import sys try: import sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy.orm except: # FIXME should probably do something smarter here for folks without SA pass import Bcfg2.Server.Admin import Bcfg2.Server.Snapshots import Bcfg2.Server.Snapshots.model from Bcfg2.Server.Snapshots.model import Snapshot, Client, Metadata, Base, \ File, Group, Package, Service def print_table(rows, justify='left', hdr=True, vdelim=" ", padding=1): """Pretty print a table rows - list of rows ([[row 1], [row 2], ..., [row n]]) hdr - if True the first row is treated as a table header vdelim - vertical delimiter between columns padding - # of spaces around the longest element in the column justify - may be left,center,right """ hdelim = "=" justify = {'left':str.ljust, 'center', 'right':str.rjust}[justify.lower()] ''' calculate column widths (longest item in each column plus padding on both sides) ''' cols = zip(*rows) colWidths = [max([len(str(item))+2*padding for \ item in col]) for col in cols] borderline = vdelim.join([w*hdelim for w in colWidths]) # print out the table print(borderline) for row in rows: print(vdelim.join([justify(str(item), width) for \ (item, width) in zip(row, colWidths)])) if hdr: print(borderline) hdr = False print(borderline) class Snapshots(Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode): __shorthelp__ = "Interact with the Snapshots system" __longhelp__ = (__shorthelp__) __usage__ = ("bcfg2-admin snapshots [init|query qtype]") q_dispatch = {'client':Client, 'group':Group, 'metadata':Metadata, 'package':Package, 'snapshot':Snapshot} def __init__(self, configfile): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__init__(self, configfile) #self.session = Bcfg2.Server.Snapshots.setup_session(debug=True) self.session = Bcfg2.Server.Snapshots.setup_session() def __call__(self, args): Bcfg2.Server.Admin.Mode.__call__(self, args) if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == '-h': print(self.__usage__) raise SystemExit(0) if args[0] == 'query': if args[1] in self.q_dispatch: q_obj = self.q_dispatch[args[1]] if q_obj == Client: rows = [] labels = ('Client', 'Active') for host in \ self.session.query(q_obj).filter( == False): rows.append([, 'No']) for host in \ self.session.query(q_obj).filter( == True): rows.append([, 'Yes']) print_table([labels]+rows, justify='left', hdr=True, vdelim=" ", padding=1) elif q_obj == Group: print("Groups:") for group in self.session.query(q_obj).all(): print(" %s" % else: results = self.session.query(q_obj).all() else: print 'error' raise SystemExit, 1 elif args[0] == 'init': # Initialize the Snapshots database dbpath = Bcfg2.Server.Snapshots.db_from_config() engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(dbpath, echo=True) metadata = Base.metadata metadata.create_all(engine) Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker() Session.configure(bind=engine) session = Session() session.commit() elif args[0] == 'dump': client = args[1] snap = Snapshot.get_current(self.session, unicode(client)) if not snap: print("Current snapshot for %s not found" % client) sys.exit(1) print("Client %s last run at %s" % (client, snap.timestamp)) for pkg in snap.packages: print "C:", pkg.correct, 'M:', pkg.modified print "start",, pkg.start.version print "end",, pkg.end.version elif args[0] == 'reports': # bcfg2-admin reporting interface for Snapshots if '-a' in args[1:]: # Query all hosts for Name, Status, Revision, Timestamp q = self.session.query(, Snapshot.correct, Snapshot.revision, Snapshot.timestamp).filter(\ .group_by( rows = [] labels = ('Client', 'Correct', 'Revision', 'Time') for item in q.all(): cli, cor, time, rev = item rows.append([cli, cor, time, rev]) print_table([labels]+rows, justify='left', hdr=True, vdelim=" ", padding=1) elif '-b' in args[1:]: # Query a single host for extra entries client = args[2] snap = Snapshot.get_current(self.session, unicode(client)) if not snap: print("Current snapshot for %s not found" % client) sys.exit(1) print("Bad entries:") bad_pkgs = [self.session.query(Package) .filter( \ for p in snap.packages if p.correct == False] for p in bad_pkgs: print(" Package:%s" % p) bad_files = [self.session.query(File) .filter( \ for f in snap.files if f.correct == False] for filename in bad_files: print(" File:%s" % filename) bad_svcs = [self.session.query(Service) .filter( \ for s in if s.correct == False] for svc in bad_svcs: print(" Service:%s" % svc) elif '-e' in args[1:]: # Query a single host for extra entries client = args[2] snap = Snapshot.get_current(self.session, unicode(client)) if not snap: print("Current snapshot for %s not found" % client) sys.exit(1) print("Extra entries:") for pkg in snap.extra_packages: print(" Package:%s" % # FIXME: Do we know about extra files yet? for f in snap.extra_files: print(" File:%s" % for svc in snap.extra_services: print(" Service:%s" % else: print "Unknown options: ", args[1:]