import cPickle import copy import gzip import glob import logging import lxml.etree import os import re import sys import urllib2 # FIXME: Remove when server python dep is 2.5 or greater if sys.version_info >= (2, 5): from hashlib import md5 else: from md5 import md5 import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin # build sources.list? # caching for yum class NoData(Exception): pass class SomeData(Exception): pass logger = logging.getLogger('Packages') def source_from_xml(xsource): ret = dict([('rawurl', False), ('url', False)]) for key, tag in [('groups', 'Group'), ('components', 'Component'), ('arches', 'Arch'), ('blacklist', 'Blacklist'), ('whitelist', 'Whitelist')]: ret[key] = [item.text for item in xsource.findall(tag)] # version and component need to both contain data for sources to work try: ret['version'] = xsource.find('Version').text except: ret['version'] = 'placeholder' if ret['components'] == []: ret['components'] = ['placeholder'] try: if xsource.find('Recommended').text in ['True', 'true']: ret['recommended'] = True else: ret['recommended'] = False except: ret['recommended'] = False if xsource.find('RawURL') is not None: ret['rawurl'] = xsource.find('RawURL').text if not ret['rawurl'].endswith('/'): ret['rawurl'] += '/' else: ret['url'] = xsource.find('URL').text if not ret['url'].endswith('/'): ret['url'] += '/' return ret def _fetch_url(url): if '@' in url: mobj = re.match('(\w+://)([^:]+):([^@]+)@(.*)$', url) if not mobj: raise ValueError user = passwd = url = + auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()) auth.add_password(None, url, user, passwd) urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(auth)) return urllib2.urlopen(url).read() class Source(object): basegroups = [] def __init__(self, basepath, url, version, arches, components, groups, rawurl, blacklist, whitelist, recommended): self.basepath = basepath self.version = version self.components = components self.url = url self.rawurl = rawurl self.groups = groups self.arches = arches self.deps = dict() self.provides = dict() self.blacklist = set(blacklist) self.whitelist = set(whitelist) self.cachefile = '%s/cache-%s' % (self.basepath, md5(cPickle.dumps( \ [self.version, self.components, self.url, \ self.rawurl, self.groups, self.arches])).hexdigest()) self.recommended = recommended self.url_map = [] def load_state(self): pass def setup_data(self, force_update=False): should_read = True should_download = False if os.path.exists(self.cachefile): try: self.load_state() should_read = False except: logger.error("Cachefile %s load failed; falling back to file read"\ % (self.cachefile)) if should_read: try: self.read_files() except: logger.error("Packages: File read failed; falling back to file download") should_download = True if should_download or force_update: try: self.update() self.read_files() except: logger.error("Failed to update source", exc_info=1) def get_urls(self): return [] urls = property(get_urls) def get_files(self): return [self.escape_url(url) for url in self.urls] files = property(get_files) def get_vpkgs(self, meta): agroups = ['global'] + [a for a in self.arches if a in meta.groups] vdict = dict() for agrp in agroups: for key, value in self.provides[agrp].iteritems(): if key not in vdict: vdict[key] = set(value) else: vdict[key].update(value) return vdict def escape_url(self, url): return "%s/%s" % (self.basepath, url.replace('/', '@')) def file_init(self): pass def read_files(self): pass def update(self): for url in self.urls:"Packages: Updating %s" % url) fname = self.escape_url(url) try: data = _fetch_url(url) except ValueError: logger.error("Packages: Bad url string %s" % url) continue except urllib2.HTTPError, h: logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. code=%s" \ % (url, h.code)) continue file(fname, 'w').write(data) def applies(self, metadata): return len([g for g in self.basegroups if g in metadata.groups]) != 0 and \ len([g for g in metadata.groups if g in self.groups]) \ == len(self.groups) def get_arches(self, metadata): return ['global'] + [a for a in self.arches if a in metadata.groups] def get_deps(self, metadata, pkgname): for arch in self.get_arches(metadata): if pkgname in self.deps[arch]: return self.deps[arch][pkgname] raise NoData def get_provides(self, metadata, required): for arch in self.get_arches(metadata): if required in self.provides[arch]: return self.provides[arch][required] raise NoData def is_package(self, metadata, _): return False def get_url_info(self): return {'groups': copy.copy(self.groups), \ 'urls': [copy.deepcopy(url) for url in self.url_map]} class YUMSource(Source): xp = '{}' rp = '{}' rpo = '{}' fl = '{}' basegroups = ['yum', 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'] ptype = 'yum' def __init__(self, basepath, url, version, arches, components, groups, rawurl, blacklist, whitelist, recommended): Source.