"""Cobalt component base.""" __revision__ = '$Revision$' __all__ = ["Component", "exposed", "automatic", "run_component"] import inspect import logging import os import pydoc import sys import time import threading import urlparse import xmlrpclib import Bcfg2.Logger from Bcfg2.Statistics import Statistics from Bcfg2.SSLServer import XMLRPCServer class NoExposedMethod (Exception): """There is no method exposed with the given name.""" def run_component (component_cls, location, daemon, pidfile_name, argv=None, register=True, state_name=False, cls_kwargs={}, extra_getopt='', time_out=10, certfile=None, keyfile=None, ca=None): # default settings level = logging.INFO logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging(component_cls.implementation, True, True) if daemon: child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid != 0: return os.setsid() child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid != 0: os._exit(0) redirect_file = open("/dev/null", "w+") os.dup2(redirect_file.fileno(), sys.__stdin__.fileno()) os.dup2(redirect_file.fileno(), sys.__stdout__.fileno()) os.dup2(redirect_file.fileno(), sys.__stderr__.fileno()) os.chdir(os.sep) os.umask(0) pidfile = open(pidfile_name or "/dev/null", "w") print >> pidfile, os.getpid() pidfile.close() component = component_cls(**cls_kwargs) up = urlparse.urlparse(location) port = tuple(up[1].split(':')) port = (port[0], int(port[1])) server = XMLRPCServer(port, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, register=register, timeout=time_out, ca=ca) server.register_instance(component) try: server.serve_forever() finally: server.server_close() def exposed (func): """Mark a method to be exposed publically. Examples: class MyComponent (Component): @expose def my_method (self, param1, param2): do_stuff() class MyComponent (Component): def my_method (self, param1, param2): do_stuff() my_method = expose(my_method) """ func.exposed = True return func def automatic (func, period=10): """Mark a method to be run periodically.""" func.automatic = True func.automatic_period = period func.automatic_ts = -1 return func def locking (func): """Mark a function as being internally thread safe""" func.locking = True return func def readonly (func): """Mark a function as read-only -- no data effects in component inst""" func.readonly = True return func class Component (object): """Base component. Intended to be served as an instance by Cobalt.Component.XMLRPCServer >>> server = Cobalt.Component.XMLRPCServer(location, keyfile) >>> component = Cobalt.Component.Component() >>> server.serve_instance(component) Class attributes: name -- logical component name (e.g., "queue-manager", "process-manager") implementation -- implementation identifier (e.g., "BlueGene/L", "BlueGene/P") Methods: save -- pickle the component to a file do_tasks -- perform automatic tasks for the component """ name = "component" implementation = "generic" def __init__ (self, **kwargs): """Initialize a new component. Keyword arguments: statefile -- file in which to save state automatically """ self.statefile = kwargs.get("statefile", None) self.logger = logging.getLogger("%s %s" % (self.implementation, self.name)) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.instance_statistics = Statistics() def do_tasks (self): """Perform automatic tasks for the component. Automatic tasks are member callables with an attribute automatic == True. """ for name, func in inspect.getmembers(self, callable): if getattr(func, "automatic", False): need_to_lock = not getattr(func, 'locking', False) if (time.time() - func.automatic_ts) > \ func.automatic_period: if need_to_lock: t1 = time.time() self.lock.acquire() t2 = time.time() self.instance_statistics.add_value('component_lock', t2-t1) try: mt1 = time.time() func() except: self.logger.error("Automatic method %s failed" \ % (name), exc_info=1) finally: mt2 = time.time() if need_to_lock: self.lock.release() self.instance_statistics.add_value(name, mt2-mt1) func.__dict__['automatic_ts'] = time.time() def _resolve_exposed_method (self, method_name): """Resolve an exposed method. Arguments: method_name -- name of the method to resolve """ try: func = getattr(self, method_name) except AttributeError: raise NoExposedMethod(method_name) if not getattr(func, "exposed", False): raise NoExposedMethod(method_name) return func def _dispatch (self, method, args, dispatch_dict): """Custom XML-RPC dispatcher for components. method -- XML-RPC method name args -- tuple of paramaters to method """ need_to_lock = True if method in dispatch_dict: method_func = dispatch_dict[method] else: try: method_func = self._resolve_exposed_method(method) except Exception, e: if getattr(e, "log", True): self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise xmlrpclib.Fault(getattr(e, "fault_code", 1), str(e)) if getattr(method_func, 'locking', False): need_to_lock = False if need_to_lock: lock_start = time.time() self.lock.acquire() lock_done = time.time() try: method_start = time.time() try: result = method_func(*args) finally: method_done = time.time() if need_to_lock: self.lock.release() self.instance_statistics.add_value('component_lock', lock_done - lock_start) self.instance_statistics.add_value(method, method_done - method_start) except Exception, e: if getattr(e, "log", True): self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise xmlrpclib.Fault(getattr(e, "fault_code", 1), str(e)) return result @exposed def listMethods (self): """Custom XML-RPC introspective method list.""" return [ name for name, func in inspect.getmembers(self, callable) if getattr(func, "exposed", False) ] @exposed def methodHelp (self, method_name): """Custom XML-RPC introspective method help. Arguments: method_name -- name of method to get help on """ try: func = self._resolve_exposed_method(method_name) except NoExposedMethod: return "" return pydoc.getdoc(func) def get_name (self): """The name of the component.""" return self.name get_name = exposed(get_name) def get_implementation (self): """The implementation of the component.""" return self.implementation get_implementation = exposed(get_implementation) def get_statistics (self, _): """Get current statistics about component execution""" return self.instance_statistics.display() get_statistics = exposed(get_statistics)