#!/usr/bin/env python # Jul 17 2005 #GenerateHostInfo - Joey Hagedorn - hagedorn@mcs.anl.gov '''Generates hostinfo.xml at a regular interval''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement, parse from os import fork, execl, dup2, wait import sys def pretty_print(element, level=0): '''Produce a pretty-printed text representation of element''' if element.text: fmt = "%s<%%s %%s>%%s" % (level*" ") data = (element.tag, (" ".join(["%s='%s'" % keyval for keyval in element.attrib.iteritems()])), element.text, element.tag) children = element.getchildren() if children: fmt = "%s<%%s %%s>\n" % (level*" ",) + (len(children) * "%s") + "%s\n" % (level*" ") data = (element.tag, ) + (" ".join(["%s='%s'" % (key, element.attrib[key]) for key in element.attrib]),) data += tuple([pretty_print(entry, level+2) for entry in children]) + (element.tag, ) else: fmt = "%s<%%s %%s/>\n" % (level * " ") data = (element.tag, " ".join(["%s='%s'" % (key, element.attrib[key]) for key in element.attrib])) return fmt % data if __name__ == '__main__': c = ConfigParser() c.read(['/etc/bcfg2.conf']) configpath = "%s/etc/report-configuration.xml" % c.get('server', 'repository') #hostinfopath = "%s/etc/hostinfo.xml" % c.get('server', 'repository') clientdatapath = "%s/Metadata/clients.xml" % c.get('server', 'repository') sendmailpath = c.get('statistics','sendmailpath') clientElement = parse(clientdatapath) hostlist = [client.get('name') for client in clientElement.findall("Client")] #HostInfo = Element("HostInformation") pids = {} fullnames = {} null = open('/dev/null', 'w+') while hostlist or pids: if hostlist and len(pids.keys()) < 15: host = hostlist.pop() pid = fork() if pid == 0: # in child dup2(null.fileno(), sys.__stdin__.fileno()) dup2(null.fileno(), sys.__stdout__.fileno()) dup2(null.fileno(), sys.__stderr__.fileno()) execl('/bin/ping', 'ping', '-w', '5', '-c', '1', host) else: pids[pid] = host else: try: (cpid, status) = wait() chost = pids[cpid] del pids[cpid] if status == 0: #SubElement(HostInfo, "HostInfo", name=chost, fqdn=chost, pingable='Y') clientElement.xpath("/Clients/Client[@name=%s]"%chost).set("pingable",'Y') else: if chost.count('.') > 0: fullnames[chost.split('.')[0]] = chost hostlist.append(chost.split('.')[0]) else: #SubElement(HostInfo, "HostInfo", name=fullnames[chost], fqdn=fullnames[chost], pingable='N') clientElement.xpath("/Clients/Client[@name=%s]"%chost).set("pingable",'N') except: pass fout = open(clientdatapath, 'w') fout.write(pretty_print(clientElement)) fout.close()