#!/usr/bin/env python from elementtree.ElementTree import XML from time import localtime, mktime from GeneratorUtils import SingleXMLFileBacked '''This file stores persistent metadata for the BCFG Configuration Repository''' class NodeStatistics(object): '''Statistics type for Nodes. self.last => time of last successful run self.status => final status of last run self.changeset -> the id of the last config successfully configured self.count => number of times client run self.fail => failure count''' def __init__(self): self.last = 0 self.status = False self.changeset = 0 self.count = 0 self.fail = 0 def GetStats(self): return (self.status, self.count, self.last, self.fail) def Suceed(self,changeset): self.count += 1 self.last = mktime(localtime()) self.status = True self.changeset=changeset def Fail(self,changeset): self.count += 1 self.fail += 1 self.status = False class Client(object): def __init__(self,name,image,tags): self.name = name self.image = image self.tags = tags self.stats = NodeStatistics() self.dirty = [] def UpdateStats(self,status,changeset): if status: self.stats.Suceed(changeset) else: self.stats.Fail(changeset) def GetStats(self): return self.stats.GetStats() class ConfigurationRegion(object): def __init__(self,name,scope,stype): self.name = name self.scope = scope self.stype = stype class Metadata(object): '''The Metadata class is a container for all classes of metadata used by Bcfg2''' def __init__(self, all, image, classes, bundles, attributes, hostname): self.all = all self.image = image self.classes = classes self.bundles = bundles self.attributes = attributes self.hostname = hostname def Applies(self, other): '''Applies checks if the object associated with this metadata is relevant to the metadata supplied by other''' for c in self.classes: if c not in other.classes: return False for bundle in self.bundles: if bundle not in other.bundles: return False if (self.hostname != None) and (self.hostname != other.hostname): return False return True class MetadataStore(SingleXMLFileBacked): def Index(self): self.clients = {} self.classes = {} self.element = XML(self.data) for c in self.element.findall("Class"): self.classes[c.attrib['name']] = map(lambda x:x.attrib['name'], c.findall(".//Bundle")) for client in self.element.findall('Client'): attributes = map(lambda x:"%s.%s"%(x.attrib['scope'],x.attrib['name']), client.findall(".//Attribute")) classes = map(lambda x:x.attrib['name'], client.findall(".//Class")) bundles = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, map(lambda z:self.classes.get(z,[]), classes),[]) for b in bundles: if bundles.count(b) > 1: bundles.remove(b) self.clients[client.attrib['name']] = Metadata(False, client.attrib['image'], classes, bundles, attributes, client.attrib['name'])