{% load django_templating_sigh %}


{{client_list|length }} Nodes were included in your report.

{% if clean_client_list %}
{{clean_client_list|length}} nodes are clean.
    {% for client in clean_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if bad_client_list %}
{{bad_client_list|length}} nodes are bad.
    {% for client in bad_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if modified_client_list %}
{{modified_client_list|length}} nodes were modified in the previous run.
    {% for client in modified_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if extra_client_list %}
{{extra_client_list|length}} nodes have extra configuration. (includes both good and bad nodes)
    {% for client in extra_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if stale_up_client_list %}
{{stale_up_client_list|length}} nodes did not run within the last 24 hours but were pingable.
    {% for client in stale_up_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if stale_all_client_list %}
{{stale_all_client_list|length}} nodes did not run within the last 24 hours. (includes nodes up and down)
    {% for client in stale_all_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if down_client_list %}
{{down_client_list|length}} nodes were down.
    {% for client in down_client_list|sortname %} {% set_interaction "foo" %}
  • Node: {{client.name}}{{interaction.timestamp}}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}