'''This module implements a config file repository''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from binascii import b2a_base64 from os import stat from re import compile as regcompile from stat import S_ISDIR, ST_MODE from syslog import syslog, LOG_INFO, LOG_ERR from Bcfg2.Server.Generator import Generator, GeneratorError, FileBacked class FileEntry(FileBacked): '''The File Entry class pertains to the config files contained in a particular directory. This includes :info, all base files and deltas''' def __init__(self, name, all, image, classes, bundles, attribs, hostname): FileBacked.__init__(self, name) self.all = all self.image = image self.bundles = bundles self.classes = classes self.attributes = attribs self.hostname = hostname def __cmp__(self, other): fields = ['all', 'image', 'classes', 'bundles', 'attributes', 'hostname'] try: most1 = [index for index in range(len(fields)) if getattr(self, fields[index])][0] except IndexError: most1 = 0 try: most2 = [index for index in range(len(fields)) if getattr(other, fields[index])][0] except IndexError: most2 = 0 if most1 == most2: if self.name.split('.')[-1] in ['cat', 'diff']: meta1 = self.name.split('.')[-2] else: meta1 = self.name.split('.')[-1] if other.name.split('.')[-1] in ['cat', 'diff']: meta2 = other.name.split('.')[-2] else: meta2 = other.name.split('.')[-1] if meta1[0] not in ['C', 'B']: return 0 # need to tiebreak with numeric prio prio1 = int(meta1[1:3]) prio2 = int(meta2[1:3]) return prio1 - prio2 else: return most1 - most2 class ConfigFileEntry(object): '''ConfigFileEntry is a repository entry for a single file, containing all data for all clients.''' specific = regcompile('(.*/)(?P[\S\-.]+)\.((H_(?P\S+))|' + '(B(?P\d+)_(?P\S+))|(A(?P\d+)_(?P\S+))|' + '(I_(?P\S+))|(C(?P\d+)_(?P\S+)))' + '(\.(?Pcat|udiff))?$') info = regcompile('^owner:(\s)*(?P\w+)|group:(\s)*(?P\w+)|' + 'perms:(\s)*(?P\w+)|encoding:(\s)*(?P\w+)|' + '(?Pparanoid(\s)*)$') def __init__(self, path, repopath): object.__init__(self) self.path = path self.repopath = repopath self.basefiles = [] self.deltas = [] self.metadata = {'encoding': 'ascii', 'owner':'root', 'group':'root', 'perms':'0644'} self.paranoid = False def read_info(self): '''read in :info metadata''' filename = "%s/:info" % self.repopath for line in open(filename).readlines(): match = self.info.match(line) if not match: continue else: mgd = match.groupdict() if mgd['owner']: self.metadata['owner'] = mgd['owner'] elif mgd['group']: self.metadata['group'] = mgd['group'] elif mgd['encoding']: self.metadata['encoding'] = mgd['encoding'] elif mgd['perms']: self.metadata['perms'] = mgd['perms'] if len(self.metadata['perms']) == 3: self.metadata['perms'] = "0%s" % (self.metadata['perms']) elif mgd['paranoid']: self.paranoid = True def AddEntry(self, name): '''add new file additions for a single cf file''' if name[-5:] == ':info': return self.read_info() if name.split('/')[-1] == self.path.split('/')[-1]: self.basefiles.append(FileEntry(name, True, None, [], [], [], None)) self.basefiles.sort() return specmatch = self.specific.match(name) if specmatch == None: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cfg: Failed to match file %s" % (name)) return data = {} for item, value in specmatch.groupdict().iteritems(): if value != None: data[item] = value cfile = FileEntry(name, False, data.get('image', None), data.get('class', []), data.get('bundle', []), data.get('attr', []), data.get('hostname', None)) if specmatch.group("op") != None: self.deltas.append(cfile) self.deltas.sort() else: self.basefiles.append(cfile) self.basefiles.sort() def HandleEvent(self, event): '''Handle FAM updates''' action = event.code2str() if event.filename == ':info': if action in ['changed', 'exists', 'created']: return self.read_info() if event.filename != self.path.split('/')[-1]: if not self.specific.match('/' + event.filename): syslog(LOG_INFO, 'Cfg: Suppressing event for bogus file %s' % event.filename) return entries = [entry for entry in self.basefiles + self.deltas if entry.name.split('/')[-1] == event.filename] if len(entries) == 0: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cfg: Failed to match entry for spec %s" % (event.filename)) elif len(entries) > 1: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cfg: Matched multiple entries for spec %s" % (event.filename)) if action == 'deleted': syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cfg: Removing entry %s" % event.filename) for entry in entries: syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cfg: Removing entry %s" % (entry.name)) if entry in self.basefiles: self.basefiles.remove(entry) if entry in self.deltas: self.deltas.remove(entry) syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cfg: Entry deletion completed") elif action in ['changed', 'exists', 'created']: if action == 'changed': syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cfg: File %s changed" % event.filename) [entry.HandleEvent(event) for entry in entries] else: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cfg: Unhandled Action %s for file %s" % (action, event.filename)) def GetConfigFile(self, entry, metadata): '''Fetch config file from repository''' name = entry.attrib['name'] filedata = "" # first find basefile try: basefile = [bfile for bfile in self.basefiles if metadata.Applies(bfile)][-1] except IndexError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cfg: Failed to locate basefile for %s" % name) raise GeneratorError, ('basefile', name) filedata += basefile.data # find applicable deltas #deltas = [x for x in self.deltas if x.Applies(metadata)] # filter for more specific #for delta in deltas: # pass # apply diffs, etc entry.attrib.update(self.metadata) if self.paranoid: entry.attrib['paranoid'] = 'true' if self.metadata['encoding'] == 'base64': entry.text = b2a_base64(filedata) else: entry.text = filedata class Cfg(Generator): '''This generator in the configuration file repository for bcfg2''' __name__ = 'Cfg' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' tempfile = regcompile("^.*~$|^.*\.swp") def __init__(self, core, datastore): Generator.__init__(self, core, datastore) self.entries = {} self.__provides__ = {'ConfigFile':{}} self.famID = {} self.directories = [] self.AddDirectoryMonitor(self.data) # eventually flush fam events here so that all entries built here # ready to go def AddDirectoryMonitor(self, name): '''Add new directory to FAM structures''' if name not in self.directories: try: stat(name) except OSError: self.LogError("Failed to open directory %s" % (name)) return reqid = self.core.fam.AddMonitor(name, self) self.famID[reqid] = name self.directories.append(name) def AddEntry(self, name, event): '''Add new entry to FAM structures''' try: sdata = stat(name)[ST_MODE] except OSError: return if S_ISDIR(sdata): self.AddDirectoryMonitor(name) else: # file entries shouldn't contain path-to-repo shortname = '/'+ '/'.join(name[len(self.data)+1:].split('/')[:-1]) repodir = '/' + '/'.join(name.split('/')[:-1]) if not self.entries.has_key(shortname): self.entries[shortname] = ConfigFileEntry(shortname, repodir) self.__provides__['ConfigFile'][shortname] = self.entries[shortname].GetConfigFile self.entries[shortname].AddEntry(name) self.entries[shortname].HandleEvent(event) def HandleEvent(self, event): '''Handle FAM updates''' action = event.code2str() if self.tempfile.match(event.filename): syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cfg: Suppressed event for file %s" % event.filename) return if event.filename[0] != '/': filename = "%s/%s" % (self.famID[event.requestID], event.filename) else: filename = event.filename configfile = filename[len(self.data):-(len(event.filename)+1)] if ((action in ['exists', 'created']) and (filename != self.data)): self.AddEntry(filename, event) elif action == 'changed': # pass the event down the chain to the ConfigFileEntry if self.entries.has_key(configfile): self.entries[configfile].HandleEvent(event) else: if filename != self.data: self.AddEntry(filename, event) else: self.LogError("Ignoring event for %s"%(configfile)) elif action == 'deleted': self.entries[configfile].HandleEvent(event) elif action in ['exists', 'endExist']: pass else: self.LogError("Got unknown event %s %s:%s" % (action, event.requestID, event.filename))