#! /usr/bin/env python """ Imports statistics.xml and clients.xml files in to database backend for new statistics engine """ import os import sys import traceback try: import Bcfg2.settings except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] sys.stderr.write("Failed to load configuration settings. %s\n" % e) sys.exit(1) project_directory = os.path.dirname(Bcfg2.settings.__file__) project_name = os.path.basename(project_directory) sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_directory, '..')) project_module = __import__(project_name, '', '', ['']) sys.path.pop() # Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately. os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % project_name from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import * from lxml.etree import XML, XMLSyntaxError from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from datetime import datetime from time import strptime from django.db import connection, transaction from Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata import ClientMetadata import logging import Bcfg2.Logger import platform # Compatibility import from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import ConfigParser, b64decode def build_reason_kwargs(r_ent, encoding, logger): binary_file = False sensitive_file = False unpruned_entries = '' if r_ent.get('sensitive') in ['true', 'True']: sensitive_file = True rc_diff = '' elif r_ent.get('current_bfile', False): binary_file = True rc_diff = r_ent.get('current_bfile') if len(rc_diff) > 1024 * 1024: rc_diff = '' elif len(rc_diff) == 0: # No point in flagging binary if we have no data binary_file = False elif r_ent.get('current_bdiff', False): rc_diff = b64decode(r_ent.get('current_bdiff')) elif r_ent.get('current_diff', False): rc_diff = r_ent.get('current_diff') else: rc_diff = '' # detect unmanaged entries in pruned directories if r_ent.get('prune', 'false') == 'true' and r_ent.get('qtest'): unpruned_elist = [e.get('path') for e in r_ent.findall('Prune')] unpruned_entries = "\n".join(unpruned_elist) if not binary_file: try: rc_diff = rc_diff.decode(encoding) except: logger.error("Reason isn't %s encoded, cannot decode it" % encoding) rc_diff = '' return dict(owner=r_ent.get('owner', default=""), current_owner=r_ent.get('current_owner', default=""), group=r_ent.get('group', default=""), current_group=r_ent.get('current_group', default=""), perms=r_ent.get('perms', default=""), current_perms=r_ent.get('current_perms', default=""), status=r_ent.get('status', default=""), current_status=r_ent.get('current_status', default=""), to=r_ent.get('to', default=""), current_to=r_ent.get('current_to', default=""), version=r_ent.get('version', default=""), current_version=r_ent.get('current_version', default=""), current_exists=r_ent.get('current_exists', default="True").capitalize() == "True", current_diff=rc_diff, is_binary=binary_file, is_sensitive=sensitive_file, unpruned=unpruned_entries) def _fetch_reason(elem, kargs, logger): try: rr = None try: rr = Reason.objects.filter(**kargs)[0] except IndexError: rr = Reason(**kargs) rr.save() logger.debug("Created reason: %s" % rr.id) except Exception: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] logger.error("Failed to create reason for %s: %s" % (elem.get('name'), ex)) rr = Reason(current_exists=elem.get('current_exists', default="True").capitalize() == "True") rr.save() return rr def load_stats(sdata, encoding, vlevel, logger, quick=False, location=''): for node in sdata.findall('Node'): name = node.get('name') for statistics in node.findall('Statistics'): try: load_stat(name, statistics, encoding, vlevel, logger, quick, location) except: logger.error("Failed to create interaction for %s: %s" % (name, traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1])) @transaction.commit_on_success def load_stat(cobj, statistics, encoding, vlevel, logger, quick, location): if isinstance(cobj, ClientMetadata): client_name = cobj.hostname else: client_name = cobj client, created = Client.objects.get_or_create(name=client_name) if created and vlevel > 0: logger.info("Client %s added to db" % client_name) timestamp = datetime(*strptime(statistics.get('time'))[0:6]) ilist = Interaction.objects.filter(client=client, timestamp=timestamp) if ilist: current_interaction = ilist[0] if vlevel > 0: logger.info("Interaction for %s at %s with id %s already exists" % \ (client.id, timestamp, current_interaction.id)) return else: newint = Interaction(client=client, timestamp=timestamp, state=statistics.get('state', default="unknown"), repo_rev_code=statistics.get('revision', default="unknown"), goodcount=statistics.get('good', default="0"), totalcount=statistics.get('total', default="0"), server=location) newint.save() current_interaction = newint if vlevel > 0: logger.info("Interaction for %s at %s with id %s INSERTED in to db" % (client.id, timestamp, current_interaction.id)) if isinstance(cobj, ClientMetadata): try: imeta = InteractionMetadata(interaction=current_interaction) profile, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name=cobj.profile) imeta.profile = profile imeta.save() # save here for m2m #FIXME - this should be more efficient group_set = [] for group_name in cobj.groups: group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name) if created: logger.debug("Added group %s" % group) imeta.groups.add(group) for bundle_name in cobj.bundles: bundle, created = Bundle.objects.get_or_create(name=bundle_name) if created: logger.debug("Added bundle %s" % bundle) imeta.bundles.add(bundle) imeta.save() except: logger.error("Failed to save interaction metadata for %s: %s" % (client_name, traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1])) entries_cache = {} [entries_cache.