"""This provides bcfg2 support for yum.""" __revision__ = '$Revision$' import copy import os.path import sys import yum import yum.packages import yum.rpmtrans import yum.callbacks import yum.Errors import yum.misc import rpmUtils.arch import Bcfg2.Client.XML import Bcfg2.Client.Tools # Compatibility import from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import ConfigParser # Fix for python2.3 try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set def build_yname(pkgname, inst): """Build yum appropriate package name.""" d = {} if isinstance(inst, yum.packages.PackageObject): for i in ['name', 'epoch', 'version', 'release', 'arch']: d[i] = getattr(inst, i) else: d['name'] = pkgname if inst.get('version') != 'any': d['version'] = inst.get('version') if inst.get('epoch', False): d['epoch'] = inst.get('epoch') if inst.get('release', False) and inst.get('release') != 'any': d['release'] = inst.get('release') if inst.get('arch', False) and inst.get('arch') != 'any': d['arch'] = inst.get('arch') return d def short_yname(nevra): d = nevra.copy() if 'version' in d: d['ver'] = d['version'] del d['version'] if 'release' in d: d['rel'] = d['release'] del d['release'] return d def nevraString(p): if isinstance(p, yum.packages.PackageObject): return str(p) else: ret = "" for i, j in [('epoch', '%s:'), ('name', '%s'), ('version', '-%s'), ('release', '-%s'), ('arch', '.%s')]: if i in p: ret = "%s%s" % (ret, j % p[i]) return ret class Parser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser): def get(self, section, option, default): """ Override ConfigParser.get: If the request option is not in the config file then return the value of default rather than raise an exception. We still raise exceptions on missing sections. """ try: return ConfigParser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option) except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): return default class RPMDisplay(yum.rpmtrans.RPMBaseCallback): """We subclass the default RPM transaction callback so that we can control Yum's verbosity and pipe it through the right logger.""" def __init__(self, logger): yum.rpmtrans.RPMBaseCallback.__init__(self) self.logger = logger self.state = None self.package = None def event(self, package, action, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total): """ @param package: A yum package object or simple string of a package name @param action: A yum.constant transaction set state or in the obscure rpm repackage case it could be the string 'repackaging' @param te_current: Current number of bytes processed in the transaction element being processed @param te_total: Total number of bytes in the transaction element being processed @param ts_current: number of processes completed in whole transaction @param ts_total: total number of processes in the transaction. """ if self.package != str(package) or action != self.state: msg = "%s: %s" % (self.action[action], package) self.logger.info(msg) self.state = action self.package = str(package) def scriptout(self, package, msgs): """Handle output from package scripts.""" if msgs: msg = "%s: %s" % (package, msgs) self.logger.debug(msg) def errorlog(self, msg): """Deal with error reporting.""" self.logger.error(msg) class YumDisplay(yum.callbacks.ProcessTransBaseCallback): """Class to handle display of what step we are in the Yum transaction such as downloading packages, etc.""" def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger class YUMng(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.PkgTool): """Support for Yum packages.""" pkgtype = 'yum' name = 'YUMng' __execs__ = [] __handles__ = [('Package', 'yum'), ('Package', 'rpm'), ('Path', 'ignore')] __req__ = {'Package': ['name'], 'Path': ['type']} __ireq__ = {'Package': ['name']} conflicts = ['YUM24', 'RPMng'] def __init__(self, logger, setup, config): self._loadYumBase(setup=setup, logger=logger) Bcfg2.Client.Tools.PkgTool.__init__(self, logger, setup, config) self.ignores = [entry.get('name') for struct in config \ for entry in struct \ if entry.tag == 'Path' and \ entry.get('type') == 'ignore'] self.instance_status = {} self.extra_instances = [] self.modlists = {} self._loadConfig() self.