'''This file provides the Hostbase plugin. It manages dns/dhcp/nis host information''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from syslog import syslog, LOG_INFO from cElementTree import XML from Cheetah.Template import Template from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import Plugin, PluginExecutionError, PluginInitError, DirectoryBacked class DataNexus(DirectoryBacked): '''DataNexus is an object that watches multiple files and handles changes in an intelligent fashion.''' __name__ = 'DataNexus' def __init__(self, path, filelist, fam): self.files = filelist DirectoryBacked.__init__(self, path, fam) def HandleEvent(self, event): '''Trap adds and updates, else call baseclass HandleEvent''' action = event.code2str() if action in ['exists', 'created']: if (event.filename != self.name) and (event.filename not in self.files): syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s:Got event for unexpected file %s" % (self.__name__, event.filename)) return DirectoryBacked.HandleEvent(self, event) if action != 'endExist' and event.filename != self.name: self.rebuildState(event) def rebuildState(self, event): '''This function is called when underlying data has changed''' pass class Hostbase(Plugin, DataNexus): '''The Hostbase plugin handles host/network info''' __name__ = 'Hostbase' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' filepath = '/etc/bind' def __init__(self, core, datastore): self.ready = False files = ['dnsdata.xml', 'hostbase.xml', 'networks.xml'] Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) try: DataNexus.__init__(self, datastore + '/Hostbase/data', files, self.core.fam) except: self.LogError("Failed to load data directory") raise PluginInitError self.xdata = {} self.filedata = {} self.templates = {'zone':Template(open(self.data + '/templates/' + 'zonetemplate.tmpl').read()), 'reversesoa':Template(open(self.data + '/templates/' + 'reversesoa.tmpl').read()), 'named':Template(open(self.data + '/templates/' + 'namedtemplate.tmpl').read()), 'reverseapp':Template(open(self.data + '/templates/' + 'reverseappend.tmpl').read()), 'dhcp':Template(open(self.data + '/templates/' + 'dhcpd_template.tmpl').read())} self.Entries['ConfigFile'] = {} def FetchFile(self, entry, metadata): '''Return prebuilt file data''' fname = entry.get('name').split('/')[-1] if not self.filedata.has_key(fname): raise PluginExecutionError entry.attrib.update({'owner':'root', 'group':'root', 'perms':'644'}) entry.text = self.filedata[fname] def rebuildState(self, event): '''Pre-cache all state information for hostbase config files''' if self.entries.has_key(event.filename) and not self.xdata.has_key(event.filename): self.xdata[event.filename] = XML(self.entries[event.filename].data) if [item for item in self.files if not self.entries.has_key(item)]: return # we might be able to rebuild data more sparsely, # but hostbase.xml is the only one that will really change often # rebuild zoneinfo iplist = [] for zone in self.xdata['dnsdata.xml']: zonehosts = [] for host in [host for host in self.xdata['hostbase.xml'] if host.get('domain') == zone.get('domain')]: hostname = host.get('hostname') if zone.get('domain') == 'mcs.anl.gov': ## special cases for the mcs.anl.gov domain ## all machines have a "-eth" entry as well as an entry identifying their subnet ## they also have their mail exchangers after every address ipnodes = host.findall("interface/ip") zonehosts.append((hostname, ipnodes[0].attrib['ip'], ipnodes[0].findall("name/mx"), None)) [zonehosts.append(("-".join([hostname, ipnode.attrib['dnssuffix']]), \ ipnode.attrib['ip'], ipnode.findall("name/mx"), None)) for ipnode in ipnodes] [zonehosts.append(("-".join([hostname, namenode.attrib['name']]), \ ipnode.attrib['ip'], namenode.findall("mx"), None)) for ipnode in ipnodes for namenode in ipnode if namenode.attrib['name'] != ""] else: ipnodes = host.findall("interface/ip") zonehosts.append((host.attrib['hostname'], ipnodes[0].attrib['ip'], None, None)) [zonehosts.append(("-".join([host.attrib['hostname'], namenode.attrib['name']]), ipnode.attrib['ip'], None, None)) for ipnode in ipnodes for namenode in ipnode if namenode.attrib['name'] != ""] [zonehosts.append((host.attrib['hostname'], None, None, cnamenode.attrib['cname'])) for cnamenode in host.findall("interface/ip/name/cname") if cnamenode.attrib['cname'] != ""] [iplist.append(ipnode.attrib['ip']) for ipnode in host.findall("interface/ip")] zonehosts.sort() self.templates['zone'].zone = zone self.templates['zone'].root = self.xdata['dnsdata.xml'] self.templates['zone'].hosts = zonehosts self.filedata[zone.get('domain')] = str(self.templates['zone']) # now all zone forward files are built iplist.sort() filelist = [] temp = None for x in range(len(iplist)-1): addressparts = iplist[x].split(".") if addressparts[:3] != iplist[x+1].split(".")[:3] and addressparts[:2] == iplist[x+1].split(".")