'''Option parsing library for utilities''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' import getopt, os, sys, ConfigParser # (option, env, cfpath, default value, option desc, boolean, arg desc) # ((option, arg desc, opt desc), env, cfpath, default, boolean) bootstrap = {'configfile': (('-C', '', 'Path to config file'), 'BCFG2_CONF', False, '/etc/bcfg2.conf', False)} class OptionFailure(Exception): pass class BasicOptionParser: '''Basic OptionParser takes input from command line arguments, environment variables, and defaults''' def __init__(self, name, optionspec, configfile=False, dogetopt=False): self.name = name self.dogetopt = dogetopt self.configfile = configfile self.optionspec = optionspec if dogetopt: self.shortopt = '' self.helpmsg = '' # longopts aren't yet supported self.longopt = [] for option, info in optionspec.iteritems(): (opt, argd, optd) = info[0] self.helpmsg += opt.ljust(3) if opt.count('-') == 1: self.shortopt += opt[1] else: print "unsupported option %s" % (opt) continue if info[4]: self.helpmsg += 24 * ' ' else: self.shortopt += ':' self.helpmsg += "%-24s" % (argd) self.helpmsg += "%s\n" % (optd) def parse(self): '''Parse options''' ret = {} if self.dogetopt: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], self.shortopt, self.longopt) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print err print "%s Usage:" % (self.name) print self.helpmsg raise SystemExit, 1 if '-h' in sys.argv: print "%s Usage:" % (self.name) print self.helpmsg raise SystemExit, 1 if self.configfile: cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cf.read(self.configfile) for key, (option, envvar, cfpath, default, boolean) in self.optionspec.iteritems(): if self.dogetopt: optinfo = [opt[1] for opt in opts if opt[0] == option[0]] if optinfo: if boolean: ret[key] = True else: ret[key] = optinfo[0] continue if option[0] in sys.argv: if boolean: ret[key] = True else: ret[key] = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(option[0]) + 1] continue elif envvar and os.environ.has_key(envvar): ret[key] = os.environ[envvar] continue elif self.configfile and cfpath: try: value = apply(cf.get, cfpath) ret[key] = value continue except: pass ret[key] = default return ret class OptionParser(BasicOptionParser): '''OptionParser bootstraps option parsing, getting the value of the config file''' def __init__(self, name, ospec): # first find the cf file cfpath = BasicOptionParser('bootstrap', bootstrap).parse()['configfile'] BasicOptionParser.__init__(self, name, ospec, cfpath, dogetopt=True)