'''Admin interface for dynamic reports''' import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Server.Admin import ConfigParser import os import logging import pickle import platform import sys from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.importscript import load_stats from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.updatefix import update_database from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.utils import * from lxml.etree import XML, XMLSyntaxError try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 # Load django import django.core.management # FIXME - settings file uses a hardcoded path for /etc/bcfg2.conf try: import Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("Failed to load configuration settings. %s\n" % e) sys.exit(1) project_directory = os.path.dirname(Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings.__file__) project_name = os.path.basename(project_directory) sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_directory, '..')) project_module = __import__(project_name, '', '', ['']) sys.path.pop() # Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately. os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % project_name from django.db import connection from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import Client, Interaction, Entries, \ Entries_interactions, Performance, \ Reason, Ping, TYPE_CHOICES, InternalDatabaseVersion class Reports(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode): '''Admin interface for dynamic reports''' __shorthelp__ = "Manage dynamic reports" __longhelp__ = (__shorthelp__) __usage__ = ("bcfg2-admin reports [command] [options]\n" " -v|--verbose Be verbose\n" " -q|--quiet Print only errors\n" "\n" " Commands:\n" " load_stats Load statistics data\n" " -s|--stats Path to statistics.xml file\n" " -c|--clients-file Path to clients.xml file\n" " -O3 Fast mode. Duplicates data!\n" " scrub Scrub the database for duplicate reasons\n" " update Apply any updates to the reporting database\n" "\n") def __init__(self, cfile): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__init__(self, cfile) self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.django_commands = [ 'syncdb', 'sqlall', 'validate' ] self.__usage__ = self.__usage__ + " Django commands:\n " + \ "\n ".join(self.django_commands) def __call__(self, args): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__call__(self, args) if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == '-h': print(self.__usage__) raise SystemExit(0) verb = 0 if '-v' in args or '--verbose' in args: self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) verb = 1 if '-q' in args or '--quiet' in args: self.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # FIXME - dry run if args[0] in self.django_commands: self.django_command_proxy(args[0]) elif args[0] == 'scrub': self.scrub() elif args[0] == 'update': update_database() elif args[0] == 'load_stats': quick = '-O3' in args stats_file=None clients_file=None i=1 while i < len(args): if args[i] == '-s' or args[i] == '--stats': stats_file = args[i+1] if stats_file[0] == '-': self.errExit("Invalid statistics file: %s" % stats_file) elif args[i] == '-c' or args[i] == '--clients-file': clients_file = args[i+1] if clients_file[0] == '-': self.errExit("Invalid clients file: %s" % clients_file) i = i + 1 self.load_stats(stats_file, clients_file, verb, quick) else: print "Unknown command: %s" % args[0] def scrub(self): ''' Perform a thorough scrub and cleanup of the database ''' # Currently only reasons are a problem try: start_count = Reason.objects.count() except Exception, e: self.log.error("Failed to load reason objects: %s" % e) return dup_reasons = [] cmp_reasons = dict() batch_update = [] for reason in BatchFetch(Reason.objects): ''' Loop through each reason and create a key out of the data. \ This lets us take advantage of a fast hash lookup for \ comparisons ''' id = reason.id reason.id = None key=md5(pickle.dumps(reason)).hexdigest() reason.id = id if key in cmp_reasons: self.log.debug("Update interactions from %d to %d" \ % (reason.id, cmp_reasons[key])) dup_reasons.append(reason.id) batch_update.append([cmp_reasons[key], reason.id]) else: cmp_reasons[key] = reason.id self.log.debug("key %d" % reason.id) self.log.debug("Done with updates, deleting dupes") try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.executemany('update reports_entries_interactions set reason_id=%s where reason_id=%s', batch_update) cursor.executemany('delete from reports_reason where id = %s', dup_reasons) except Exception, ex: self.log.error("Failed to delete reasons: %s" % ex) self.log.info("Found %d dupes out of %d" % (len(dup_reasons), start_count)) def django_command_proxy(self, command): '''Call a django command''' if command == 'sqlall': django.core.management.call_command(command, 'reports') else: django.core.management.call_command(command) def load_stats(self, stats_file=None, clientspath=None, verb=0, quick=False): '''Load statistics data into the database''' location = '' if not stats_file: try: stats_file = "%s/etc/statistics.xml" % self.cfp.get('server', 'repository') except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): self.errExit("Could not read bcfg2.conf; exiting") try: statsdata = XML(open(stats_file).read()) except (IOError, XMLSyntaxError): self.errExit("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(stats_file)) if not clientspath: try: clientspath = "%s/Metadata/clients.xml" % \ self.cfp.get('server', 'repository') except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): self.errExit("Could not read bcfg2.conf; exiting") try: clientsdata = XML(open(clientspath).read()) except (IOError, XMLSyntaxError): self.errExit("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(clientspath)) load_stats(clientsdata, statsdata, verb, self.log, quick=quick, location=platform.node())