"""Base class for SharedKeyDB and VerifierDB.""" import anydbm import thread class BaseDB: def __init__(self, filename, type): self.type = type self.filename = filename if self.filename: self.db = None else: self.db = {} self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() def create(self): """Create a new on-disk database. @raise anydbm.error: If there's a problem creating the database. """ if self.filename: self.db = anydbm.open(self.filename, "n") #raises anydbm.error self.db["--Reserved--type"] = self.type self.db.sync() else: self.db = {} def open(self): """Open a pre-existing on-disk database. @raise anydbm.error: If there's a problem opening the database. @raise ValueError: If the database is not of the right type. """ if not self.filename: raise ValueError("Can only open on-disk databases") self.db = anydbm.open(self.filename, "w") #raises anydbm.error try: if self.db["--Reserved--type"] != self.type: raise ValueError("Not a %s database" % self.type) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Not a recognized database") def __getitem__(self, username): if self.db == None: raise AssertionError("DB not open") self.lock.acquire() try: valueStr = self.db[username] finally: self.lock.release() return self._getItem(username, valueStr) def __setitem__(self, username, value): if self.db == None: raise AssertionError("DB not open") valueStr = self._setItem(username, value) self.lock.acquire() try: self.db[username] = valueStr if self.filename: self.db.sync() finally: self.lock.release() def __delitem__(self, username): if self.db == None: raise AssertionError("DB not open") self.lock.acquire() try: del(self.db[username]) if self.filename: self.db.sync() finally: self.lock.release() def __contains__(self, username): """Check if the database contains the specified username. @type username: str @param username: The username to check for. @rtype: bool @return: True if the database contains the username, False otherwise. """ if self.db == None: raise AssertionError("DB not open") self.lock.acquire() try: return username in self.db finally: self.lock.release() def check(self, username, param): value = self.__getitem__(username) return self._checkItem(value, username, param) def keys(self): """Return a list of usernames in the database. @rtype: list @return: The usernames in the database. """ if self.db == None: raise AssertionError("DB not open") self.lock.acquire() try: usernames = self.db.keys() finally: self.lock.release() usernames = [u for u in usernames if not u.startswith("--Reserved--")] return usernames