__init__(self, basepath, url, version, arches, components, groups, rawurl, blacklist, whitelist, recommended) if not self.rawurl: self.baseurl = self.url + '%(version)s/%(component)s/%(arch)s/' else: self.baseurl = self.rawurl self.packages = dict() self.deps = dict([('global', dict())]) self.provides = dict([('global', dict())]) self.filemap = dict([(x, dict()) for x in ['global'] + self.arches]) self.needed_paths = set() self.file_to_arch = dict() def save_state(self): cache = file(self.cachefile, 'wb') cPickle.dump((self.packages, self.deps, self.provides, self.filemap, self.url_map), cache, 2) cache.close() def load_state(self): data = file(self.cachefile) (self.packages, self.deps, self.provides, \ self.filemap, self.url_map) = cPickle.load(data) def get_urls(self): surls = list() self.url_map = [] for arch in self.arches: usettings = [{'version': self.version, 'component':comp, 'arch':arch} for comp in self.components] for setting in usettings: setting['groups'] = self.groups setting['url'] = self.baseurl % setting self.url_map.append(copy.deepcopy(setting)) surls.append((arch, [setting['url'] for setting in usettings])) urls = [] for (sarch, surl_list) in surls: for surl in surl_list: if not surl.endswith('/'): surl += '/' rmdurl = surl + 'repodata/repomd.xml' try: repomd = _fetch_url(rmdurl) xdata = lxml.etree.XML(repomd) except ValueError: logger.error("Packages: Bad url string %s" % rmdurl) continue except urllib2.HTTPError, h: logger.error("Packages: Failed to fetch url %s. code=%s" \ % (rmdurl, h.code)) continue except: logger.error("Failed to process url %s" % rmdurl) continue for elt in xdata.findall(self.rpo + 'data'): if elt.get('type') not in ['filelists', 'primary']: continue floc = elt.find(self.rpo + 'location') fullurl = surl + floc.get('href') urls.append(fullurl) self.file_to_arch[self.escape_url(fullurl)] = sarch return urls urls = property(get_urls) def read_files(self): for fname in [f for f in self.files if f.endswith('primary.xml.gz')]: farch = self.file_to_arch[fname] fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot() self.parse_primary(fdata, farch) for fname in [f for f in self.files if f.endswith('filelists.xml.gz')]: farch = self.file_to_arch[fname] fdata = lxml.etree.parse(fname).getroot() self.parse_filelist(fdata, farch) # merge data sdata = self.packages.values() self.packages['global'] = copy.deepcopy(sdata.pop()) while sdata: self.packages['global'].intersection(sdata.pop()) for key in self.packages: if key == 'global': continue self.packages[key] = self.packages['global'].difference(self.packages[key]) self.save_state() def parse_filelist(self, data, arch): if arch not in self.filemap: self.filemap[arch] = dict() for pkg in data.findall(self.fl + 'package'): for fentry in [fe for fe in pkg.findall(self.fl + 'file') \ if fe.text in self.needed_paths]: if fentry.text in self.filemap[arch]: self.filemap[arch][fentry.text].add(pkg.get('name')) else: self.filemap[arch][fentry.text] = set([pkg.get('name')]) def parse_primary(self, data, arch): if arch not in self.packages: self.packages[arch] = set() if arch not in self.deps: self.deps[arch] = dict() if arch not in self.provides: self.provides[arch] = dict() for pkg in data.getchildren(): if not pkg.tag.endswith('package'): continue pkgname = pkg.find(self.xp + 'name').text self.packages[arch].add(pkgname) pdata = pkg.find(self.xp + 'format') pre = pdata.find(self.rp + 'requires') self.deps[arch][pkgname] = set() for entry in pre.getchildren(): self.deps[arch][pkgname].add(entry.get('name')) if entry.get('name').startswith('/'): self.needed_paths.add(entry.get('name')) pro = pdata.find(self.rp + 'provides') if pro != None: for entry in pro.getchildren(): prov = entry.get('name') if prov not in self.provides[arch]: self.provides[arch][prov] = list() self.provides[arch][prov].append(pkgname) def