""" Report views Functions to handle all of the reporting views. """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta import sys from time import strptime from django.template import Context, RequestContext from django.http import \ HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseServerError, Http404 from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404 from django.core.urlresolvers import \ resolve, reverse, Resolver404, NoReverseMatch from django.db import connection from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import * class PaginationError(Exception): """This error is raised when pagination cannot be completed.""" pass def server_error(request): """ 500 error handler. For now always return the debug response. Mailing isn't appropriate here. """ from django.views import debug return debug.technical_500_response(request, *sys.exc_info()) def timeview(fn): """ Setup a timeview view Handles backend posts from the calendar and converts date pieces into a 'timestamp' parameter """ def _handle_timeview(request, **kwargs): """Send any posts back.""" if request.method == 'POST': cal_date = request.POST['cal_date'] try: fmt = "%Y/%m/%d" if cal_date.find(' ') > -1: fmt += " %H:%M" timestamp = datetime(*strptime(cal_date, fmt)[0:6]) view, args, kw = resolve(request.META['PATH_INFO']) kw['year'] = "%0.4d" % timestamp.year kw['month'] = "%02.d" % timestamp.month kw['day'] = "%02.d" % timestamp.day if cal_date.find(' ') > -1: kw['hour'] = timestamp.hour kw['minute'] = timestamp.minute return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(view, args=args, kwargs=kw)) except KeyError: pass except: pass # FIXME - Handle this """Extract timestamp from args.""" timestamp = None try: timestamp = datetime(int(kwargs.pop('year')), int(kwargs.pop('month')), int(kwargs.pop('day')), int(kwargs.pop('hour', 0)), int(kwargs.pop('minute', 0)), 0) kwargs['timestamp'] = timestamp except KeyError: pass except: raise return fn(request, **kwargs) return _handle_timeview def config_item(request, pk, type="bad"): """ Display a single entry. Dispalys information about a single entry. """ item = get_object_or_404(Entries_interactions, id=pk) timestamp = item.interaction.timestamp time_start = item.interaction.timestamp.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) time_end = time_start + timedelta(days=1) todays_data = Interaction.objects.filter(timestamp__gte=time_start, timestamp__lt=time_end) shared_entries = Entries_interactions.objects.filter(entry=item.entry, reason=item.reason, type=item.type, interaction__in=[x['id']\ for x in todays_data.values('id')]) associated_list = Interaction.objects.filter(id__in=[x['interaction']\ for x in shared_entries.values('interaction')])\ .order_by('client__name', 'timestamp').select_related().all() return render_to_response('config_items/item.html', {'item': item, 'isextra': item.type == TYPE_EXTRA, 'mod_or_bad': type, 'associated_list': associated_list, 'timestamp': timestamp}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @timeview def config_item_list(request, type, timestamp=None): """Render a listing of affected elements""" mod_or_bad = type.lower() type = convert_entry_type_to_id(type) if type < 0: raise Http404 current_clients = Interaction.objects.get_interaction_per_client_ids(timestamp) item_list_dict = {} seen = dict() for x in Entries_interactions.objects.filter(interaction__in=current_clients, type=type).select_related(): if (x.entry, x.reason) in seen: continue seen[(x.entry, x.reason)] = 1 if item_list_dict.get(x.entry.kind, None): item_list_dict[x.entry.kind].append(x) else: item_list_dict[x.entry.kind] = [x] for kind in item_list_dict: item_list_dict[kind].sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.entry.name, b.entry.name)) return render_to_response('config_items/listing.html', {'item_list_dict': item_list_dict, 'mod_or_bad': mod_or_bad, 'timestamp': timestamp}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @timeview def client_index(request, timestamp=None): """ Render a grid view of active clients. Keyword parameters: timestamp -- datetime objectto render from """ list = Interaction.objects.interaction_per_client(timestamp).select_related()\ .order_by("client__name").all() return render_to_response('clients/index.html', {'inter_list': list, 'timestamp': timestamp}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @timeview def client_detailed_list(request, timestamp=None, **kwargs): """ Provides a more detailed list view of the clients. Allows for extra filters to be passed in. """ kwargs['interaction_base'] = Interaction.objects.interaction_per_client(timestamp).select_related() kwargs['orderby'] = "client__name" kwargs['page_limit'] = 0 return render_history_view(request, 'clients/detailed-list.html', **kwargs) def client_detail(request, hostname=None, pk=None): context = dict() client = get_object_or_404(Client, name=hostname) if(pk == None): context['interaction'] = client.current_interaction return render_history_view(request, 'clients/detail.html', page_limit=5, client=client, context=context) else: context['interaction'] = client.interactions.get(pk=pk) return render_history_view(request, 'clients/detail.html', page_limit=5, client=client, maxdate=context['interaction'].timestamp, context=context) def client_manage(request): """Manage client expiration""" message = '' if request.method == 'POST': try: client_name = request.POST.get('client_name', None) client_action = request.POST.get('client_action', None) client = Client.objects.get(name=client_name) if client_action == 'expire': client.expiration = datetime.now() client.save() message = "Expiration for %s set to %s." % \ (client_name, client.expiration.