__important__ = self.__important__ + \ [entry.get('name') for struct in config \ for entry in struct \ if entry.tag == 'Path' and \ (entry.get('name').startswith('/etc/yum.d') \ or entry.get('name').startswith('/etc/yum.repos.d')) \ or entry.get('name') == '/etc/yum.conf'] self.yum_avail = dict() self.yum_installed = dict() yup = self.yb.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates') if hasattr(self.yb.rpmdb, 'pkglist'): yinst = self.yb.rpmdb.pkglist else: yinst = self.yb.rpmdb.getPkgList() for dest, source in [(self.yum_avail, yup.updates), (self.yum_installed, yinst)]: for pkg in source: if dest is self.yum_avail: pname = pkg.name data = [(pkg.arch, (pkg.epoch, pkg.version, pkg.release))] else: pname = pkg[0] data = [(pkg[1], (pkg[2], pkg[3], pkg[4]))] if pname in dest: dest[pname].update(data) else: dest[pname] = dict(data) def _loadYumBase(self, setup=None, logger=None): ''' this may be called before PkgTool.__init__() is called on this object (when the YUMng object is first instantiated; PkgTool.__init__() calls RefreshPackages(), which requires a YumBase object already exist), or after __init__() has completed, when we reload the yum config before installing packages. Consequently, we support both methods by allowing setup and logger, the only object properties we use in this function, to be passed as keyword arguments or to be omitted and drawn from the object itself.''' self.yb = yum.YumBase() if setup is None: setup = self.setup if logger is None: logger = self.logger if setup['debug']: debuglevel = 3 elif setup['verbose']: debuglevel = 2 else: debuglevel = 0 try: self.yb.preconf.debuglevel = debuglevel self.yb._getConfig() except AttributeError: self.yb._getConfig(self.yb.conf.config_file_path, debuglevel=debuglevel) try: self.yb.doConfigSetup() self.yb.doTsSetup() self.yb.doRpmDBSetup() except yum.Errors.RepoError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] logger.error("YUMng Repository error: %s" % err) raise Bcfg2.Client.Tools.toolInstantiationError except Exception: err = sys.exc_info()[1] logger.error("YUMng error: %s" % err) raise Bcfg2.Client.Tools.toolInstantiationError def _loadConfig(self): # Process the YUMng section from the config file. CP = Parser() CP.read(self.setup.get('setup')) truth = ['true', 'yes', '1'] # These are all boolean flags, either we do stuff or we don't self.pkg_checks = CP.get(self.name, "pkg_checks", "true").lower() \ in truth self.pkg_verify = CP.get(self.name, "pkg_verify", "true").lower() \ in truth self.doInstall = CP.get(self.name, "installed_action", "install").lower() == "install" self.doUpgrade = CP.get(self.name, "version_fail_action", "upgrade").lower() == "upgrade" self.doReinst = CP.get(self.name, "verify_fail_action", "reinstall").lower() == "reinstall" self.verifyFlags = CP.get(self.name, "verify_flags", "").lower().replace(' ', ',') self.installOnlyPkgs = self.yb.conf.installonlypkgs if 'gpg-pubkey' not in self.installOnlyPkgs: self.installOnlyPkgs.append('gpg-pubkey') self.logger.debug("YUMng: Install missing: %s" \ % self.doInstall) self.logger.debug("YUMng: pkg_checks: %s" % self.pkg_checks) self.logger.debug("YUMng: pkg_verify: %s" % self.pkg_verify) self.logger.debug("YUMng: Upgrade on version fail: %s" \ % self.doUpgrade) self.logger.debug("YUMng: Reinstall on verify fail: %s" \ % self.doReinst) self.logger.debug("YUMng: installOnlyPkgs: %s" \ % str(self.installOnlyPkgs)) self.logger.debug("YUMng: verify_flags: %s" % self.verifyFlags) def _fixAutoVersion(self, entry): # old style entry; synthesize Instances from current installed if entry.get('name') not in self.yum_installed and \ entry.get('name') not in self.yum_avail: # new entry; fall back to default entry.set('version', 'any') else: data = copy.copy(self.yum_installed[entry.get('name')]) if entry.get('name') in self.yum_avail: # installed but out of date data.update(self.yum_avail[entry.get('name')]) for (arch, (epoch, vers, rel)) in list(data.items()): x = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(entry, "Instance", name=entry.get('name'), version=vers, arch=arch, release=rel, epoch=epoch) if 'verify_flags' in entry.attrib: x.set('verify_flags', entry.get('verify_flags')) if 'verify' in entry.attrib: x.set('verify', entry.get('verify')) def _buildInstances(self, entry): instances = [inst for inst in entry \ if inst.tag == 'Instance' or inst.tag == 'Package'] # XXX: Uniquify instances. Cases where duplicates are returned. # However, the elements aren't comparable. if instances == []: # We have an old style no Instance entry. Convert it to new style. instance = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(entry, 'Package') for attrib in list(entry.attrib.keys()): instance.attrib[attrib] = entry.attrib[attrib] instances = [instance] return instances def _getGPGKeysAsPackages(self): """Return a list of the GPG RPM signing keys installed on the system as a list of Package Objects.""" # XXX GPG keys existing in the RPMDB have numbered days # and newer Yum versions will not return information about them if hasattr(self.yb.rpmdb, 'returnGPGPubkeyPackages'): return self.yb.rpmdb.returnGPGPubkeyPackages() return self.yb.rpmdb.searchNevra(name='gpg-pubkey') def _verifyHelper(self, po): # This code primarly deals with a yum bug where the PO.verify() # method does not properly take into count multilib sharing of files. # Neither does RPM proper, really....it just ignores the problem. def verify(p): # disabling file checksums is a new feature yum 3.2.17-ish try: vResult = p.verify(fast=self.setup.get('quick', False)) except TypeError: # Older Yum API vResult = p.verify() return vResult key = (po.name, po.epoch, po.version, po.release, po.arch) if key in self.verifyCache: results = self.verifyCache[key] else: results = verify(po) self.verifyCache[key] = results if not rpmUtils.arch.isMultiLibArch(): return results # Okay deal with a buggy yum multilib and verify packages = self.yb.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name, epoch=po.epoch, ver=po.version, rel=po.release) # find all arches of pkg if len(packages) == 1: return results # No mathcing multilib packages files = set(po.returnFileEntries()) # Will be the list of common fns common = {} for p in packages: if p != po: files = files & set(p.returnFileEntries()) for p in packages: k = (p.name, p.epoch, p.version, p.release, p.arch) self.logger.debug("Multilib Verify: comparing %s to %s" \ % (po, p)) if k in self.verifyCache: v = self.verifyCache[k] else: v = verify(p) self.verifyCache[k] = v for fn, probs in list(v.items()): # file problems must exist in ALL multilib packages to be real if fn in files: common[fn] = common.get(fn, 0) + 1 flag = len(packages) - 1 for fn, i in list(common.items()): if i == flag: # this fn had verify problems in all but one of the multilib # packages. That means its correct in the package that's # "on top." Therefore, this is a fake verify problem. if fn in results: del results[fn] return results def RefreshPackages(self): """ Creates self.installed{} which is a dict of installed packages. The dict items are lists of nevra dicts. This loosely matches the config from the server and what rpmtools uses to specify pacakges. e.g. self.installed['foo'] = [ {'name':'foo', 'epoch':None, 'version':'1', 'release':2, 'arch':'i386'}, {'name':'foo', 'epoch':None, 'version':'1', 'release':2, 'arch':'x86_64'} ] """ self.installed = {} packages = self._getGPGKeysAsPackages() + \ self.yb.rpmdb.returnPackages() for po in packages: d = {} for i in ['name', 'epoch', 'version', 'release', 'arch']: if i == 'arch' and getattr(po, i) is None: d[i] = 'noarch' elif i == 'epoch' and getattr(po, i) is None: d[i] = '0' else: d[i] = getattr(po, i) self.installed.setdefault(po.name, []).append(d) def VerifyPackage(self, entry, modlist, pinned_version=None): """ Verify Package status for entry. Performs the following: - Checks for the presence of required Package Instances. - Compares the evra 'version' info against