self._fname, parser=Bcfg2.Server.XMLParser).getroot() except (IOError, lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError): err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Failed to read file probed.xml: %s" % err) return for client in data.getchildren(): self._datacache[client.get('name')] = \ ClientProbeDataSet(timestamp=client.get("timestamp")) self._groupcache[client.get('name')] = [] for pdata in client: if pdata.tag == 'Probe': self._datacache[client.get('name')][pdata.get('name')] = \ ProbeData(pdata.get("value")) elif pdata.tag == 'Group': self._groupcache[client.get('name')].append( pdata.get('name')) Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata") def _load_groups(self, hostname): self._load_data(hostname) def commit(self): """ Write received probe data to probed.xml """ top = lxml.etree.Element("Probed") for client, probed in sorted(self._datacache.items()): # make a copy of probe data for this client in case it # submits probe data while we're trying to write # probed.xml probedata = copy.copy(probed) ctag = \ lxml.etree.SubElement(top, 'Client', name=client, timestamp=str(int(probedata.timestamp))) for probe in sorted(probedata): lxml.etree.SubElement( ctag, 'Probe', name=probe, value=self._datacache[client][probe]) for group in sorted(self._groupcache[client]): lxml.etree.SubElement(ctag, "Group", name=group) try: top.getroottree().write(self._fname, xml_declaration=False, pretty_print='true') except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Failed to write probed.xml: %s" % err) def set_groups(self, hostname, groups): Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probegroups", hostname) olddata = self._groupcache.get(hostname, []) self._groupcache[hostname] = groups if olddata != groups: Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata", hostname) def set_data(self, hostname, data): Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Probes", "probedata", hostname) self._datacache[hostname] = ClientProbeDataSet() expire_metadata = False for probe, pdata in data.items(): olddata = self._datacache[hostname].get(probe, ProbeData('')) self._datacache[hostname][probe] = pdata expire_metadata |= olddata != data if expire_metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Cache.expire("Metadata", hostname) class ClientProbeDataSet(dict): """ dict of probe => [probe data] that records a timestamp for each host """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "timestamp" in kwargs and kwargs['timestamp'] is not None: self.timestamp = kwargs.pop("timestamp") else: self.timestamp = time.time() dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) class ProbeData(str): # pylint: disable=E0012,R0924 """ a ProbeData object emulates a str object, but also has .xdata, .json, and .yaml properties to provide convenient ways to use ProbeData objects as XML, JSON, or YAML data """ def __new__(cls, data): if isinstance(data, unicode): return str.__new__(cls, data.encode('utf-8')) else: return str.__new__(cls, data) def __init__(self, data): # pylint: disable=W0613 str.__init__(self) self._xdata = None self._json = None self._yaml = None @property def data(self): """ provide backwards compatibility with broken ProbeData object in bcfg2 1.2.0 thru 1.2.2 """ return str(self) @property def xdata(self): """ The probe data as a lxml.etree._Element document """ if self._xdata is None: try: self._xdata = lxml.etree.XML(self.data, parser=Bcfg2.Server.XMLParser) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: pass return self._xdata @property def json(self): """ The probe data as a decoded JSON data structure """ if self._json is None and HAS_JSON: try: self._json = json.loads(self.data) except ValueError: pass return self._json @property def yaml(self): """ The probe data as a decoded YAML data structure """ if self._yaml is None and HAS_YAML: try: self._yaml = yaml.load(self.data) except yaml.YAMLError: pass return self._yaml class ProbeSet(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.EntrySet): """ Handle universal and group- and host-specific probe files """ ignore = re.compile(r'^(\.#.*|.*~|\..*\.(tmp|sw[px])|probed\.xml)$') probename = \ re.compile(r'(.*/)?(?P\S+?)(\.(?P(?:G\d\d)|H)_\S+)?$') bangline = re.compile(r'^#!\s*(?P.*)$') basename_is_regex = True def __init__(self, path, plugin_name): self.plugin_name = plugin_name Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.EntrySet.__init__(self, r'[0-9A-Za-z_\-]+', path, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.SpecificData) Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.get_fam().AddMonitor(path, self) def HandleEvent(self, event): """ handle events on everything but probed.xml """ if (event.filename != self.path and not event.filename.endswith("probed.xml")): return self.handle_event(event) def get_probe_data(self, metadata): """ Get an XML description of all probes for a client suitable for sending to that client. :param metadata: The client metadata to get probes for. :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata :returns: list of lxml.etree._Element objects, each of which represents one probe. """ ret = [] build = dict() candidates = self.get_matching(metadata) candidates.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('specific')) for entry in candidates: rem = self.probename.match(entry.name) pname = rem.group('basename') if pname not in build: build[pname] = entry for (name, entry) in list(build.items()): probe = lxml.etree.Element('probe') probe.set('name', os.path.basename(name)) probe.set('source', self.plugin_name) if (metadata.version_info and metadata.version_info > (1, 3, 1, '', 0)): try: probe.text = entry.data.decode('utf-8') except AttributeError: probe.text = entry.data else: try: probe.text = entry.data except: # pylint: disable=W0702 self.logger.error("Client unable to handle unicode " "probes. Skipping %s" % probe.get('name')) continue match = self.bangline.match(entry.data.split('\n')[0]) if match: probe.set('interpreter', match.group('interpreter')) else: probe.set('interpreter', '/bin/sh') ret.append(probe) return ret def __str__(self): return "ProbeSet for %s" % self.plugin_name class Probes(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Probing, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked): """ A plugin to gather information from a client machine """ __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' groupline_re = re.compile(r'^group:\s*(?P\S+)\s*') options = [ Bcfg2.Options.BooleanOption( cf=('probes', 'use_database'), dest="probes_db", help="Use database capabilities of the Probes plugin")] options_parsed_hook = staticmethod(load_django_models) def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Probing.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.DatabaseBacked.__init__(self, core, datastore) try: self.probes = ProbeSet(self.data, self.name) except: err = sys.exc_info()[1] raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(err) if self._use_db: self.probestore = DBProbeStore(core, datastore) else: self.probestore = XMLProbeStore(core, datastore) @track_statistics() def GetProbes(self, metadata): return self.probes.get_probe_data(metadata) @track_statistics() def ReceiveData(self, client, datalist): cgroups = set() cdata = dict() for data in datalist: groups, cdata[data.get("name")] = \ self.ReceiveDataItem(client, data) cgroups.update(groups) self.probestore.set_groups(client.hostname, list(cgroups)) self.probestore.set_data(client.hostname, cdata) self.probestore.commit() def ReceiveDataItem(self, client, data): """ Receive probe results pertaining to client. Returns a tuple of (, ). """ if data.text is None: self.logger.info("Got null response to probe %s from %s" % (data.get('name'), client.hostname)) return [], '' dlines = data.text.split('\n') self.logger.debug("Processing probe from %s: %s:%s" % (client.hostname, data.get('name'), [line.strip() for line in dlines])) groups = [] for line in dlines[:]: match = self.groupline_re.match(line) if match: groups.append(match.group("groupname")) dlines.remove(line) return (groups, ProbeData("\n".join(dlines))) def get_additional_groups(self, metadata): return self.probestore.get_groups(metadata.hostname) def get_additional_data(self, metadata): return self.probestore.get_data(metadata.hostname)