'''This file manages the statistics collected by the BCFG2 Server''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from lxml.etree import XML, SubElement, Element, XMLSyntaxError from time import asctime, localtime, time import logging, lxml.etree, os class Statistics(object): '''Manages the memory and file copy of statistics collected about client runs''' __min_write_delay__ = 30 def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.element = Element('Dummy') self.dirty = 0 self.lastwrite = 0 self.logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Server.Statistics') self.ReadFromFile() def WriteBack(self, force=0): '''Write statistics changes back to persistent store''' if (self.dirty and (self.lastwrite + self.__min_write_delay__ <= time()) ) \ or force: #syslog(LOG_INFO, "Statistics: Updated statistics.xml") try: fout = open(self.filename + '.new', 'w') except IOError, ioerr: self.logger.error("Failed to open %s for writing: %s" % (self.filename, ioerr)) else: fout.write(lxml.etree.tostring(self.element)) fout.close() self.dirty = 0 self.lastwrite = time() os.rename(self.filename + '.new', self.filename) def ReadFromFile(self): '''Reads current state regarding statistics''' try: fin = open(self.filename, 'r') data = fin.read() fin.close() self.element = XML(data) self.dirty = 0 #syslog(LOG_INFO, "Statistics: Read in statistics.xml") except (IOError, XMLSyntaxError): self.logger.error("Creating new statistics file %s"%(self.filename)) self.element = Element('ConfigStatistics') self.WriteBack() self.dirty = 0 def updateStats(self, xml, client): '''Updates the statistics of a current node with new data''' # Current policy: # - Keep latest clean run for clean nodes # - Keep latest clean and dirty run for dirty nodes newstat = xml.find('Statistics') if newstat.get('state') == 'clean': node_dirty = 0 else: node_dirty = 1 # Find correct node entry in stats data # The following list comprehension should be guarenteed to return at # most one result nodes = [elem for elem in self.element.findall('Node') if elem.get('name') == client] nummatch = len(nodes) if nummatch == 0: # Create an entry for this node node = SubElement(self.element, 'Node', name=client) elif nummatch == 1 and not node_dirty: # Delete old instance self.element.remove(nodes[0]) node = SubElement(self.element, 'Node', name=client) elif nummatch == 1 and node_dirty: # Delete old dirty statistics entry node = nodes[0] for elem in [elem for elem in node.findall('Statistics') if elem.get('state') == 'dirty']: node.remove(elem) else: # Shouldn't be reached self.logger.error("Duplicate node entry for %s"%(client)) # Set current time for stats newstat.set('time', asctime(localtime())) # Add statistic node.append(newstat) # Set dirty self.dirty = 1 self.WriteBack()