[:2] \ and ".".join([addressparts[1], addressparts[0]]) not in filelist: filelist.append(".".join([addressparts[1], addressparts[0]])) elif addressparts[:3] != iplist[x+1].split(".")[:3] and \ addressparts[:2] != iplist[x+1].split(".")[:2] and \ ".".join([addressparts[1], addressparts[0]]) not in filelist: filelist.append(".".join([addressparts[2], addressparts[1], addressparts[0]])) if x+1 == len(iplist) - 1: temp = iplist[x+1].split(".") if ".".join([temp[2], temp[1], temp[0]]) not in filelist \ and ".".join([temp[1], temp[0]]) not in filelist: filelist.append(".".join([temp[2], temp[1], temp[0]])) for filename in filelist: self.templates['reversesoa'].inaddr = filename self.templates['reversesoa'].zone = zone self.templates['reversesoa'].root = self.xdata['dnsdata.xml'] self.filedata["%s.rev" % filename] = str(self.templates['reversesoa']) self.templates['named'].zones = self.xdata['dnsdata.xml'] self.templates['named'].reverses = filelist self.filedata["named.conf"] = str(self.templates['named']) for filename in filelist: originlist = [] towrite = filename.split(".") towrite.reverse() if len(towrite) > 2: self.templates['reverseapp'].hosts = [(ipnode.get('ip').split('.'), host.get('hostname'), host.get('domain'), ipnode.get('num'), ipnode.get('dnssuffix')) for host in self.xdata['hostbase.xml'] for ipnode in host.findall('interface/ip') if ipnode.get('ip').split('.')[:3] == towrite] self.templates['reverseapp'].inaddr = filename self.templates['reverseapp'].fileorigin = None self.filedata["%s.rev" % filename] += str(self.templates['reverseapp']) else: revhosts = [(ipnode.get('ip').split('.'), host.get('hostname'), host.get('domain'), ipnode.get('num'), ipnode.get('dnssuffix')) for host in self.xdata['hostbase.xml'] for ipnode in host.findall("interface/ip") if ipnode.get('ip').split(".")[:2] == towrite] [originlist.append(".".join([reversehost[0][2], reversehost[0][1], reversehost[0][0]])) for reversehost in revhosts if ".".join([reversehost[0][2], reversehost[0][1], reversehost[0][0]]) not in originlist] revhosts.sort() originlist.sort() for origin in originlist: outputlist = [rhost for rhost in revhosts if ".".join([rhost[0][2], rhost[0][1], rhost[0][0]]) == origin] self.templates['reverseapp'].fileorigin = filename self.templates['reverseapp'].hosts = outputlist self.templates['reverseapp'].inaddr = origin self.filedata["%s.rev" % filename] += str(self.templates['reverseapp']) self.buildDHCP() for key in self.filedata: self.Entries['ConfigFile']["%s/%s" % (self.filepath, key)] = self.FetchFile def buildDHCP(self): '''Pre-build dhcpd.conf and stash in the filedata table''' if 'networks.xml' not in self.xdata.keys(): print "not running before networks is cached" return networkroot = self.xdata['networks.xml'] if 'hostbase.xml' not in self.xdata.keys(): print "not running before hostbase is cached" return hostbase = self.xdata['hostbase.xml'] vlanandsublist = [] subnets = networkroot.findall("subnet") for vlan in networkroot.findall("vlan"): vlansubs = vlan.findall("subnet") vlansubs.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.get("address"), y.get("address"))) vlanandsublist.append((vlan, vlansubs)) subnets140 = [subnet for subnet in subnets if subnet.attrib['address'].split(".")[0] == "140"] privatesubnets = [subnet for subnet in subnets if subnet.attrib['address'].split(".")[0] != "140"] subnets140.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.get("address"), y.get("address"))) privatesubnets.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.get("address"), y.get("address"))) dhcphosts = [host for host in hostbase if host.get('dhcp') == 'y' \ and host.find("interface").get('mac') != 'float' \ and host.find("interface").get('mac') != ""] hosts = [] for host in dhcphosts: if len(host.findall("interface")) == 1 and len(host.findall("interface/ip")) == 1: hosts.append([host.get('hostname'), host.get('domain'), \ host.find("interface").get('mac'), \ host.find("interface/ip").get('ip')]) elif len(host.findall("interface")) > 1: count = 0 for interface in host.findall("interface"): if count == 0 and interface.find("ip") is not None: hostdata = [host.get('hostname'), host.get('domain'), \ interface.get('mac'), interface.find("ip").get('ip')] elif count != 0 and interface.find("ip") is not None: hostdata = [host.get('hostname'), "-".join([host.get('domain'), str(count)]), \ interface.get('mac'), interface.find("ip").get('ip')] if len(interface.findall("ip")) > 1: for ipnode in interface.findall("ip")[1:]: hostdata[3] = ", ".join([hostdata[3], ipnode.get('ip')]) count += 1 hosts.append(hostdata) hosts.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) self.templates['dhcp'].hosts = hosts self.templates['dhcp'].privatesubnets = privatesubnets self.templates['dhcp'].subnets140 = subnets140 self.templates['dhcp'].vlans = vlanandsublist self.templates['dhcp'].networkroot = networkroot self.filedata['/etc/dhcpd.conf'] = str(self.templates['dhcp'])