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) elif client_action == 'unexpire': client.expiration = None client.save() message = "%s is now active." % client_name else: message = "Missing action" except Client.DoesNotExist: if not client_name: client_name = "" message = "Couldn't find client \"%s\"" % client_name return render_to_response('clients/manage.html', {'clients': Client.objects.order_by('name').all(), 'message': message}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @timeview def display_summary(request, timestamp=None): """ Display a summary of the bcfg2 world """ query = Interaction.objects.interaction_per_client(timestamp).select_related() node_count = query.count() recent_data = query.all() if not timestamp: timestamp = datetime.now() collected_data = dict(clean=[], bad=[], modified=[], extra=[], stale=[], pings=[]) for node in recent_data: if timestamp - node.timestamp > timedelta(hours=24): collected_data['stale'].append(node) # If stale check for uptime try: if node.client.pings.latest().status == 'N': collected_data['pings'].append(node) except Ping.DoesNotExist: collected_data['pings'].append(node) continue if node.bad_entry_count() > 0: collected_data['bad'].append(node) else: collected_data['clean'].append(node) if node.modified_entry_count() > 0: collected_data['modified'].append(node) if node.extra_entry_count() > 0: collected_data['extra'].append(node) # label, header_text, node_list summary_data = [] get_dict = lambda name, label: {'name': name, 'nodes': collected_data[name], 'label': label} if len(collected_data['clean']) > 0: summary_data.append(get_dict('clean', 'nodes are clean.')) if len(collected_data['bad']) > 0: summary_data.append(get_dict('bad', 'nodes are bad.')) if len(collected_data['modified']) > 0: summary_data.append(get_dict('modified', 'nodes were modified.')) if len(collected_data['extra']) > 0: summary_data.append(get_dict('extra', 'nodes have extra configurations.')) if len(collected_data['stale']) > 0: summary_data.append(get_dict('stale', 'nodes did not run within the last 24 hours.')) if len(collected_data['pings']) > 0: summary_data.append(get_dict('pings', 'are down.')) return render_to_response('displays/summary.html', {'summary_data': summary_data, 'node_count': node_count, 'timestamp': timestamp}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @timeview def display_timing(request, timestamp=None): mdict = dict() inters = Interaction.objects.interaction_per_client(timestamp).select_related().all() [mdict.__setitem__(inter, {'name': inter.client.name}) \ for inter in inters] for metric in Performance.objects.filter(interaction__in=list(mdict.keys())).all(): for i in metric.interaction.all(): mdict[i][metric.metric] = metric.value return render_to_response('displays/timing.html', {'metrics': list(mdict.values()), 'timestamp': timestamp}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) def render_history_view(request, template='clients/history.html', **kwargs): """ Provides a detailed history of a clients interactions. Renders a detailed history of a clients interactions. Allows for various filters and settings. Automatically sets pagination data into the context. Keyword arguments: interaction_base -- Interaction QuerySet to build on (default Interaction.objects) context -- Additional context data to render with page_number -- Page to display (default 1) page_limit -- Number of results per page, if 0 show all (default 25) client -- Client object to render hostname -- Client hostname to lookup and render. Returns a 404 if not found server -- Filter interactions by server state -- Filter interactions by state entry_max -- Most recent interaction to display orderby -- Sort results using this field """ context = kwargs.get('context', dict()) max_results = int(kwargs.get('page_limit', 25)) page = int(kwargs.get('page_number', 1)) client = kwargs.get('client', None) if not client and 'hostname' in kwargs: client = get_object_or_404(Client, name=kwargs['hostname']) if client: context['client'] = client entry_max = kwargs.get('maxdate', None) context['entry_max'] = entry_max # Either filter by client or limit by clients iquery = kwargs.get('interaction_base', Interaction.objects) if client: iquery = iquery.filter(client__exact=client).select_related() if 'orderby' in kwargs and kwargs['orderby']: iquery = iquery.order_by(kwargs['orderby']) if 'state' in kwargs and kwargs['state']: iquery = iquery.filter(state__exact=kwargs['state']) if 'server' in kwargs and kwargs['server']: iquery = iquery.filter(server__exact=kwargs['server']) if entry_max: iquery = iquery.filter(timestamp__lte=entry_max) if max_results < 0: max_results = 1 entry_list = [] if max_results > 0: try: rec_start, rec_end = prepare_paginated_list(request, context, iquery, page, max_results) except PaginationError: page_error = sys.exc_info()[1] if isinstance(page_error[0], HttpResponse): return page_error[0] return HttpResponseServerError(page_error) context['entry_list'] = iquery.all()[rec_start:rec_end] else: context['entry_list'] = iquery.all() return render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) def prepare_paginated_list(request, context, paged_list, page=1, max_results=25): """ Prepare context and slice an object for pagination. """ if max_results < 1: raise PaginationError("Max results less then 1") if paged_list == None: raise PaginationError("Invalid object") try: nitems = paged_list.count() except TypeError: nitems = len(paged_list) rec_start = (page - 1) * int(max_results) try: total_pages = (nitems / int(max_results)) + 1 except: total_pages = 1 if page > total_pages: # If we passed beyond the end send back try: view, args, kwargs = resolve(request.META['PATH_INFO']) kwargs['page_number'] = total_pages raise PaginationError(HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(view, kwards=kwargs))) except (Resolver404, NoReverseMatch, ValueError): raise "Accessing beyond last page. Unable to resolve redirect." context['total_pages'] = total_pages context['records_per_page'] = max_results return (rec_start, rec_start + int(max_results))