#!/usr/bin/env python from binascii import a2b_base64 from grp import getgrgid, getgrnam from os import chown, chmod, lstat, mkdir, stat, system, unlink, rename, readlink, symlink from pwd import getpwuid, getpwnam from stat import S_ISVTX, S_ISGID, S_ISUID, S_IXUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IRUSR, S_IXGRP from stat import S_IWGRP, S_IRGRP, S_IXOTH, S_IWOTH, S_IROTH, ST_MODE, S_ISDIR from stat import S_IFREG, ST_UID, ST_GID, S_ISREG, S_IFDIR, S_ISLNK from sys import exc_info from time import asctime, localtime from traceback import extract_tb from elementtree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring def CalcPerms(initial, perms): tempperms = initial if len(perms) == 3: perms = '0%s' % (perms) [s, u, g, o] = [perms[int(x)] for x in range(4)] if s & 1: tempperms |= S_ISVTX if s & 2: tempperms |= S_ISGID if s & 4: tempperms |= S_ISUID if u & 1: tempperms |= S_IXUSR if u & 2: tempperms |= S_IWUSR if u & 4: tempperms |= S_IRUSR if g & 1: tempperms |= S_IXGRP if g & 2: tempperms |= S_IWGRP if g & 4: tempperms |= S_IRGRP if o & 1: tempperms |= S_IXOTH if o & 2: tempperms |= S_IWOTH if o & 4: tempperms |= S_IROTH return tempperms class Toolset(object): __important__ = [] def __init__(self, cfg, setup): self.setup = setup self.cfg = cfg self.states = {} self.structures = {} self.modified = [] self.extra = [] if self.__important__: for c in cfg.findall(".//ConfigFile"): for name in self.__important__: if c.get("name") == name: self.InstallConfigFile(c) def LogFailure(self, area, entry): '''Print tracebacks in unexpected cases''' print "Failure in %s for entry: %s" % (area, tostring(entry)) (t, v, tb) = exc_info() for line in extract_tb(tb): print "File %s, line %i, in %s\n %s\n" % (line) print "%s: %s\n" % (t, v) del t, v, tb def print_failure(self): if self.setup['verbose']: print "\033[60G[\033[1;31mFAILED\033[0;39m]\r" def print_success(self): if self.setup['verbose']: print "\033[60G[ \033[1;32mOK\033[0;39m ]\r" # These next functions form the external API def Inventory(self): # build initial set of states unexamined = [(x, []) for x in self.cfg.getchildren()] while unexamined: (r, modlist) = unexamined.pop() if r.tag not in ['Bundle', 'Independant']: self.VerifyEntry(r, modlist) else: modlist = [x.attrib['name'] for x in r.getchildren() if x.tag == 'ConfigFile'] unexamined += [(x, modlist) for x in r.getchildren()] self.structures[r] = False for structure in self.cfg.getchildren(): self.CheckStructure(structure) def CheckStructure(self, structure): '''Check structures with bundle verification semantics''' if structure in self.modified: self.modified.remove(structure) if structure.tag == 'Bundle': # check for clobbered data modlist = [x.attrib['name'] for x in structure.getchildren() if x.tag == 'ConfigFile'] for entry in structure.getchildren(): self.VerifyEntry(entry, modlist) try: state = [self.states[x] for x in structure.getchildren()] if False not in state: self.structures[structure] = True except KeyError, k: print "State verify evidently failed for %s" % (k) self.structures[structure] = False def Install(self): self.modified = [k for (k, v) in self.structures.iteritems() if not v] for entry in [k for (k, v) in self.states.iteritems() if not v]: self.InstallEntry(entry) def Commit(self): '''Commit pending changes to the system. This method allows for interrelated operations to be executed concurrently''' return def GenerateStats(self): '''Generate XML summary of execution statistics''' stats = Element("Statistics") SubElement(stats, "Structures", good=str(len([k for k, v in self.structures.iteritems() if v])), \ bad=str(len([k for k, v in self.structures.iteritems() if not v]))) SubElement(stats, "Entries", good=str(len([k for k, v in self.states.iteritems() if v])), \ bad=str(len([k for k, v in self.states.iteritems() if not v]))) if len([k for k, v in self.structures.iteritems() if not v]) == 0: stats.attrib['state'] = 'clean' else: stats.attrib['state'] = 'dirty' stats.attrib['time'] = asctime(localtime()) return stats # the next two are dispatch functions def VerifyEntry(self, entry, modlist = []): '''Dispatch call to Verify and save state in self.states''' try: method = getattr(self, "Verify%s"%(entry.tag)) # verify state and stash value in state if entry.tag == 'Package': self.states[entry] = method(entry, modlist) else: self.states[entry] = method(entry) if self.setup['debug']: print entry.attrib['name'], self.states[entry] except: self.LogFailure("Verify", entry) def InstallEntry(self, entry): '''Dispatch call to self.Install''' try: method = getattr(self, "Install%s"%(entry.tag)) self.states[entry] = method(entry) except: self.LogFailure("Install", entry) # All remaining operations implement the mechanics of POSIX cfg elements def VerifySymLink(self, entry): try: s = readlink(entry.attrib['name']) if s == entry.attrib['to']: return True return False except OSError: return False def InstallSymLink(self, entry): try: fmode = lstat(entry.attrib['name'])[ST_MODE] if S_ISREG(fmode) or S_ISLNK(fmode): unlink(entry.attrib['name']) elif S_ISDIR(fmode): system("mv %s/ %s.bak" % (entry.attrib['name'], entry.attrib['name'])) else: unlink(entry.attrib['name']) except OSError, e: pass try: symlink(entry.attrib['to'], entry.attrib['name']) except OSError, e: return False def VerifyDirectory(self, entry): try: ondisk = stat(entry.attrib['name']) except OSError: return False try: owner = getpwuid(ondisk[ST_UID])[0] group = getgrgid(ondisk[ST_GID])[0] except OSError: owner = 'root' group = 'root' perms = stat(entry.attrib['name'])[ST_MODE] if ((owner == entry.attrib['owner']) and (group == entry.attrib['group']) and (perms == CalcPerms(S_IFDIR, entry.attrib['perms']))): return True else: return False def InstallDirectory(self, entry): try: fmode = lstat(entry.attrib['name']) if not S_ISDIR(fmode[0]): try: unlink(entry.attrib['name']) except: return False except OSError: pass try: mkdir(entry.attrib['name']) except OSError: return False try: chown(entry.attrib['name'], getpwnam(entry.attrib['owner'])[2], getgrnam(entry.attrib['group'])[2]) chmod(entry.attrib['name'], entry.attrib['perms']) except: return False def VerifyConfigFile(self, entry): try: ondisk = stat(entry.attrib['name']) except OSError: return False try: data = open(entry.attrib['name']).read() except IOError: return False try: owner = getpwuid(ondisk[ST_UID])[0] group = getgrgid(ondisk[ST_GID])[0] except KeyError: return False perms = stat(entry.attrib['name'])[ST_MODE] if entry.attrib.get('encoding', 'ascii') == 'base64': tempdata = a2b_base64(entry.text) else: tempdata = entry.text if ((data == tempdata) and (owner == entry.attrib['owner']) and (group == entry.attrib['group']) and (perms == CalcPerms(S_IFREG, entry.attrib['perms']))): return True return False def InstallConfigFile(self, entry): if self.setup['dryrun'] or self.setup['verbose']: print "Installing ConfigFile %s" % (entry.attrib['name']) if self.setup['dryrun']: return False parent = "/".join(entry.attrib['name'].split('/')[:-1]) if parent: try: s = lstat(parent) try: if not S_ISDIR(s[ST_MODE]): unlink(parent) mkdir(parent) except OSError: return False except OSError: # need to handle mkdir -p case mkdir(parent) # If we get here, then the parent directory should exist try: newfile = open("%s.new"%(entry.attrib['name']), 'w') if entry.attrib.get('encoding', 'ascii') == 'base64': filedata = a2b_base64(entry.text) else: filedata = entry.text newfile.write(filedata) newfile.close() chown(newfile.name, getpwnam(entry.attrib['owner'])[2], getgrnam(entry.attrib['group'])[2]) chmod(newfile.name, CalcPerms(S_IFREG, entry.attrib['perms'])) if entry.attrib.get("paranoid", False) and self.setup.get("paranoid", False): system("diff -u %s %s.new"%(entry.attrib['name'], entry.attrib['name'])) rename(newfile.name, entry.attrib['name']) return True except (OSError, IOError), e: print e return False