import os.path import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Server.Lint class InfoXML(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin): """ ensure that all config files have an info.xml file""" @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors def Run(self): if 'Cfg' in self.core.plugins: for filename, entryset in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.items(): infoxml_fname = os.path.join(entryset.path, "info.xml") if self.HandlesFile(infoxml_fname): if (hasattr(entryset, "infoxml") and entryset.infoxml is not None): self.check_infoxml( elif ("require" in self.config and self.config["require"].lower != "false"): self.LintError("No info.xml found for %s" % filename) def check_infoxml(self, xdata): for info in xdata.getroottree().findall("//Info"): required = [] if "required_attrs" in self.config: required = self.config["required_attrs"].split(",") missing = [attr for attr in required if info.get(attr) is None] if missing: self.LintError("Required attribute(s) %s not found in %s:%s" % (",".join(missing), infoxml_fname, self.RenderXML(info))) if ("require_paranoid" in self.config and self.config["require_paranoid"].lower() == "true" and (Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_PARANOID.value and info.get("paranoid") is not None and info.get("paranoid").lower() == "false") or (not Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_PARANOID.value and (info.get("paranoid") is None or info.get("paranoid").lower() != "true"))): self.LintError("Paranoid must be true in %s:%s" % (infoxml_fname, self.RenderXML(info)))