{% load django_templating_sigh %} {% if client %}
Time Ran: {{interaction.timestamp}}

Node: {{client.name}}

{% if interaction.repo_revision %}Revision: {{interaction.repo_revision}}{% endif %}
{% if interaction.isclean %}
Node is clean; Everything has been satisfactorily configured.
{% endif %} {% if interaction.isstale %}
This node did not run within the last 24 hours-- it may be out of date.
{% endif %} {% if interaction.bad_items.all %}
{{interaction.bad_items.count}} items did not verify and are considered Dirty.
    {% for bad in interaction.bad_items.all|sortwell %}
  • {{bad.kind}}: {{bad.name}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if interaction.modified_items.all %}
{{interaction.modified_items.count}} items were modified in the last run.
    {% for modified in interaction.modified_items.all|sortwell %}
  • {{modified.kind}}: {{modified.name}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if interaction.extra_items.all %}
{{interaction.extra_items.count}} extra configuration elements on the node.
    {% for extra in interaction.extra_items.all|sortwell %}
  • {{extra.kind}}: {{extra.name}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}

No record could be found for this client.

{% endif %}