self.installed{}. - RPM level package verify (rpm --verify). - Checks for the presence of unrequired package instances. Produces the following dict and list for YUMng.Install() to use: For installs/upgrades/fixes of required instances: instance_status = { : { 'installed': True|False, 'version_fail': True|False, 'verify_fail': True|False, 'pkg': , 'modlist': [ , ... ], 'verify' : [ ] }, ...... } For deletions of unrequired instances: extra_instances = [ , ..... ] Constructs the text prompts for interactive mode. """ if entry.get('version', False) == 'auto': self._fixAutoVersion(entry) self.logger.debug("Verifying package instances for %s" \ % entry.get('name')) self.verifyCache = {} # Used for checking multilib packages self.modlists[entry] = modlist instances = self._buildInstances(entry) packageCache = [] package_fail = False qtext_versions = [] virtPkg = False pkg_checks = self.pkg_checks and \ entry.get('pkg_checks', 'true').lower() == 'true' pkg_verify = self.pkg_verify and \ entry.get('pkg_verify', 'true').lower() == 'true' if entry.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': POs = self._getGPGKeysAsPackages() pkg_verify = False # No files here to verify else: POs = self.yb.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=entry.get('name')) if len(POs) == 0: # Some sort of virtual capability? Try to resolve it POs = self.yb.rpmdb.searchProvides(entry.get('name')) if len(POs) > 0: virtPkg = True self.logger.info("%s appears to be provided by:" \ % entry.get('name')) for p in POs: self.logger.info(" %s" % p) for inst in instances: nevra = build_yname(entry.get('name'), inst) snevra = short_yname(nevra) if nevra in packageCache: continue # Ignore duplicate instances else: packageCache.append(nevra) self.logger.debug("Verifying: %s" % nevraString(nevra)) # Set some defaults here stat = self.instance_status.setdefault(inst, {}) stat['installed'] = True stat['version_fail'] = False stat['verify'] = {} stat['verify_fail'] = False stat['pkg'] = entry stat['modlist'] = modlist verify_flags = inst.get('verify_flags', self.verifyFlags) verify_flags = verify_flags.lower().replace(' ', ',').split(',') if 'arch' in nevra: # If arch is specified use it to select the package _POs = [ p for p in POs if p.arch == nevra['arch'] ] else: _POs = POs if len(_POs) == 0: # Package (name, arch) not installed entry.set('current_exists', 'false') self.logger.debug(" %s is not installed" % nevraString(nevra)) stat['installed'] = False package_fail = True qtext_versions.append("I(%s)" % nevra) continue if not pkg_checks: continue # Check EVR if virtPkg: self.logger.debug(" Not checking version for virtual package") _POs = [po for po in POs] # Make a copy elif entry.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': if 'version' not in nevra: m = "Skipping verify: gpg-pubkey without an RPM version." self.logger.warning(m) continue if 'release' not in nevra: m = "Skipping verify: gpg-pubkey without an RPM release." self.logger.warning(m) continue _POs = [p for p in POs if p.version == nevra['version'] \ and p.release == nevra['release']] else: _POs = self.yb.rpmdb.searchNevra(**snevra) if len(_POs) == 0: package_fail = True stat['version_fail'] = True # Just chose the first pkg for the error message entry.set('current_version', "%s-%s.%s" % (POs[0].version, POs[0].release, POs[0].arch)) entry.set('version', "%s-%s.%s" % (nevra.get('version', 'any'), nevra.get('release', 'any'), nevra.get('arch', 'any'))) self.logger.info(" %s: Wrong version installed. " "Want %s, but have %s" % (entry.get("name"), nevraString(nevra), nevraString(POs[0]))) qtext_versions.append("U(%s)" % str(POs[0])) continue if self.setup.get('quick', False): # Passed -q on the command line continue if not (pkg_verify and \ inst.get('pkg_verify', 'true').lower() == 'true'): continue # XXX: We ignore GPG sig checking the package as it # has nothing to do with the individual file hash/size/etc. # GPG checking the package only eaxmines some header/rpmdb # wacky-ness, and will not properly detect a compromised rpmdb. # Yum's verify