is_package(self, metadata, item): arch = [a for a in self.arches if a in metadata.groups] if not arch: return False return item in self.packages['global'] or item in self.packages[arch[0]] def get_vpkgs(self, metadata): rv = Source.get_vpkgs(self, metadata) for arch, fmdata in self.filemap.iteritems(): if arch not in metadata.groups + ['global']: continue for filename, pkgs in fmdata.iteritems(): rv[filename] = pkgs return rv def filter_unknown(self, unknown): filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('rpmlib')]) unknown.difference_update(filtered) class APTSource(Source): basegroups = ['apt', 'debian', 'ubuntu', 'nexenta'] ptype = 'deb' def __init__(self, basepath, url, version, arches, components, groups, rawurl, blacklist, whitelist, recommended): Source.__init__(self, basepath, url, version, arches, components, groups, rawurl, blacklist, whitelist, recommended) self.pkgnames = set() self.url_map = [{'rawurl': self.rawurl, 'url': self.url, 'version': self.version, \ 'components': self.components, 'arches': self.arches, 'groups': self.groups}] def save_state(self): cache = file(self.cachefile, 'wb') cPickle.dump((self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides), cache, 2) cache.close() def load_state(self): data = file(self.cachefile) self.pkgnames, self.deps, self.provides = cPickle.load(data) def filter_unknown(self, unknown): filtered = set([u for u in unknown if u.startswith('choice')]) unknown.difference_update(filtered) def get_urls(self): if not self.rawurl: return ["%sdists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % \ (self.url, self.version, part, arch) for part in self.components \ for arch in self.arches] else: return ["%sPackages.gz" % (self.rawurl)] urls = property(get_urls) def read_files(self): bdeps = dict() bprov = dict() if self.recommended: depfnames = ['Depends', 'Pre-Depends', 'Recommends'] else: depfnames = ['Depends', 'Pre-Depends'] for fname in self.files: if not self.rawurl: barch = [x for x in fname.split('@') if x.startswith('binary-')][0][7:] else: # RawURL entries assume that they only have one # element and that it is the architecture of the source. barch = self.arches[0] if barch not in bdeps: bdeps[barch] = dict() bprov[barch] = dict() try: reader = gzip.GzipFile(fname) except: print("Failed to read file %s" % fname) raise for line in reader.readlines(): words = line.strip().split(':', 1) if words[0] == 'Package': pkgname = words[1].strip().rstrip() self.pkgnames.add(pkgname) bdeps[barch][pkgname] = [] elif words[0] in depfnames: vindex = 0 for dep in words[1].split(','): if '|' in dep: cdeps = [re.sub('\s+', '', re.sub('\(.*\)', '', cdep)) for cdep in dep.split('|')] dyn_dname = "choice-%s-%s-%s" % (pkgname, barch, vindex) vindex += 1 bdeps[barch][pkgname].append(dyn_dname) bprov[barch][dyn_dname] = set(cdeps) else: raw_dep = re.sub('\(.*\)', '', dep) raw_dep = raw_dep.rstrip().strip() bdeps[barch][pkgname].append(raw_dep) elif words[0] == 'Provides': for pkg in words[1].split(','): dname = pkg.rstrip().strip() if dname not in bprov[barch]: bprov[barch][dname] = set() bprov[barch][dname].add(pkgname) self.deps['global'] = dict() self.provides['global'] = dict() for barch in bdeps: self.deps[barch] = dict() self.provides[barch] = dict() for pkgname in self.pkgnames: pset = set() for barch in bdeps: if pkgname not in bdeps[barch]: bdeps[barch][pkgname] = [] pset.add(tuple(bdeps[barch][pkgname])) if len(pset) == 1: self.deps['global'][pkgname] = pset.pop() else: for barch in bdeps: self.deps[barch][pkgname] = bdeps[barch][pkgname] provided = set() for bprovided in bprov.values(): provided.update(set(bprovided)) for prov in provided: prset = set() for barch in bprov: if prov not in bprov[barch]: continue prset.add(tuple(bprov[barch].get(prov, ()))) if len(prset) == 1: self.provides['global'][prov] = prset.pop() else: for barch in bprov: self.provides[barch][prov] = bprov[barch].get(prov, ()) self.save_state() def is_package(self, _, pkg): return pkg in self.pkgnames class Packages(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector): name = 'Packages' conflicts = ['Pkgmgr'] experimental = True __rmi__ = Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__rmi__ + ['Refresh', 'Reload'] def __init__(self, core, datastore): Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.StructureValidator.