""" The SSLCA generator handles the creation and management of ssl certificates and their keys. """ import os import sys import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import Bcfg2.Options import lxml.etree import tempfile from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from Bcfg2.Compat import ConfigParser, md5 from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PluginExecutionError class SSLCA(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.GroupSpool): """ The SSLCA generator handles the creation and management of ssl certificates and their keys. """ __author__ = 'g.hagger@gmail.com' __child__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.FileBacked key_specs = {} cert_specs = {} CAs = {} def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.GroupSpool.__init__(self, core, datastore) self.infoxml = dict() def HandleEvent(self, event=None): """ Updates which files this plugin handles based upon filesystem events. Allows configuration items to be added/removed without server restarts. """ action = event.code2str() if event.filename[0] == '/': return epath = "".join([self.data, self.handles[event.requestID], event.filename]) if os.path.isdir(epath): ident = self.handles[event.requestID] + event.filename else: ident = self.handles[event.requestID][:-1] fname = os.path.join(ident, event.filename) if event.filename.endswith('.xml'): if action in ['exists', 'created', 'changed']: if event.filename.endswith('key.xml'): key_spec = lxml.etree.parse(epath, parser=Bcfg2.Server.XMLParser ).find('Key') self.key_specs[ident] = { 'bits': key_spec.get('bits', '2048'), 'type': key_spec.get('type', 'rsa') } self.Entries['Path'][ident] = self.get_key elif event.filename.endswith('cert.xml'): cert_spec = lxml.etree.parse(epath, parser=Bcfg2.Server.XMLParser ).find('Cert') ca = cert_spec.get('ca', 'default') self.cert_specs[ident] = { 'ca': ca, 'format': cert_spec.get('format', 'pem'), 'key': cert_spec.get('key'), 'days': cert_spec.get('days', '365'), 'C': cert_spec.get('c'), 'L': cert_spec.get('l'), 'ST': cert_spec.get('st'), 'OU': cert_spec.get('ou'), 'O': cert_spec.get('o'), 'emailAddress': cert_spec.get('emailaddress'), 'append_chain': cert_spec.get('append_chain', 'false').lower() == 'true', } cfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfp.read(self.core.cfile) self.CAs[ca] = dict(cfp.items('sslca_' + ca)) self.Entries['Path'][ident] = self.get_cert elif event.filename.endswith("info.xml"): self.infoxml[ident] = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.InfoXML(epath) self.infoxml[ident].HandleEvent(event) if action == 'deleted': if ident in self.Entries['Path']: del self.Entries['Path'][ident] else: if action in ['exists', 'created']: if os.path.isdir(epath): self.AddDirectoryMonitor(epath[len(self.data):]) if ident not in self.entries and os.path.isfile(epath): self.entries[fname] = self.__child__(epath) self.entries[fname].HandleEvent(event) if action == 'changed': self.entries[fname].HandleEvent(event) elif action == 'deleted': if fname in self.entries: del self.entries[fname] else: self.entries[fname].HandleEvent(event) def get_key(self, entry, metadata): """ either grabs a prexisting key hostfile, or triggers the generation of a new key if one doesn't exist. """ # check if we already have a hostfile, or need to generate a new key # TODO: verify key fits the specs path = entry.get('name') filename = os.path.join(path, "%s.H_%s" % (os.path.basename(path), metadata.hostname)) if filename not in list(self.entries.keys()): self.logger.info("SSLCA: Generating new key %s" % filename) key = self.build_key(entry) open(self.data + filename, 'w').write(key) entry.text = key self.entries[filename] = self.__child__(self.data + filename) self.entries[filename].HandleEvent() else: entry.text = self.entries[filename].data entry.set("type", "file") if path in self.infoxml: Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.bind_info(entry, metadata, infoxml=self.infoxml[path]) else: Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.bind_info(entry, metadata) def build_key(self, entry): """ generates a new key according the the specification """ ktype = self.key_specs[entry.get('name')]['type'] bits = self.key_specs[entry.get('name')]['bits'] if ktype == 'rsa': cmd = ["openssl", "genrsa", bits] elif ktype == 'dsa': cmd = ["openssl", "dsaparam", "-noout", "-genkey", bits] self.debug_log("SSLCA: Generating new key: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).stdout.read() def get_cert(self, entry, metadata): """ either grabs a prexisting cert hostfile, or triggers the generation of a new cert if one doesn't exist. """ path = entry.get('name') filename = os.path.join(path, "%s.H_%s" % (os.path.basename(path), metadata.hostname)) # first - ensure we have a key to work with key = self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')].get('key') key_filename = os.path.join(key, "%s.H_%s" % (os.path.basename(key), metadata.hostname)) if key_filename not in self.entries: el = lxml.etree.Element('Path') el.set('name', key) self.core.Bind(el, metadata) # check if we have a valid hostfile if (filename in self.entries.keys() and self.verify_cert(filename, key_filename, entry)): entry.text = self.entries[filename].data else: self.logger.info("SSLCA: Generating new cert %s" % filename) cert = self.build_cert(key_filename, entry, metadata) open(self.data + filename, 'w').write(cert) self.entries[filename] = self.