"""This contains all Bcfg2 Tool modules""" # suppress popen2 warnings for python 2.3 import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "The popen2 module is deprecated.*", DeprecationWarning) import os import stat import sys from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import time import Bcfg2.Client.XML __revision__ = '$Revision$' __all__ = [tool.split('.')[0] \ for tool in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) \ if tool.endswith(".py") and tool != "__init__.py"] drivers = [item for item in __all__ if item not in ['rpmtools']] default = [item for item in drivers if item not in ['RPM', 'Yum']] class toolInstantiationError(Exception): """This error is called if the toolset cannot be instantiated.""" pass class executor: """This class runs stuff for us""" def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger def run(self, command): """Run a command in a pipe dealing with stdout buffer overloads.""" p = Popen(command, shell=True, bufsize=16384, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) output = p.communicate()[0] for line in output.splitlines(): self.logger.debug('< %s' % line) return (p.returncode, output.splitlines()) class Tool: """ All tools subclass this. It defines all interfaces that need to be defined. """ name = 'Tool' __execs__ = [] __handles__ = [] __req__ = {} __important__ = [] def __init__(self, logger, setup, config): self.__important__ = [entry.get('name') \ for struct in config for entry in struct \ if entry.tag == 'Path' and \ entry.get('important') in ['true', 'True']] self.setup = setup self.logger = logger if not hasattr(self, '__ireq__'): self.__ireq__ = self.__req__ self.config = config self.cmd = executor(logger) self.modified = [] self.extra = [] self.handled = [entry for struct in self.config for entry in struct \ if self.handlesEntry(entry)] for filename in self.__execs__: try: mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MODE]) if mode & stat.S_IEXEC != stat.S_IEXEC: self.logger.debug("%s: %s not executable" % \ (self.name, filename)) raise toolInstantiationError except OSError: raise toolInstantiationError except: self.logger.debug("%s failed" % filename, exc_info=1) raise toolInstantiationError def BundleUpdated(self, _, states): """This callback is used when bundle updates occur.""" return def BundleNotUpdated(self, _, states): """This callback is used when a bundle is not updated.""" return def Inventory(self, states, structures=[]): """Dispatch verify calls to underlying methods.""" if not structures: structures = self.config.getchildren() mods = self.buildModlist() for (struct, entry) in [(struct, entry) for struct in structures \ for entry in struct.getchildren() \ if self.canVerify(entry)]: try: func = getattr(self, "Verify%s" % (entry.tag)) states[entry] = func(entry, mods) except: self.logger.error( "Unexpected failure of verification method for entry type %s" \ % (entry.tag), exc_info=1) self.extra = self.FindExtra() def Install(self, entries, states): """Install all entries in sublist.""" for entry in entries: try: func = getattr(self, "Install%s" % (entry.tag)) states[entry] = func(entry) if states[entry]: self.modified.append(entry) except: self.logger.error("Unexpected failure of install method for entry type %s" \ % (entry.tag), exc_info=1) def Remove(self, entries): """Remove specified extra entries""" pass def getSupportedEntries(self): """Return a list of supported entries.""" return [entry for struct in \ self.config.getchildren() for entry in \ struct.getchildren() \ if self.handlesEntry(entry)] def handlesEntry(self, entry): """Return if entry is handled by this tool.""" return (entry.tag, entry.get('type')) in self.__handles__ def buildModlist(self): '''Build a list of potentially modified POSIX paths for this entry''' return [entry.get('name') for struct in self.config.getchildren() \ for entry in struct.getchildren() \ if entry.tag in ['Ignore', 'Path']] def gatherCurrentData(self, entry): """Default implementation of the information gathering routines.""" pass def canVerify(self, entry): """Test if entry has enough information to be verified.""" if not self.handlesEntry(entry): return False if 'failure' in entry.attrib: self.logger.error("Entry %s:%s reports bind failure: %s" % \ (entry.tag, entry.get('name'), entry.get('failure'))) return False missing = [attr for attr in self.__req__[entry.tag] \ if attr not in entry.attrib] if missing: self.logger.error("Incomplete information for entry %s:%s; cannot verify" \ % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) self.logger.error("\t... due to absence of %s attribute(s)" % \ (":".join(missing))) try: self.gatherCurrentData(entry) except: self.logger.error("Unexpected error in gatherCurrentData", exc_info=1) return False return True def FindExtra(self): """Return a list of extra entries.""" return [] def canInstall(self, entry): """Test if entry has enough information to be installed.""" if not self.handlesEntry(entry): return False if 'failure' in entry.attrib: self.logger.error("Cannot install entry %s:%s with bind failure" % \ (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) return False missing = [attr for attr in self.