#!/usr/bin/env python '''The XML-RPC Bcfg2 Server''' __revision__ = '$Revision:$' # M2Crypto from M2Crypto import SSL # /F's xmlrpcserver.py. from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from sys import argv from syslog import openlog, LOG_LOCAL0, syslog, LOG_INFO, LOG_ERR from Bcfg2.Server.Core import Core, CoreInitError from Bcfg2.Server.Metadata import MetadataConsistencyError from threading import Lock from urlparse import urlparse from select import select, error as selecterror from xmlrpclib import Fault, dumps, loads import sys from time import time from socket import gethostbyaddr, herror from elementtree.ElementTree import XML, Element, tostring def dgetopt(arglist, opt, vopt): '''parse options into a dictionary''' ret = {} for optname in opt.values() + vopt.values(): ret[optname] = False gstr = "".join(opt.keys()) + "".join([field+':' for field in vopt.keys()]) try: opts = getopt(arglist, gstr)[0] except GetoptError, gerr: print gerr print "bcfg2 Usage:" for arg in opt.iteritems(): print " -%s %s" % arg for arg in vopt.iteritems(): print " -%s <%s>" % arg raise SystemExit, 1 for (gopt, garg) in opts: option = gopt[1:] if opt.has_key(option): ret[opt[option]] = True else: ret[vopt[option]] = garg return ret class Bcfg2XMLRPCRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler): '''Bcfg2XMLRPCRequestHandler takes care of ssl xmlrpc requests''' def finish(self): '''Finish HTTPS connections properly''' self.request.set_shutdown(SSL.SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN | SSL.SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN) self.request.close() def do_POST(self): '''Overload do_POST to pass through client address information''' try: # get arguments data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers["content-length"])) response = self.server._bcfg_marshaled_dispatch(data, self.client_address) except: # This should only happen if the module is buggy # internal error, report as HTTP server error self.send_response(500) self.end_headers() else: # got a valid XML RPC response stamp1 = time() self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/xml") self.send_header("Content-length", str(len(response))) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(response) # shut down the connection self.wfile.flush() stamp2 = time() self.connection.shutdown(1) print "write time was %f seconds" % (stamp2-stamp1) class Bcfg2XMLRPCServer(SSL.SSLServer, SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher): """The Bcfg2 Server component providing XML-RPC access to Bcfg methods""" def __init__(self, setup): # need to get addr self.setup = setup self.cfile = ConfigParser() if setup['configfile']: cfilename = setup['configfile'] else: cfilename = '/etc/bcfg2.conf' self.cfile.read([cfilename]) if not self.cfile.has_section('communication'): print "Configfile missing communication section" raise SystemExit, 1 if self.cfile.get('communication', 'protocol') != 'xmlrpc/ssl': print "Unsupported protocol, exiting." raise SystemExit, 1 location = urlparse(self.cfile.get('communication', 'url'))[1].split(':') location = (location[0], int(location[1])) self.password = self.cfile.get('communication', 'password') sslctx = SSL.Context('sslv23') sslctx.load_cert_chain('server.pem') sslctx.load_verify_locations('ca.pem') sslctx.set_client_CA_list_from_file('ca.pem') sslctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_none, 15) #sslctx.set_allow_unknown_ca(1) sslctx.set_session_id_ctx('Bcfg2') sslctx.set_info_callback(self.handle_sslinfo) sslctx.set_tmp_dh('dh1024.pem') self.logRequests = 0 SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self) SSL.SSLServer.