routine does not support it for that reaosn. if len(_POs) > 1: self.logger.debug(" Verify Instance found many packages:") for po in _POs: self.logger.debug(" %s" % str(po)) try: vResult = self._verifyHelper(_POs[0]) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] # Unknown Yum exception self.logger.warning(" Verify Exception: %s" % str(e)) package_fail = True continue # Now take out the Yum specific objects / modlists / unproblmes ignores = [ig.get('name') for ig in entry.findall('Ignore')] + \ [ig.get('name') for ig in inst.findall('Ignore')] + \ self.ignores for fn, probs in list(vResult.items()): if fn in modlist: self.logger.debug(" %s in modlist, skipping" % fn) continue if fn in ignores: self.logger.debug(" %s in ignore list, skipping" % fn) continue tmp = [] for p in probs: if p.type == 'missing' and os.path.islink(fn): continue elif 'no' + p.type in verify_flags: continue if p.type not in ['missingok', 'ghost']: tmp.append((p.type, p.message)) if tmp != []: stat['verify'][fn] = tmp if stat['verify'] != {}: stat['verify_fail'] = True package_fail = True self.logger.debug("It is suggested that you either manage " "these files, revert the changes, or ignore " "false failures:") self.logger.debug(" Verify Problems:") for fn, probs in list(stat['verify'].items()): self.logger.debug(" %s" % fn) for p in probs: self.logger.debug(" %s: %s" % p) if len(POs) > 0: # Is this an install only package? We just look at the first one provides = set([p[0] for p in POs[0].provides] + [POs[0].name]) install_only = len(set(self.installOnlyPkgs) & provides) > 0 else: install_only = False if virtPkg or (install_only and not self.setup['kevlar']): # XXX: virtual capability supplied, we a probably dealing # with multiple packages of different names. This check # doesn't make a lot of since in this case # XXX: install_only: Yum may clean some of these up itself. # Otherwise having multiple instances of install only packages # is considered correct self.extra_instances = None else: self.extra_instances = self.FindExtraInstances(entry, POs) if self.extra_instances is not None: package_fail = True return not package_fail def FindExtraInstances(self, entry, POs): """ Check for installed instances that are not in the config. Return a Package Entry with Instances to remove, or None if there are no Instances to remove. """ if len(POs) == 0: return None name = entry.get('name') extra_entry = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element('Package', name=name, type=self.pkgtype) instances = self._buildInstances(entry) _POs = [p for p in POs] # Shallow copy # Algorythm is sensitive to duplicates, check for them checked = [] for inst in instances: nevra = build_yname(name, inst) snevra = short_yname(nevra) pkgs = self.yb.rpmdb.searchNevra(**snevra) flag = True if len(pkgs) > 0: if pkgs[0] in checked: continue # We've already taken care of this Instance else: checked.append(pkgs[0]) _POs.remove(pkgs[0]) for p in _POs: self.logger.debug(" Extra Instance Found: %s" % str(p)) Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(extra_entry, 'Instance', epoch=p.epoch, name=p.name, version=p.version, release=p.release, arch=p.arch) if _POs == []: return None else: return extra_entry def FindExtraPackages(self): """Find extra packages.""" packages = [e.get('name') for e in self.getSupportedEntries()] extras = [] for p in list(self.installed.keys()): if p not in packages: entry = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element('Package', name=p, type=self.pkgtype) for i in self.installed[p]: inst = Bcfg2.Client.XML.SubElement(entry, 'Instance', epoch=i['epoch'], version=i['version'], release=i['release'], arch=i['arch']) extras.append(entry) return extras def _installGPGKey(self, inst, key_file): """Examine the GPG keys carefully before installation. Avoid installing duplicate keys. Returns True on successful install.""" # RPM Transaction Set ts = self.yb.rpmdb.readOnlyTS() if not os.path.exists(key_file): self.logger.debug("GPG Key file %s not installed" % key_file) return False rawkey = open(key_file).read() gpg = yum.misc.getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey) ver = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(gpg['keyid']) rel = yum.misc.keyIdToRPMVer(gpg['timestamp']) if not (ver == inst.get('version') and rel == inst.get('release')): self.logger.info("GPG key file %s does not match gpg-pubkey-%s-%s"\ % (key_file, inst.get('version'), inst.get('release'))) return False if not yum.misc.keyInstalled(ts, gpg['keyid'], gpg['timestamp']) == 0: result = ts.pgpImportPubkey(yum.misc.procgpgkey(rawkey)) else: self.logger.debug("gpg-pubkey-%s-%s already installed"\ % (inst.get('version'), inst.get('release'))) return True if result != 0: self.logger.debug("Unable to install %s-%s" % \ (self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name'), self.str_evra(inst))) return False else: self.logger.debug("Installed %s-%s-%s" % \ (self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name'), inst.get('version'), inst.get('release'))) return True def _runYumTransaction(self): def cleanup(): self.yb.closeRpmDB() self.RefreshPackages() rDisplay = RPMDisplay(self.logger) yDisplay = YumDisplay(self.logger) # Run the Yum Transaction try: rescode, restring = self.yb.buildTransaction() except yum.Errors.YumBaseError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Yum transaction error: %s" % str(e)) cleanup() return self.logger.debug("Initial Yum buildTransaction() run said:") self.logger.debug(" resultcode: %s, msgs: %s" \ % (rescode, restring)) if rescode != 1: # Transaction built successfully, run it try: self.yb.processTransaction(callback=yDisplay, rpmDisplay=rDisplay) self.logger.info("Single Pass for Install Succeeded") except yum.Errors.YumBaseError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Yum transaction error: %s" % str(e)) cleanup() return else: # The yum command failed. No packages installed. # Try installing instances individually. self.logger.error("Single Pass Install of Packages Failed") skipBroken = self.yb.conf.skip_broken self.yb.conf.skip_broken = True try: rescode, restring = self.yb.buildTransaction() if rescode != 1: self.yb.processTransaction(callback=yDisplay, rpmDisplay=rDisplay) self.logger.debug( "Second pass install did not install all packages") else: self.logger.error("Second pass yum install failed.") self.logger.debug(" %s" % restring) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e: self.logger.error("Yum transaction error: %s" % str(e)) self.yb.conf.skip_broken = skipBroken cleanup() def Install(self, packages, states): """ Try and fix everything that YUMng.VerifyPackages() found wrong for each Package Entry. This can result in individual RPMs being installed (for the first time), deleted, downgraded or upgraded. packages is a list of Package Elements that has states[] == False The following effects occur: - states{} is conditionally updated for each package. - self.installed{} is rebuilt, possibly multiple times. - self.instance_status{} is conditionally updated for each instance of a package. - Each package will be added to self.modified[] if its states{} entry is set to True. """ self.logger.debug('Running YUMng.Install()') install_pkgs = [] gpg_keys = [] upgrade_pkgs = [] reinstall_pkgs = [] def queuePkg(pkg, inst, queue): if pkg.get('name') == 'gpg-pubkey': gpg_keys.append(inst) else: queue.append(inst) # Remove extra instances. # Can not reverify because we don't have a package entry. if self.extra_instances is not None and len(self.extra_instances) > 0: if (self.setup.get('remove') == 'all' or \ self.setup.get('remove') == 'packages'): self.RemovePackages(self.extra_instances) else: self.logger.info("The following extra package instances will be removed by the '-r' option:") for pkg in self.extra_instances: for inst in pkg: self.logger.info(" %s %s" % \ ((pkg.get('name'), self.str_evra(inst)))) # Figure out which instances of the packages actually need something # doing to them and place in the appropriate work 'queue'. for pkg in packages: insts = [pinst for pinst in pkg \ if pinst.tag