""" The Svn plugin provides a revision interface for Bcfg2 repos using Subversion. If PySvn libraries are installed, then it exposes two additional XML-RPC methods for committing data to the repository and updating the repository. """ import sys import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin from Bcfg2.Compat import ConfigParser try: import pysvn HAS_SVN = True except ImportError: from Bcfg2.Utils import Executor HAS_SVN = False class Svn(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Version): """Svn is a version plugin for dealing with Bcfg2 repos.""" __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' __vcs_metadata_path__ = ".svn" if HAS_SVN: __rmi__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Version.__rmi__ + ['Update', 'Commit'] else: __vcs_metadata_path__ = ".svn" def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Version.__init__(self, core, datastore) self.revision = None self.svn_root = None self.client = None self.cmd = None if not HAS_SVN: self.logger.debug("Svn: PySvn not found, using CLI interface to " "SVN") self.cmd = Executor() else: self.client = pysvn.Client() # pylint: disable=E1101 choice = pysvn.wc_conflict_choice.postpone try: resolution = self.core.setup.cfp.get( "svn", "conflict_resolution").replace('-', '_') if resolution in ["edit", "launch", "working"]: self.logger.warning("Svn: Conflict resolver %s requires " "manual intervention, using %s" % choice) else: choice = getattr(pysvn.wc_conflict_choice, resolution) except AttributeError: self.logger.warning("Svn: Conflict resolver %s does not " "exist, using %s" % choice) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): self.logger.info("Svn: No conflict resolution method " "selected, using %s" % choice) # pylint: enable=E1101 self.debug_log("Svn: Conflicts will be resolved with %s" % choice) self.client.callback_conflict_resolver = \ self.get_conflict_resolver(choice) self.logger.debug("Svn: Initialized svn plugin with SVN directory %s" % self.vcs_path) def get_conflict_resolver(self, choice): """ Get a PySvn conflict resolution callback """ def callback(conflict_description): """ PySvn callback function to resolve conflicts """ self.logger.info("Svn: Resolving conflict for %s with %s" % (conflict_description['path'], choice)) return choice, None, False return callback def get_revision(self): """Read svn revision information for the Bcfg2 repository.""" msg = None if HAS_SVN: try: info = self.client.info(self.vcs_root) self.revision = info.revision self.svn_root = info.url return str(self.revision.number) except pysvn.ClientError: # pylint: disable=E1101 msg = "Svn: Failed to get revision: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1] else: result = self.cmd.run(["env LC_ALL=C", "svn", "info", self.vcs_root], shell=True) if result.success: self.revision = [line.split(': ')[1] for line in result.stdout.splitlines() if line.startswith('Revision:')][-1] return self.revision else: msg = "Failed to read svn info: %s" % result.error self.revision = None raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError(msg) def Update(self): '''Svn.Update() => True|False\nUpdate svn working copy\n''' try: old_revision = self.revision.number self.revision = self.client.update(self.vcs_root, recurse=True)[0] except pysvn.ClientError: # pylint: disable=E1101 err = sys.exc_info()[1] # try to be smart about the error we got back details = None if "callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt" in str(err): details = "SVN server certificate is not trusted" elif "callback_get_login" in str(err): details = "SVN credentials not cached" if details is None: self.logger.error("Svn: Failed to update server repository", exc_info=1) else: self.logger.error("Svn: Failed to update server repository: " "%s" % details) return False if old_revision == self.revision.number: self.logger.debug("repository is current") else: self.logger.info("Updated %s from revision %s to %s" % (self.vcs_root, old_revision, self.revision.number)) return True def Commit(self): """Svn.Commit() => True|False\nCommit svn repository\n""" # First try to update if not self.Update(): self.logger.error("Failed to update svn repository, refusing to " "commit changes") return False try: self.revision = self.client.checkin([self.vcs_root], 'Svn: autocommit', recurse=True) self.revision = self.client.update(self.vcs_root, recurse=True)[0] self.logger.info("Svn: Commited changes. At %s" % self.revision.number) return True except pysvn.ClientError: # pylint: disable=E1101 err = sys.exc_info()[1] # try to be smart about the error we got back details = None if "callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt" in str(err): details = "SVN server certificate is not trusted" elif "callback_get_login" in str(err): details = "SVN credentials not cached" if details is None: self.logger.error("Svn: Failed to commit changes", exc_info=1) else: self.logger.error("Svn: Failed to commit changes: %s" % details) return False