'''Minestruct Admin Mode''' import Bcfg2.Server.Admin import lxml.etree class Minestruct(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.StructureMode): '''Pull extra entries out of statistics''' __shorthelp__ = 'bcfg2-admin minestruct [-f file-name] [-g groups]' __longhelp__ = __shorthelp__ + '\n\tExtract extra entry lists from statistics' def __call__(self, args): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__call__(self, args) if len(args) == 0: self.errExit("No hostname specified (see bcfg2-admin minestruct -h for help)") if "-h" in args: print "Usage:" print self.__shorthelp__ raise SystemExit(1) write_to_file = False file_arg = False output_file = None client = None groups_arg = False groups = [] for arg in args: if arg == "-f": file_arg = True groups_arg = False continue elif arg == "-g": groups_arg = True file_arg = False continue elif file_arg == True: output_file = arg file_arg = False write_to_file = True continue elif groups_arg == True: groups.append(arg) continue else: client = arg extra = self.statistics.GetExtra(client) root = lxml.etree.Element("Base") self.log.info("Found %d extra entries" % (len(extra))) if len(groups) == 0: for tag, name in extra: self.log.info("%s: %s" % (tag, name)) lxml.etree.SubElement(root, tag, name=name) else: groups_root = lxml.etree.Element("Group", name=groups[0]) root.append(groups_root) for i in range (1, len(groups)): temp = lxml.etree.Element("Group", name=groups[i]) groups_root.append(temp) groups_root = temp for entry in extra: self.log.info("%s: %s" % (tag, name)) lxml.etree.SubElement(groups_root, tag, name=name) tree = lxml.etree.ElementTree(root) if write_to_file == True: try: f = open(output_file, 'w') except IOError: self.log.info("Failed to write to file: %s" % (output_file)) raise SystemExit(1) tree.write(f, pretty_print=True) else: print lxml.etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)