in ['Instance', 'Package']] if insts: for inst in insts: if inst not in self.instance_status: m = " Asked to install/update package never verified" p = nevraString(build_yname(pkg.get('name'), inst)) self.logger.warning("%s: %s" % (m, p)) continue status = self.instance_status[inst] if not status.get('installed', False) and self.doInstall: queuePkg(pkg, inst, install_pkgs) elif status.get('version_fail', False) and self.doUpgrade: queuePkg(pkg, inst, upgrade_pkgs) elif status.get('verify_fail', False) and self.doReinst: queuePkg(pkg, inst, reinstall_pkgs) else: # Either there was no Install/Version/Verify # task to be done or the user disabled the actions # in the configuration. XXX Logging for the latter? pass else: msg = "YUMng: Package tag found where Instance expected: %s" self.logger.warning(msg % pkg.get('name')) queuePkg(pkg, pkg, install_pkgs) # Install GPG keys. # Alternatively specify the required keys using 'gpgkey' in the # repository definition in yum.conf. YUM will install the keys # automatically. if len(gpg_keys) > 0: self.logger.info("Installing GPG keys.") for inst in gpg_keys: if inst.get('simplefile') is None: self.logger.error("GPG key has no simplefile attribute") continue key_file = os.path.join(self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('uri'), \ inst.get('simplefile')) self._installGPGKey(inst, key_file) self.RefreshPackages() pkg = self.instance_status[gpg_keys[0]].get('pkg') states[pkg] = self.VerifyPackage(pkg, []) # We want to reload all Yum configuration in case we've # deployed new .repo files we should consider self._loadYumBase() # Install packages. if len(install_pkgs) > 0: self.logger.info("Attempting to install packages") for inst in install_pkgs: pkg_arg = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name') self.logger.debug("Installing %s" % pkg_arg) try: self.yb.install(**build_yname(pkg_arg, inst)) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError: yume = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Error installing package %s: %s" % (pkg_arg, yume)) if len(upgrade_pkgs) > 0: self.logger.info("Attempting to upgrade packages") for inst in upgrade_pkgs: pkg_arg = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name') self.logger.debug("Upgrading %s" % pkg_arg) try: self.yb.update(**build_yname(pkg_arg, inst)) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError: yume = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Error upgrading package %s: %s" % (pkg_arg, yume)) if len(reinstall_pkgs) > 0: self.logger.info("Attempting to reinstall packages") for inst in reinstall_pkgs: pkg_arg = self.instance_status[inst].get('pkg').get('name') self.logger.debug("Reinstalling %s" % pkg_arg) try: self.yb.reinstall(**build_yname(pkg_arg, inst)) except yum.Errors.YumBaseError: yume = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Error reinstalling package %s: %s" % (pkg_arg, yume)) self._runYumTransaction() if not self.setup['kevlar']: for pkg_entry in [p for p in packages if self.canVerify(p)]: self.logger.debug("Reverifying Failed Package %s" \ % (pkg_entry.get('name'))) states[pkg_entry] = self.VerifyPackage(pkg_entry, self.modlists.get(pkg_entry, [])) for entry in [ent for ent in packages if states[ent]]: self.modified.append(entry) def RemovePackages(self, packages): """ Remove specified entries. packages is a list of Package Entries with Instances generated by FindExtraPackages(). """ self.logger.debug('Running YUMng.RemovePackages()') erase_args = [] for pkg in packages: for inst in pkg: nevra = build_yname(pkg.get('name'), inst) if pkg.get('name') != 'gpg-pubkey': self.yb.remove(**nevra) self.modified.append(pkg) else: self.logger.info("WARNING: gpg-pubkey package not in configuration %s %s-%s"\ % (nevra['name'], nevra['version'], nevra['release'])) self.logger.info(" This package will be deleted in a future version of the YUMng driver.") self._runYumTransaction() self.extra = self.FindExtraPackages() def VerifyPath(self, entry, _): """Do nothing here since we only verify Path type=ignore""" return True