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator.__init__(self) Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector.__init__(self) self.cachepath = + '/cache' self.sentinels = set() self.sources = [] self.disableResolver = False self.disableMetaData = False self.virt_pkgs = dict() if not os.path.exists(self.cachepath): # create cache directory if needed os.makedirs(self.cachepath) self._load_config() def get_relevant_groups(self, meta): mgrps = list(set([g for g in meta.groups for s in self.get_matching_sources(meta) \ if g in s.basegroups or g in s.groups or g in s.arches])) mgrps.sort() return tuple(mgrps) def build_vpkgs_entry(self, meta): # build single entry for all matching sources mgrps = self.get_relevant_groups(meta) vpkgs = dict() for source in self.get_matching_sources(meta): s_vpkgs = source.get_vpkgs(meta) for name, prov_set in s_vpkgs.iteritems(): if name not in vpkgs: vpkgs[name] = set(prov_set) else: vpkgs[name].update(prov_set) return vpkgs def get_matching_sources(self, meta): return [s for s in self.sources if s.applies(meta)] def HandlesEntry(self, entry, metadata): if [x for x in metadata.groups if x in self.sentinels] \ and entry.tag == 'Package': return True return False def HandleEntry(self, entry, metadata): entry.set('version', 'auto') for source in self.sources: if [x for x in metadata.groups if x in source.basegroups]: entry.set('type', source.ptype) def complete(self, meta, input_requirements, debug=False): '''Build the transitive closure of all package dependencies Arguments: meta - client metadata instance packages - set of package names debug - print out debug information for the decision making process returns => (set(packages), set(unsatisfied requirements), package type) ''' sources = self.get_matching_sources(meta) # reverse list so that priorities correspond to file order sources.reverse() if len(sources) == 0: self.logger.error("Packages: No matching sources for client %s; improper group memberships?" % (meta.hostname)) return set(), set(), 'failed' ptype = set([s.ptype for s in sources]) if len(ptype) < 1: return set(), set(), 'failed' # setup vpkg cache pgrps = self.get_relevant_groups(meta) if pgrps not in self.virt_pkgs: self.virt_pkgs[pgrps] = self.build_vpkgs_entry(meta) vpkg_cache = self.virt_pkgs[pgrps] blacklisted = set() for source in sources: blacklisted.update(source.blacklist) # unclassified is set of unsatisfied requirements (may be pkg for vpkg) unclassified = set(input_requirements) vpkgs = set() both = set() pkgs = set(input_requirements) packages = set() examined = set() unknown = set() final_pass = False really_done = False # do while unclassified or vpkgs or both or pkgs while unclassified or pkgs or both or final_pass: #print len(unclassified), len(pkgs), len(both), len(vpkgs), final_pass if really_done: break if len(unclassified) + len(pkgs) + len(both) == 0: # one more pass then exit really_done = True while unclassified: current = unclassified.pop() examined.add(current) if current in blacklisted: continue is_pkg = True in [source.is_package(meta, current) for source in sources] is_vpkg = current in vpkg_cache if is_pkg and is_vpkg: both.add(current) elif is_pkg and not is_vpkg: pkgs.add(current) elif is_vpkg and not is_pkg: vpkgs.add(current) elif not is_vpkg and not is_pkg: unknown.add(current) while pkgs: # direct packages; current can be added, and all deps should be resolved current = pkgs.pop() if current in blacklisted: continue if debug: self.logger.debug("Packages: handling package requirement %s" % (current)) for source in sources: try: deps = source.get_deps(meta, current) break except: continue packages.add(current) newdeps = set(deps).difference(examined) if debug and newdeps: self.logger.debug("Packages: Package %s added requirements %s" % (current, newdeps)) unclassified.update(newdeps) satisfied_vpkgs = set() for current in vpkgs: # virtual dependencies, satisfied if one of N in the config, or can be forced if only one provider if len(vpkg_cache[current]) == 1: if debug: self.logger.debug("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" % (current, vpkg_cache[current])) unclassified.update(vpkg_cache[current].difference(examined)) satisfied_vpkgs.add(current) elif [item for item in vpkg_cache[current] if item in packages]: if debug: