import logging import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Server.Admin class Query(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode): __shorthelp__ = "Query clients" __longhelp__ = (__shorthelp__ + "\n\nbcfg2-admin query [-n] [-c] " "[-f filename] g=group p=profile") __usage__ = ("bcfg2-admin query [options] \n\n" " %-25s%s\n" " %-25s%s\n" " %-25s%s\n" % ("-n", "query results delimited with newlines", "-c", "query results delimited with commas", "-f filename", "write query to file")) def __init__(self, cfile): logging.root.setLevel(100) Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging(100, to_console=False, to_syslog=False) Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__init__(self, cfile) try: self.bcore = Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core(self.get_repo_path(), ['Metadata', 'Probes'], 'foo', False, 'UTF-8') except Bcfg2.Server.Core.CoreInitError, msg: self.errExit("Core load failed because %s" % msg) self.bcore.fam.handle_events_in_interval(1) self.meta = self.bcore.metadata def __call__(self, args): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__call__(self, args) clients = self.meta.clients.keys() filename_arg = False filename = None for arg in args: if filename_arg == True: filename = arg filename_arg = False continue if arg in ['-n', '-c']: continue if arg in ['-f']: filename_arg = True continue try: k, v = arg.split('=') except: print "Unknown argument %s" % arg continue if k == 'p': nc = self.meta.GetClientByProfile(v) elif k == 'g': nc = self.meta.GetClientByGroup(v) # add probed groups (if present) for conn in self.bcore.connectors: if isinstance(conn, Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Probes.Probes): for c, glist in conn.cgroups.items(): for g in glist: if g == v: nc.append(c) else: print "One of g= or p= must be specified" raise SystemExit(1) clients = [c for c in clients if c in nc] if '-n' in args: for client in clients: print client else: print ','.join(clients) if '-f' in args: f = open(filename, "w") for client in clients: f.write(client + "\n") f.close() print "Wrote results to %s" % (filename)