__child__(self.data + filename) self.entries[filename].HandleEvent() entry.text = cert entry.set("type", "file") if path in self.infoxml: Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.bind_info(entry, metadata, infoxml=self.infoxml[path]) else: Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.bind_info(entry, metadata) def verify_cert(self, filename, key_filename, entry): """ Perform certification verification against the CA and against the key """ ca = self.CAs[self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')]['ca']] do_verify = ca.get('chaincert') if do_verify: return (self.verify_cert_against_ca(filename, entry) and self.verify_cert_against_key(filename, key_filename)) return True def verify_cert_against_ca(self, filename, entry): """ check that a certificate validates against the ca cert, and that it has not expired. """ ca = self.CAs[self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')]['ca']] chaincert = ca.get('chaincert') cert = self.data + filename cmd = ["openssl", "verify"] is_root = ca.get('root_ca', "false").lower() == 'true' if is_root: cmd.append("-CAfile") else: # verifying based on an intermediate cert cmd.extend(["-purpose", "sslserver", "-untrusted"]) cmd.extend([chaincert, cert]) self.debug_log("SSLCA: Verifying %s against CA: %s" % (entry.get("name"), " ".join(cmd))) res = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).stdout.read() if res == cert + ": OK\n": self.debug_log("SSLCA: %s verified successfully against CA" % entry.get("name")) return True self.logger.warning("SSLCA: %s failed verification against CA: %s" % (entry.get("name"), res)) return False def verify_cert_against_key(self, filename, key_filename): """ check that a certificate validates against its private key. """ cert = self.data + filename key = self.data + key_filename cert_md5 = \ md5(Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-modulus", "-in", cert], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).stdout.read().strip()).hexdigest() key_md5 = \ md5(Popen(["openssl", "rsa", "-noout", "-modulus", "-in", key], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).stdout.read().strip()).hexdigest() if cert_md5 == key_md5: self.debug_log("SSLCA: %s verified successfully against key %s" % (filename, key_filename)) return True self.logger.warning("SSLCA: %s failed verification against key %s" % (filename, key_filename)) return False def build_cert(self, key_filename, entry, metadata): """ creates a new certificate according to the specification """ req_config = None req = None try: req_config = self.build_req_config(entry, metadata) req = self.build_request(key_filename, req_config, entry) ca = self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')]['ca'] ca_config = self.CAs[ca]['config'] days = self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')]['days'] passphrase = self.CAs[ca].get('passphrase') cmd = ["openssl", "ca", "-config", ca_config, "-in", req, "-days", days, "-batch"] if passphrase: cmd.extend(["-passin", "pass:%s" % passphrase]) self.debug_log("SSLCA: Generating new certificate: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (cert, err) = proc.communicate() if proc.wait(): # pylint: disable=E1103 raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to generate cert: %s" % err.splitlines()[-1]) # pylint: enable=E1103 finally: try: if req_config and os.path.exists(req_config): os.unlink(req_config) if req and os.path.exists(req): os.unlink(req) except OSError: self.logger.error("SSLCA: Failed to unlink temporary files: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) if (self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')]['append_chain'] and self.CAs[ca]['chaincert']): cert += open(self.CAs[ca]['chaincert']).read() return cert def build_req_config(self, entry, metadata): """ generates a temporary openssl configuration file that is used to generate the required certificate request """ # create temp request config file fh, fname = tempfile.mkstemp() cfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({}) cfp.optionxform = str defaults = { 'req': { 'default_md': 'sha1', 'distinguished_name': 'req_distinguished_name', 'req_extensions': 'v3_req', 'x509_extensions': 'v3_req', 'prompt': 'no' }, 'req_distinguished_name': {}, 'v3_req': { 'subjectAltName': '@alt_names' }, 'alt_names': {} } for section in list(defaults.keys()): cfp.add_section(section) for key in defaults[section]: cfp.set(section, key, defaults[section][key]) altnamenum = 1 altnames = list(metadata.aliases) altnames.append(metadata.hostname) for altname in altnames: cfp.set('alt_names', 'DNS.' + str(altnamenum), altname) altnamenum += 1 for item in ['C', 'L', 'ST', 'O', 'OU', 'emailAddress']: if self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')][item]: cfp.set('req_distinguished_name', item, self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')][item]) cfp.set('req_distinguished_name', 'CN', metadata.hostname) self.debug_log("SSLCA: Writing temporary request config to %s" % fname) try: cfp.write(os.fdopen(fh, 'w')) except IOError: raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to write temporary CSR " "config file: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) return fname def build_request(self, key_filename, req_config, entry): """ creates the certificate request """ fh, req = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fh) days = self.cert_specs[entry.get('name')]['days'] key = self.data + key_filename cmd = ["openssl", "req", "-new", "-config", req_config, "-days", days, "-key", key, "-text", "-out", req] self.debug_log("SSLCA: Generating new CSR: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) err = proc.communicate()[1] if proc.wait(): raise PluginExecutionError("SSLCA: Failed to generate CSR: %s" % err) return req