'''Option parsing library for utilities''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' import getopt, os, socket, sys, ConfigParser, Bcfg2.Client.Tools def bool_cook(x): print "bool_cook got %s" % x if x: return True else: return False class OptionFailure(Exception): pass DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION = '/etc/bcfg2.conf' #/etc/bcfg2.conf DEFAULT_INSTALL_PREFIX = '/usr' #/usr class Option(object): cfpath = DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION __cfp = False def getCFP(self): if not self.__cfp: self.__cfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.__cfp.readfp(open(self.cfpath)) return self.__cfp cfp = property(getCFP) def get_cooked_value(self, value): if self.boolean: return True if self.cook: return self.cook(value) else: return value def __init__(self, desc, default, cmd=False, odesc=False, env=False, cf=False, cook=False, long_arg=False): self.desc = desc self.default = default self.cmd = cmd self.long = long_arg if not self.long: if cmd and (cmd[0] != '-' or len(cmd) != 2): raise OptionFailure("Poorly formed command %s" % cmd) else: if cmd and (not cmd.startswith('--')): raise OptionFailure("Poorly formed command %s" % cmd) self.odesc = odesc self.env = env self.cf = cf self.boolean = False if not odesc and not cook: self.boolean = True self.cook = cook def buildHelpMessage(self): msg = '' if self.cmd: if not self.long: msg = self.cmd.ljust(3) else: msg = self.cmd if self.odesc: if self.long: msg = "%-27s" % ("%s=%s" % (self.cmd, self.odesc)) else: msg += '%-24s' % (self.odesc) else: msg += '%-24s' % ('') msg += "%s\n" % self.desc return msg def buildGetopt(self): gstr = '' if self.long: return gstr if self.cmd: gstr = self.cmd[1] if self.odesc: gstr += ':' return gstr def buildLongGetopt(self): if self.odesc: return self.cmd[2:]+'=' else: return self.cmd[2:] def parse(self, opts, rawopts): if self.cmd and opts: # processing getopted data optinfo = [opt[1] for opt in opts if opt[0] == self.cmd] if optinfo: if optinfo[0]: self.value = self.get_cooked_value(optinfo[0]) else: self.value = True return if self.cmd and self.cmd in rawopts: data = rawopts[rawopts.index(self.cmd) + 1] self.value = self.get_cooked_value(data) return # no command line option found if self.env and self.env in os.environ: self.value = self.get_cooked_value(os.environ[self.env]) return if self.cf: try: self.value = self.get_cooked_value(self.cfp.get(*self.cf)) return except: pass # default value not cooked self.value = self.default class OptionSet(dict): def __init__(self, *args): dict.__init__(self, *args) self.hm = self.buildHelpMessage() def buildGetopt(self): return ''.join([opt.buildGetopt() for opt in self.values()]) def buildLongGetopt(self): return [opt.buildLongGetopt() for opt in self.values() if opt.long] def buildHelpMessage(self): if hasattr(self, 'hm'): return self.hm return ''.join([opt.buildHelpMessage() for opt in self.values()]) def helpExit(self, msg='', code=1): if msg: print msg print "Usage:" print self.buildHelpMessage() raise SystemExit(code) def parse(self, argv, do_getopt=True): '''Parse options''' ret = {} if do_getopt: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, self.buildGetopt(), self.buildLongGetopt()) except getopt.GetoptError, err: self.helpExit(err) if '-h' in argv: self.helpExit('', 0) self['args'] = args for key in self.keys(): if key == 'args': continue option = self[key] if do_getopt: option.parse(opts, []) else: option.parse([], argv) if hasattr(option, 'value'): val = option.value self[key] = val list_split = lambda x:x.replace(' ','').split(',') flist_split = lambda x:list_split(x.replace(':', '').lower()) def colon_split(c_string): if c_string: return c_string.split(':') return [] CFILE = Option('Specify configuration file', DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION, cmd='-C', odesc='') HELP = Option('Print this usage message', False, cmd='-h') DEBUG = Option("Enable debugging output", False, cmd='-d') VERBOSE = Option("Enable verbose output", False, cmd='-v') DAEMON = Option("Daemonize process, storing pid", False, cmd='-D', odesc="") SERVER_REPOSITORY = Option('Server repository path', '/var/lib/bcfg2', cf=('server', 'repository'), cmd='-Q', odesc='' ) SERVER_SVN = Option('Server svn support', False, cf=('server', 'svn')) SERVER_GENERATORS = Option('Server generator list', cf=('server', 'generators'), default=['SSHbase', 'Cfg', 'Pkgmgr', 'Rules'], cook=list_split) SERVER_STRUCTURES = Option('Server structure list', cf=('server', 'structures'), default=['Bundler', 'Base'], cook=list_split) SERVER_LOCATION = Option('Server Location', cf=('components', 'bcfg2'), default='https://localhost:6789', cmd='-S', odesc='https://server:port') SERVER_STATIC = Option('Server runs on static port', cf=('components', 'bcfg2'), default=False, cook=bool_cook) SERVER_KEY = Option('Path to SSL key', cf=('communication', 'key'), default=False, cmd='-K', odesc='') SERVER_PASSWORD = Option('Communication Password', cmd='-x', odesc='', cf=('communication', 'password'), default=False) INSTALL_PREFIX = Option('Installation location', cf=('server', 'prefix'), default=DEFAULT_INSTALL_PREFIX, odesc='') SERVER_PROTOCOL = Option('Server Protocol', cf=('communication', 'procotol'), default='xmlrpc/ssl') SENDMAIL_PATH = Option('Path to sendmail', cf=('reports', 'sendmailpath'), default='/usr/lib/sendmail') CLIENT_PROFILE = Option('assert the given profile for the host', default=False, cmd='-p', odesc="") CLIENT_RETRIES = Option('the number of times to retry network communication', default='3', cmd='-R', cf=('communication', 'retries'), odesc="") CLIENT_DRYRUN = Option('do not actually change the system', default=False, cmd='-n', ) CLIENT_EXTRA_DISPLAY = Option('enable extra entry output', default=False, cmd='-e', ) CLIENT_PARANOID = Option('make automatic backups of config files', default=False, cmd='-P', ) CLIENT_AGENT = Option('run in agent (continuous) mode, wait for reconfigure command from server', default=False, cmd='-A', ) CLIENT_DRIVERS = Option('Specify tool driver set', cmd='-D', cf=('client', 'drivers'), odesc="", cook=list_split, default=Bcfg2.Client.Tools.default) CLIENT_CACHE = Option('store the configuration in a file', default=False, cmd='-c', odesc="") CLIENT_REMOVE = Option('force removal of additional configuration items', default=False, cmd='-r', odesc="") CLIENT_BUNDLE = Option('only configure the given bundle', default=[], cmd='-b', odesc='', cook=colon_split) CLIENT_KEVLAR = Option('run in kevlar (bulletproof) mode', default=False, cmd='-k', ) CLIENT_BUILD = Option('run in build mode', default=False, cmd='-B', ) CLIENT_FILE = Option('configure from a file rather than querying the server', default=False, cmd='-f', odesc='') SERVER_FINGERPRINT = Option('Server Fingerprint', default=[], cmd='-F', cf=('communication', 'fingerprint'), odesc='', cook=flist_split) CLIENT_QUICK = Option('disable some checksum verification', default=False, cmd='-q', ) CLIENT_BACKGROUND = Option('Daemonize the agent', default=False, cmd='-i', ) CLIENT_PORT = Option('the port on which to bind for agent mode', default='6789', cmd='-g', cf=('communication', 'agent-port'), odesc='') CLIENT_USER = Option('the user to provide for authentication', default='root', cmd='-u', cf=('communication', 'user'), odesc='') INTERACTIVE = Option('prompt the user for each change', default=False, cmd='-I', ) AGENT_PORT = Option('Agent port', default=6789, cmd='-p', odesc='', cf=('communication', 'agent-port')) AGENT_HOST = Option('Remote host', default=False, cmd='-H', odesc='') ENCODING = Option('Encoding of cfg files', default=sys.getdefaultencoding(), cmd='-E', odesc='', cf=('components', 'encoding')) class OptionParser(OptionSet): '''OptionParser bootstraps option parsing, getting the value of the config file''' def __init__(self, args): self.Bootstrap = OptionSet([('configfile', CFILE)]) self.Bootstrap.parse(sys.argv[1:], do_getopt=False) if self.Bootstrap['configfile'] != Option.cfpath: Option.cfpath = self.Bootstrap['configfile'] Option.__cfp = False OptionSet.__init__(self, args)