import fnmatch import glob import lxml.etree import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import sys import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Server.Lint class Validate(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerlessPlugin): """ Ensure that the repo validates """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerlessPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.filesets = {"metadata:groups":"%s/metadata.xsd", "metadata:clients":"%s/clients.xsd", "info":"%s/info.xsd", "%s/Bundler/*.xml":"%s/bundle.xsd", "%s/Bundler/*.genshi":"%s/bundle.xsd", "%s/Pkgmgr/*.xml":"%s/pkglist.xsd", "%s/Base/*.xml":"%s/base.xsd", "%s/Rules/*.xml":"%s/rules.xsd", "%s/etc/report-configuration.xml":"%s/report-configuration.xsd", "%s/Svcmgr/*.xml":"%s/services.xsd", "%s/Deps/*.xml":"%s/deps.xsd", "%s/Decisions/*.xml":"%s/decisions.xsd", "%s/Packages/config.xml":"%s/packages.xsd", "%s/GroupPatterns/config.xml":"%s/grouppatterns.xsd", "%s/NagiosGen/config.xml":"%s/nagiosgen.xsd", "%s/FileProbes/config.xml":"%s/fileprobes.xsd", } self.filelists = {} self.get_filelists() @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors def Run(self): schemadir = self.config['schema'] for path, schemaname in self.filesets.items(): try: filelist = self.filelists[path] except KeyError: filelist = [] if filelist: # avoid loading schemas for empty file lists try: schema = lxml.etree.XMLSchema(lxml.etree.parse(schemaname % schemadir)) except IOError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.LintError("input-output-error", e.message) continue except: self.LintError("schema-failed-to-parse", "Failed to process schema %s" % (schemaname % schemadir)) continue for filename in filelist: self.validate(filename, schemaname % schemadir, schema=schema) self.check_properties() def check_properties(self): """ check Properties files against their schemas """ for filename in self.filelists['props']: schemafile = "%s.xsd" % os.path.splitext(filename)[0] if os.path.exists(schemafile): self.validate(filename, schemafile) else: self.LintError("properties-schema-not-found", "No schema found for %s" % filename) def validate(self, filename, schemafile, schema=None): """validate a file against the given lxml.etree.Schema. return True on success, False on failure """ if schema is None: # if no schema object was provided, instantiate one try: schema = lxml.etree.XMLSchema(lxml.etree.parse(schemafile)) except: self.LintError("schema-failed-to-parse", "Failed to process schema %s" % schemafile) return False try: datafile = lxml.etree.parse(filename) except SyntaxError: lint = Popen(["xmllint", filename], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) self.LintError("xml-failed-to-parse", "%s fails to parse:\n%s" % (filename, lint.communicate()[0])) lint.wait() return False except IOError: self.LintError("xml-failed-to-read", "Failed to open file %s" % filename) return False if not schema.validate(datafile): cmd = ["xmllint"] if self.files is None: cmd.append("--xinclude") cmd.extend(["--noout", "--schema", schemafile, filename]) lint = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) output = lint.communicate()[0] if lint.wait(): self.LintError("xml-failed-to-verify", "%s fails to verify:\n%s" % (filename, output)) return False return True def get_filelists(self): """ get lists of different kinds of files to validate """ if self.files is not None: listfiles = lambda p: fnmatch.filter(self.files, p % "*") else: listfiles = lambda p: glob.glob(p % self.config['repo']) for path in self.filesets.keys(): if path.startswith("metadata:"): mtype = path.split(":")[1] self.filelists[path] = self.get_metadata_list(mtype) elif path == "info": if self.files is not None: self.filelists[path] = \ [f for f in self.files if os.path.basename(f) == 'info.xml'] else: # self.files is None self.filelists[path] = [] for infodir in ['Cfg', 'TGenshi', 'TCheetah']: for root, dirs, files in os.walk('%s/%s' % (self.config['repo'], infodir)): self.filelists[path].extend([os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f == 'info.xml']) else: self.filelists[path] = listfiles(path) self.filelists['props'] = listfiles("%s/Properties/*.xml") all_metadata = listfiles("%s/Metadata/*.xml") # if there are other files in Metadata that aren't xincluded # from clients.xml or groups.xml, we can't verify them. warn # about those. for fname in all_metadata: if (fname not in self.filelists['metadata:groups'] and fname not in self.filelists['metadata:clients']): self.LintError("broken-xinclude-chain", "Broken XInclude chain: Could not determine file type of %s" % fname) def get_metadata_list(self, mtype): """ get all metadata files for the specified type (clients or group) """ if self.files is not None: rv = fnmatch.filter(self.files, "*/Metadata/%s.xml" % mtype) else: rv = glob.glob("%s/Metadata/%s.xml" % (self.config['repo'], mtype)) # attempt to follow XIncludes. if the top-level files aren't # listed in self.files, though, there's really nothing we can # do to guess what a file in Metadata is if rv: rv.extend(self.follow_xinclude(rv[0])) return rv def follow_xinclude(self, xfile): """ follow xincludes in the given file """ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(xfile) included = set([ent.get('href') for ent in xdata.findall('./{}include')]) rv = [] while included: try: filename = included.pop() except KeyError: continue path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(xfile), filename) if self.HandlesFile(path): rv.append(path) groupdata = lxml.etree.parse(path) [included.add(el.get('href')) for el in groupdata.findall('./{}include')] included.discard(filename) return rv