__init__(self, location, Bcfg2XMLRPCRequestHandler, sslctx) syslog(LOG_INFO, "Bound to port %s" % location[1]) try: self.Core = Core(setup, cfilename) self.CoreLock = Lock() except CoreInitError, msg: print msg raise SystemExit, 1 self.register_introspection_functions() self.register_function(self.func2, "func2") self.register_function(self.Bcfg2GetConfig, "GetConfig") self.register_function(self.Bcfg2GetProbes, "GetProbes") self.register_function(self.Bcfg2RecvProbeData, "RecvProbeData") self.register_function(self.Bcfg2RecvStats, "RecvStats") def func2(self, address, arg): '''dummy test function''' print address, arg return 30 * "foo" def handle_sslinfo(self, where, ret, ssl_ptr): '''This is where we need to handle all ssl negotiation issues''' pass def get_request(self): '''We need to do work between requests, so we select with timeout instead of blocking in accept''' rsockinfo = [] famfd = self.Core.fam.fm.fileno() while self.socket not in rsockinfo: try: rsockinfo = select([self.socket, famfd], [], [])[0] except selecterror: continue if famfd in rsockinfo: print "starting fs sync...", while self.Core.fam.fm.pending(): self.Core.fam.HandleEvent() print "done" if self.socket in rsockinfo: return self.socket.accept() def _bcfg_marshaled_dispatch(self, data, address): """Decode and dispatch XMLRPC requests. Overloaded to pass through client address information """ print "in _bcfg_marshalled_dispatch" rawparams, method = loads(data) if len(rawparams) < 2: return dumps(Fault(2, "No Authentication Info")) user = rawparams[0] password = rawparams[1] params = rawparams[2:] # check authentication print "in _bcfg_marshalled_dispatch 1: user=%s, password=%s" % (user, password) if not self._authenticate_connection(method, user, password, address): return dumps(Fault(3, "Authentication Failure")) # generate response print "in _bcfg_marshalled_dispatch 2" try: response = self._dispatch(method, (address, ) + params) # wrap response in a singleton tuple response = (response,) response = dumps(response, methodresponse=1) except Fault, fault: print "hit error path" response = dumps(fault) except: # report exception back to server response = dumps(Fault(1, "%s:%s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value))) print "in _bcfg_marshalled_dispatch 3" return response def _authenticate_connection(self, method, user, password, address): '''Authenticate new connection''' (user, address, method) return password == self.password def Bcfg2GetProbes(self, address): '''Fetch probes for a particular client''' peer = address[0] resp = Element('probes') try: client = gethostbyaddr(peer)[0] except herror: raise Fault, "host resolution error" try: meta = self.Core.metadata.FetchMetadata(client) except MetadataConsistencyError: raise Fault, 'metadata resolution error' for generator in self.Core.generators: for probe in generator.GetProbes(meta): resp.append(probe) return tostring(resp) def Bcfg2RecvProbeData(self, address, probedata): '''Receive probe data from clients''' print "in RecvProbeData" peer = address[0] try: client = gethostbyaddr(peer)[0] except herror: raise Fault, "host resolution error" for data in probedata: try: [generator] = [gen for gen in self.Core.generators if gen.__name__ == data.get('source')] generator.ReceiveData(client, data) except IndexError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to locate plugin %s" % (data.get('source'))) except: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unexpected failure in probe data receipt") return True def Bcfg2GetConfig(self, address, image=False, profile=False): '''Build config for a client''' peer = address[0] try: client = gethostbyaddr(peer)[0] except herror: raise Fault, "host resolution error" if image and profile: try: # if metadata is provided, call FetchMetadata with settings # it is screwey. i know. self.Core.metadata.FetchMetadata(client, image=image, profile=profile) except MetadataConsistencyError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Metadata consistency error for client %s" % client) return Fault, 'metadata error' return tostring(self.Core.BuildConfiguration(client)) def Bcfg2RecvStats(self, address, stats): '''Act on statistics upload''' sdata = XML(stats) e = sdata.find(".//Statistics") # Versioned stats to prevent tied client/server upgrade if e.get('version') >= '2.0': try: client = gethostbyaddr(address[0])[0] except herror: return Fault, 'host resolution error' # Update statistics self.Core.stats.updateStats(sdata, client) syslog(LOG_INFO, "Client %s reported state %s"%(client, e.attrib['state'])) return "" if __name__ == '__main__': openlog("Bcfg2", 0, LOG_LOCAL0) options = {'v':'verbose', 'd':'debug'} doptions = {'D':'daemon', 'c':'configfile', 'C':'client'} ssetup = dgetopt(argv[1:], options, doptions) s = Bcfg2XMLRPCServer(ssetup) s.serve_forever()