self.logger.debug("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" % (current, [item for item in vpkg_cache[current] if item in packages])) satisfied_vpkgs.add(current) vpkgs.difference_update(satisfied_vpkgs) satisfied_both = set() for current in both: # packages that are both have virtual providers as well as a package with that name # allow use of virt through explicit specification, then fall back to forcing current on last pass if [item for item in vpkg_cache[current] if item in packages]: if debug: self.logger.debug("Packages: requirement %s satisfied by %s" % (current, [item for item in vpkg_cache[current] if item in packages])) satisfied_both.add(current) elif current in input_requirements or final_pass: pkgs.add(current) satisfied_both.add(current) both.difference_update(satisfied_both) if len(unclassified) + len(pkgs) == 0: final_pass = True else: final_pass = False for source in sources: source.filter_unknown(unknown) return packages, unknown, ptype.pop() def validate_structures(self, meta, structures): '''Ensure client configurations include all needed prerequisites Arguments: meta - client metadata instance structures - a list of structure-stage entry combinations ''' if self.disableResolver: return # Config requests no resolver initial = set([pkg.get('name') for struct in structures \ for pkg in struct.findall('Package') + struct.findall('BoundPackage')]) news = lxml.etree.Element('Independent') packages, unknown, ptype = self.complete(meta, initial, debug=self.debug_flag) if unknown:"Got unknown entries") newpkgs = list(packages.difference(initial)) newpkgs.sort() for pkg in newpkgs: lxml.etree.SubElement(news, 'BoundPackage', name=pkg, type=ptype, version='auto', origin='Packages') structures.append(news) def make_non_redundant(self, meta, plname=None, plist=None): '''build a non-redundant version of a list of packages Arguments: meta - client metadata instance plname - name of file containing a list of packages ''' if plname is not None: pkgnames = set([x.strip() for x in open(plname).readlines()]) elif plist is not None: pkgnames = set(plist) redundant = set() sources = self.get_matching_sources(meta) for source in sources: for pkgname in pkgnames: try: deps = source.get_deps(meta, pkgname) except: continue for rpkg in deps: if rpkg in pkgnames: redundant.add(rpkg) return pkgnames.difference(redundant), redundant def Refresh(self): '''Packages.Refresh() => True|False\nReload configuration specification and download sources\n''' self._load_config(force_update=True) return True def Reload(self): '''Packages.Refresh() => True|False\nReload configuration specification and sources\n''' self._load_config() return True def _load_config(self, force_update=False): ''' Load the configuration data and setup sources Keyword args: force_update Force downloading repo data ''' try: xdata = lxml.etree.parse( + '/config.xml') xdata.xinclude() xdata = xdata.getroot() except (lxml.etree.XIncludeError, \ lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError), xmlerr: self.logger.error("Package: Error processing xml: %s" % xmlerr) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError except IOError: self.logger.error("Failed to read Packages configuration. Have" + " you created your config.xml file?") raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError # Load Packages config config = xdata.xpath('//Sources/Config') if config: if config[0].get("resolver", "enabled").lower() == "disabled":"Packages: Resolver disabled") self.disableResolver = True if config[0].get("metadata", "enabled").lower() == "disabled":"Packages: Metadata disabled") self.disableResolver = True self.disableMetaData = True self.sentinels = set() self.sources = [] for s in xdata.findall('.//APTSource'): self.sources.append(APTSource(self.cachepath, **source_from_xml(s))) for s in xdata.findall('.//YUMSource'): self.sources.append(YUMSource(self.cachepath, **source_from_xml(s))) cachefiles = [] for source in self.sources: cachefiles.append(source.cachefile) if not self.disableMetaData: source.setup_data(force_update) self.sentinels.update(source.basegroups) for cfile in glob.glob("%s/cache-*" % self.cachepath): if cfile not in cachefiles: os.unlink(cfile) def get_additional_data(self, meta): sdata = [] [sdata.extend(copy.deepcopy(src.url_map)) for src in self.get_matching_sources(meta)] return dict(sources=sdata)