__setitem__((e.kind, e.name), e) \ for e in Entries.objects.all()] counter_fields = {TYPE_BAD: 0, TYPE_MODIFIED: 0, TYPE_EXTRA: 0} pattern = [('Bad/*', TYPE_BAD), ('Extra/*', TYPE_EXTRA), ('Modified/*', TYPE_MODIFIED)] for (xpath, type) in pattern: for x in statistics.findall(xpath): counter_fields[type] = counter_fields[type] + 1 rr = _fetch_reason(x, build_reason_kwargs(x, encoding, logger), logger) try: entry = entries_cache[(x.tag, x.get('name'))] except KeyError: entry, created = Entries.objects.get_or_create(\ name=x.get('name'), kind=x.tag) Entries_interactions(entry=entry, reason=rr, interaction=current_interaction, type=type).save() if vlevel > 0: logger.info("%s interaction created with reason id %s and entry %s" % (xpath, rr.id, entry.id)) # add good entries good_reason = None for x in statistics.findall('Good/*'): if good_reason == None: # Do this once. Really need to fix Reasons... good_reason = _fetch_reason(x, build_reason_kwargs(x, encoding, logger), logger) try: entry = entries_cache[(x.tag, x.get('name'))] except KeyError: entry, created = Entries.objects.get_or_create(\ name=x.get('name'), kind=x.tag) Entries_interactions(entry=entry, reason=good_reason, interaction=current_interaction, type=TYPE_GOOD).save() if vlevel > 0: logger.info("%s interaction created with reason id %s and entry %s" % (xpath, good_reason.id, entry.id)) # Update interaction counters current_interaction.bad_entries = counter_fields[TYPE_BAD] current_interaction.modified_entries = counter_fields[TYPE_MODIFIED] current_interaction.extra_entries = counter_fields[TYPE_EXTRA] current_interaction.save() mperfs = [] for times in statistics.findall('OpStamps'): for metric, value in list(times.items()): mmatch = [] if not quick: mmatch = Performance.objects.filter(metric=metric, value=value) if mmatch: mperf = mmatch[0] else: mperf = Performance(metric=metric, value=value) mperf.save() mperfs.append(mperf) current_interaction.performance_items.add(*mperfs) if __name__ == '__main__': from sys import argv verb = 0 cpath = "/etc/bcfg2.conf" clientpath = False statpath = False syslog = False try: opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "hvudc:s:CS", ["help", "verbose", "updates", "debug", "clients=", "stats=", "config=", "syslog"]) except GetoptError: mesg = sys.exc_info()[1] # print help information and exit: print("%s\nUsage:\nimportscript.py [-h] [-v] [-u] [-d] [-S] [-C bcfg2 config file] [-s statistics-file]" % (mesg)) raise SystemExit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print("Usage:\nimportscript.py [-h] [-v] -s \n") print("h : help; this message") print("v : verbose; print messages on record insertion/skip") print("u : updates; print status messages as items inserted semi-verbose") print("d : debug; print most SQL used to manipulate database") print("C : path to bcfg2.conf config file.") print("s : statistics.xml file") print("S : syslog; output to syslog") raise SystemExit if o in ["-C", "--config"]: cpath = a if o in ("-v", "--verbose"): verb = 1 if o in ("-u", "--updates"): verb = 2 if o in ("-d", "--debug"): verb = 3 if o in ("-c", "--clients"): print("DeprecationWarning: %s is no longer used" % o) if o in ("-s", "--stats"): statpath = a if o in ("-S", "--syslog"): syslog = True logger = logging.getLogger('importscript.py') logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging('importscript.py', True, syslog, level=logging.INFO) cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cf.read([cpath]) if not statpath: try: statpath = "%s/etc/statistics.xml" % cf.get('server', 'repository') except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): print("Could not read bcfg2.conf; exiting") raise SystemExit(1) try: statsdata = XML(open(statpath).read()) except (IOError, XMLSyntaxError): print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s" % (statpath)) raise SystemExit(1) try: encoding = cf.get('components', 'encoding') except: encoding = 'UTF-8' q = '-O3' in sys.argv # don't load this at the top. causes a circular import error from Bcfg2.Server.SchemaUpdater import update_database, UpdaterError # Be sure the database is ready for new schema try: update_database() except UpdaterError: raise SystemExit(1) load_stats(statsdata, encoding, verb, logger, quick=q, location=platform.node())