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Are you sure you want to remove these items? #if $interface
  • interface: $interface.__str__
  • #end if #if $ips
      #for $ip in $ips
    • ip: $ip.__str__
      • #for $name in $names[$]
      • name: $name.__str__
        • #for $cname in $cnames[$]
        • cname: $cname.__str__
        • #end for
          #for $mx in $mxs[$]
        • mx: $mx.priority $mx.__str__
        • #end for
        #end for
      #end for
    #end if #if $names and not $ips
      #for $name in $names
    • name: $name.__str__
      • #for $cname in $cnames[$]
      • cname: $cname.__str__
      • #end for
        #for $mx in $mxs[$]
      • mx: $mx.priority $mx.__str__
      • #end for
      #end for
    #end if #if $cnames and not $names
      #for $cname in $cnames
    • cname: $cname.__str__
    • #end for
    #end if #if $mxs and not $names
      #for $mx in $mxs
    • mx: $mx.priority $mx.__str__
    • #end for
    #end if #if $interface
#end if

U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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