""" module for tracking execution time statistics from the bcfg2 server core """ class Statistic(object): """ a single named statistic, tracking minimum, maximum, and average execution time, and number of invocations """ def __init__(self, name, initial_value): self.name = name self.min = float(initial_value) self.max = float(initial_value) self.ave = float(initial_value) self.count = 1 def add_value(self, value): """ add a value to the statistic """ self.min = min(self.min, value) self.max = max(self.max, value) self.ave = (((self.ave * (self.count - 1)) + value) / self.count) self.count += 1 def get_value(self): """ get a tuple of all the stats tracked on this named item """ return (self.name, (self.min, self.max, self.ave, self.count)) class Statistics(object): """ A collection of named statistics """ def __init__(self): self.data = dict() def add_value(self, name, value): """ add a value to the named statistic """ if name not in self.data: self.data[name] = Statistic(name, value) else: self.data[name].add_value(value) def display(self): """ return a dict of all statistics """ return dict([value.get_value() for value in list(self.data.values())])