'''This file stores persistent metadata for the BCFG Configuration Repository''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' import logging, lxml.etree, os, time class MetadataConsistencyError(Exception): '''This error gets raised when metadata is internally inconsistent''' pass class MetadataRuntimeError(Exception): '''This error is raised when the metadata engine is called prior to reading enough data''' pass class ClientMetadata(object): '''This object contains client metadata''' def __init__(self, client, groups, bundles, toolset): self.hostname = client self.bundles = bundles self.groups = groups self.toolset = toolset class Metadata: '''This class contains data for bcfg2 server metadata''' __name__ = 'Metadata' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' def __init__(self, fam, datastore): self.data = "%s/%s" % (datastore, self.__name__) fam.AddMonitor("%s/%s" % (self.data, "groups.xml"), self) fam.AddMonitor("%s/%s" % (self.data, "clients.xml"), self) self.states = {'groups.xml':False, 'clients.xml':False} self.clients = {} self.aliases = {} self.groups = {} self.public = [] self.profiles = [] self.toolsets = {} self.categories = {} self.clientdata = None self.default = None self.logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Server.Metadata') def HandleEvent(self, event): '''Handle update events for data files''' filename = event.filename.split('/')[-1] if filename not in ['groups.xml', 'clients.xml']: return if event.code2str() == 'endExist': return try: xdata = lxml.etree.parse("%s/%s" % (self.data, filename)) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: self.logger.error('Failed to parse %s' % (filename)) return if filename == 'clients.xml': self.clients = {} self.aliases = {} self.clientdata = xdata for client in xdata.findall('./Client'): self.clients.update({client.get('name'): client.get('profile')}) [self.aliases.update({alias.get('name'): client.get('name')}) for alias in client.findall('Alias')] else: self.public = [] self.profiles = [] self.toolsets = {} self.groups = {} grouptmp = {} self.categories = {} for group in xdata.findall('./Group'): grouptmp[group.get('name')] = tuple([[item.get('name') for item in group.findall(spec)] for spec in ['./Bundle', './Group']]) grouptmp[group.get('name')][1].append(group.get('name')) if group.get('default', 'false') == 'true': self.default = group.get('name') if group.get('profile', 'false') == 'true': self.profiles.append(group.get('name')) if group.get('public', 'false') == 'true': self.public.append(group.get('name')) if group.attrib.has_key('toolset'): self.toolsets[group.get('name')] = group.get('toolset') if group.attrib.has_key('category'): self.categories[group.get('name')] = group.get('category') for group in grouptmp: self.groups[group] = ([], []) gcategories = [] tocheck = [group] while tocheck: now = tocheck.pop() if now not in self.groups[group][1]: self.groups[group][1].append(now) if grouptmp.has_key(now): (bundles, groups) = grouptmp[now] for ggg in [ggg for ggg in groups if ggg not in self.groups[group][1]]: if not self.categories.has_key(ggg) or (self.categories[ggg] not in gcategories): self.groups[group][1].append(ggg) tocheck.append(ggg) if self.categories.has_key(ggg): gcategories.append(self.categories[ggg]) [self.groups[group][0].append(bund) for bund in bundles if bund not in self.groups[group][0]] self.states[filename] = True if False not in self.states.values(): # check that all client groups are real and complete real = self.groups.keys() for client in self.clients.keys(): if self.clients[client] not in real or self.clients[client] not in self.profiles: self.logger.error("Client %s set as nonexistant or incomplete group %s" \ % (client, self.clients[client])) self.logger.error("Removing client mapping for %s" % (client)) del self.clients[client] def set_profile(self, client, profile): '''Set group parameter for provided client''' self.logger.info("Asserting client %s profile to %s" % (client, profile)) if False in self.states.values(): raise MetadataRuntimeError if profile not in self.public: self.logger.error("Failed to set client %s to private group %s" % (client, profile)) raise MetadataConsistencyError if self.clients.has_key(client): self.logger.info("Changing %s group from %s to %s" % (client, self.clients[client], profile)) cli = self.clientdata.xpath('/Clients/Client[@name="%s"]' % (client)) cli[0].set('profile', profile) else: lxml.etree.SubElement(self.clientdata.getroot(), 'Client', name=client, profile=profile) self.clients[client] = profile self.write_back_clients() def write_back_clients(self): '''Write changes to client.xml back to disk''' try: datafile = open("%s/%s" % (self.data, 'clients.xml'), 'w') except IOError: self.logger.error("Failed to write clients.xml") raise MetadataRuntimeError datafile.write(lxml.etree.tostring(self.clientdata.getroot())) datafile.close() def find_toolset(self, client): '''Find the toolset for a given client''' tgroups = [self.toolsets[group] for group in self.groups[client][1] if self.toolsets.has_key(group)] if len(tgroups) == 1: return tgroups[0] elif len(tgroups) == 0: self.logger.error("Couldn't find toolset for client %s" % (client)) raise MetadataConsistencyError else: self.logger.error("Got goofy toolset result for client %s" % (client)) raise MetadataConsistencyError def get_config_template(self, client): '''Build the configuration header for a client configuration''' return lxml.etree.Element("Configuration", version='2.0', toolset=self.find_toolset(client)) def get_metadata(self, client): '''Return the metadata for a given client''' if self.aliases.has_key(client): client = self.aliases[client] if self.clients.has_key(client): [bundles, groups] = self.groups[self.clients[client]] else: if self.default == None: self.logger.error("Cannot set group for client %s; no default group set" % (client)) raise MetadataConsistencyError [bundles, groups] = self.groups[self.default] toolinfo = [self.toolsets[group] for group in groups if self.toolsets.has_key(group)] if len(toolinfo) > 1: self.logger.error("Found multiple toolsets for client %s; choosing one" % (client)) elif len(toolinfo) == 0: self.logger.error("Cannot determine toolset for client %s" % (client)) raise MetadataConsistencyError toolset = toolinfo[0] return ClientMetadata(client, groups, bundles, toolset) def ping_sweep_clients(self): '''Find live and dead clients''' live = {} dead = {} work = self.clients.keys() while work: client = work.pop() rc = os.system("/bin/ping -w 5 -c 1 %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % client) if not rc: live[client] = time.time() else: dead[client] = time.time()