__ireq__[entry.tag] \ if attr not in entry.attrib or not entry.attrib[attr]] if missing: self.logger.error("Incomplete information for entry %s:%s; cannot install" \ % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) self.logger.error("\t... due to absence of %s attribute" % \ (":".join(missing))) return False return True class PkgTool(Tool): """ PkgTool provides a one-pass install with fallback for use with packaging systems """ pkgtool = ('echo %s', ('%s', ['name'])) pkgtype = 'echo' name = 'PkgTool' def __init__(self, logger, setup, config): Tool.__init__(self, logger, setup, config) self.installed = {} self.Remove = self.RemovePackages self.FindExtra = self.FindExtraPackages self.RefreshPackages() def VerifyPackage(self, dummy, _): """Dummy verification method""" return False def Install(self, packages, states): """ Run a one-pass install, followed by single pkg installs in case of failure. """ self.logger.info("Trying single pass package install for pkgtype %s" % \ self.pkgtype) data = [tuple([pkg.get(field) for field in self.pkgtool[1][1]]) for pkg in packages] pkgargs = " ".join([self.pkgtool[1][0] % datum for datum in data]) self.logger.debug("Installing packages: :%s:" % pkgargs) self.logger.debug("Running command ::%s::" % (self.pkgtool[0] % pkgargs)) cmdrc = self.cmd.run(self.pkgtool[0] % pkgargs)[0] if cmdrc == 0: self.logger.info("Single Pass Succeded") # set all package states to true and flush workqueues pkgnames = [pkg.get('name') for pkg in packages] for entry in [entry for entry in list(states.keys()) if entry.tag == 'Package' and entry.get('type') == self.pkgtype and entry.get('name') in pkgnames]: self.logger.debug('Setting state to true for pkg %s' % \ (entry.get('name'))) states[entry] = True self.RefreshPackages() else: self.logger.error("Single Pass Failed") # do single pass installs self.RefreshPackages() for pkg in packages: # handle state tracking updates if self.VerifyPackage(pkg, []): self.logger.info("Forcing state to true for pkg %s" % \ (pkg.get('name'))) states[pkg] = True else: self.logger.info("Installing pkg %s version %s" % (pkg.get('name'), pkg.get('version'))) cmdrc = self.cmd.run(self.pkgtool[0] % (self.pkgtool[1][0] % tuple([pkg.get(field) for field in self.pkgtool[1][1]]))) if cmdrc[0] == 0: states[pkg] = True else: self.logger.error("Failed to install package %s" % \ (pkg.get('name'))) self.RefreshPackages() for entry in [ent for ent in packages if states[ent]]: self.modified.append(entry) def RefreshPackages(self): """Dummy state refresh method.""" pass def RemovePackages(self, packages): """Dummy implementation of package removal method.""" pass def FindExtraPackages(self): """Find extra packages.""" packages = [entry.get('name') for entry in self.getSupportedEntries()] extras = [data for data in list(self.installed.items()) \ if data[0] not in packages] return [Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element('Package', name=name, \ type=self.pkgtype, version=version) \ for (name, version) in extras] class SvcTool(Tool): """This class defines basic Service behavior""" name = 'SvcTool' def get_svc_command(self, service, action): """Return the basename of the command used to start/stop services.""" return '/etc/init.d/%s %s' % (service.get('name'), action) def start_service(self, service): self.logger.debug('Starting service %s' % service.get('name')) return self.cmd.run(self.get_svc_command(service, 'start'))[0] def stop_service(self, service): self.logger.debug('Stopping service %s' % service.get('name')) return self.cmd.run(self.get_svc_command(service, 'stop'))[0] def restart_service(self, service): self.logger.debug('Restarting service %s' % service.get('name')) restart_target = service.get('target', 'restart') return self.cmd.run(self.get_svc_command(service, restart_target))[0] def check_service(self, service): # not supported for this driver return 0 def BundleUpdated(self, bundle, states): """The Bundle has been updated.""" if self.setup['servicemode'] == 'disabled': return for entry in [ent for ent in bundle if self.handlesEntry(ent)]: mode = entry.get('mode', 'default') if mode == 'manual' or \ (mode == 'interactive_only' and not self.setup['interactive']): continue # need to handle servicemode = (build|default) # need to handle mode = (default|supervised) if entry.get('status') == 'on': if self.setup['servicemode'] == 'build': rc = self.stop_service(entry) else: if self.setup['interactive']: prompt = 'Restart service %s?: (y/N): ' % entry.get('name') # py3k compatibility try: ans = raw_input(prompt) except NameError: ans = input(prompt) if ans not in ['y', 'Y']: continue rc = self.restart_service(entry) else: rc = self.stop_service(entry) if rc: self.logger.error("Failed to manipulate service %s" % \ (entry.get('name')))