#!/usr/bin/env python #Jun 7 2005 #StatReports - Joey Hagedorn - hagedorn@mcs.anl.gov '''StatReports Generates & distributes reports of statistic information for bcfg2''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError from lxml.etree import XML, XSLT, parse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement, tostring from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError from time import asctime, strptime, time from socket import getfqdn from sys import argv from getopt import getopt, GetoptError import re, os from copy import deepcopy def generatereport(rspec, nrpt): '''generatereport creates and returns an ElementTree representation of a report adhering to the XML spec for intermediate reports''' reportspec = deepcopy(rspec) nodereprt = deepcopy(nrpt) reportgood = reportspec.get("good", default = 'Y') reportmodified = reportspec.get("modified", default = 'Y') current_date = asctime()[:10] '''build regex of all the nodes we are reporting about''' pattern = re.compile( '|'.join([item.get("name") for item in reportspec.findall('Machine')])) for node in nodereprt.findall('Node'): if not (node.findall("HostInfo") and node.findall("Statistics") and node.find("HostInfo").get("fqdn") and pattern.match(node.get('name'))): # don't know enough about node nodereprt.remove(node) continue #reduce to most recent Statistics entry statisticslist = node.findall('Statistics') #this line actually sorts from most recent to oldest stats = statisticslist.sort(lambda y, x: cmp(strptime(x.get("time")), strptime(y.get("time"))))[0] [node.remove(item) for item in node.findall('Statistics')] #add a good tag if node is good and we wnat to report such if reportgood == 'Y' and stats.get('state') == 'clean': SubElement(stats,"Good") [stats.remove(item) for item in stats.findall("Bad") + stats.findall("Modified") if \ item.getchildren() == None] [stats.remove(item) for item in stats.findall("Modified") if reportmodified == 'N'] #test for staleness -if stale add Stale tag if stats.get("time").find(current_date) == -1: SubElement(stats,"Stale") node.append(stats) return nodereprt def mail(mailbody, confi): '''mail mails a previously generated report''' try: mailer = confi.get('statistics', 'sendmailpath') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail" # open a pipe to the mail program and # write the data to the pipe pipe = os.popen("%s -t" % mailer, 'w') pipe.write(mailbody) exitcode = pipe.close() if exitcode: print "Exit code: %s" % exitcode def rss(reportxml, delivery, report): '''rss appends a new report to the specified rss file keeping the last 9 articles''' #check and see if rss file exists for destination in delivery.findall('Destination'): try: fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'r') olddoc = XML(fil.read()) #defines the number of recent articles to keep items = olddoc.find("channel").findall("item")[0:9] fil.close() fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'w') except (IOError, ExpatError): fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'w') items = [] rssdata = Element("rss") channel = SubElement(rssdata, "channel") rssdata.set("version", "2.0") chantitle = SubElement(channel, "title") chantitle.text = report.attrib['name'] chanlink = SubElement(channel, "link") #this can later link to WWW report if one gets published simultaneously? chanlink.text = "http://www.mcs.anl.gov/cobalt/bcfg2" chandesc = SubElement(channel, "description") chandesc.text = "Information regarding the 10 most recent bcfg2 runs." channel.append(XML(reportxml)) if items != []: for item in items: channel.append(item) tree = "" + tostring(rssdata) fil.write(tree) fil.close() def www(reportxml, delivery): '''www outputs report to''' #this can later link to WWW report if one gets published simultaneously? for destination in delivery.findall('Destination'): fil = open(destination.attrib['address'], 'w') fil.write(reportxml) fil.close() def pretty_print(element, level=0): '''Produce a pretty-printed text representation of element''' if element.text: fmt = "%s<%%s %%s>%%s" % (level*" ") data = (element.tag, (" ".join(["%s='%s'" % keyval for keyval in element.attrib.iteritems()])), element.text, element.tag) if element._children: fmt = "%s<%%s %%s>\n" % (level*" ",) + (len(element._children) * "%s") + "%s\n" % (level*" ") data = (element.tag, ) + (" ".join(["%s='%s'" % keyval for keyval in element.attrib.iteritems()]),) data += tuple([pretty_print(entry, level+2) for entry in element._children]) + (element.tag, ) else: fmt = "%s<%%s %%s/>\n" % (level * " ") data = (element.tag, " ".join(["%s='%s'" % keyval for keyval in element.attrib.iteritems()])) return fmt % data if __name__ == '__main__': c = ConfigParser() c.read(['/etc/bcfg2.conf']) configpath = "%s/report-configuration.xml" % c.get('server', 'metadata') statpath = "%s/statistics.xml" % c.get('server', 'metadata') hostinfopath = "%s/hostinfo.xml" % c.get('server', 'metadata') metadatapath = "%s/metadata.xml" % c.get('server', 'metadata') transformpath = "/usr/share/bcfg2/xsl-transforms/" #websrcspath = "/usr/share/bcfg2/web-rprt-srcs/" try: opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "hc:s:", ["help", "config=", "stats="]) except GetoptError, mesg: # print help information and exit: print "%s\nUsage:\nStatReports.py [-h] [-c ] [-s ]" % (mesg) raise SystemExit, 2 for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print "Usage:\nStatReports.py [-h] [-c ] [-s ]" raise SystemExit if o in ("-c", "--config"): configpath = a if o in ("-s", "--stats"): statpath = a #See if hostinfo.xml exists, and is less than 23.5 hours old try: hostinstat = os.stat(hostinfopath) if (time() - hostinstat[9])/(60*60) > 23.5: os.system('GenerateHostInfo')#Generate HostInfo needs to be in path except OSError: os.system('GenerateHostInfo')#Generate HostInfo needs to be in path '''Reads Data & Config files''' try: statsdata = XML(open(statpath).read()) except (IOError, ExpatError): print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(statpath)) raise SystemExit, 1 try: configdata = XML(open(configpath).read()) except (IOError, ExpatError): print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(configpath)) raise SystemExit, 1 try: metadata = XML(open(metadatapath).read()) except (IOError, ExpatError): print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s"%(metadatapath)) raise SystemExit, 1 try: hostinfodata = XML(open(hostinfopath).read()) except (IOError, ExpatError): print("StatReports: Failed to parse %s. Is GenerateHostInfo in your path?"%(hostinfopath)) raise SystemExit, 1 #Merge data from three sources nodereport = Element("Report", attrib={"time" : asctime()}) #should all of the other info in Metadata be appended? #What about all of the package stuff for other types of reports? for client in metadata.findall("Client"): nodel = Element("Node", attrib={"name" : client.get("name")}) nodel.append(client) for hostinfo in hostinfodata.findall("HostInfo"): if hostinfo.get("name") == client.get("name"): nodel.append(hostinfo) for nod in statsdata.findall("Node"): if client.get('name').find(nod.get('name')) == 0: for statel in nod.findall("Statistics"): nodel.append(statel) nodereport.append(nodel) for reprt in configdata.findall('Report'): nodereport.set("name", reprt.get("name", default="BCFG Report")) procnodereport = generatereport(reprt, nodereport) for deliv in reprt.findall('Delivery'): #is a deepcopy of procnodereport necessary? delivtype = deliv.get('type', default='nodes-digest') deliverymechanism = deliv.get('mechanism', default='invalid') #apply XSLT, different ones based on report type, and options transform = '' if deliverymechanism == 'mail': if delivtype == 'nodes-individual': transform = 'nodes-individual-email.xsl' elif delivtype == 'overview-stats': transform = 'overview-stats-email.xsl' else: transform = 'nodes-digest-email.xsl' elif deliverymechanism == 'rss': if delivtype == 'overview-stats': transform = 'overview-stats-rss.xsl' else: transform = 'nodes-digest-rss.xsl' elif deliverymechanism == 'www': if delivtype == 'overview-stats': transform = 'overview-stats-html.xsl' else: transform = 'nodes-digest-html.xsl' else: print("StatReports: Invalid delivery mechanism in report-config") raise SystemExit, 1 #IMPORTANT to add some error checking here-parseerrors #this might be sufficient try: stylesheet = XSLT(parse(transformpath + transform)) #styledoc = libxml2.parseFile(transformpath+transform) #style = libxslt.parseStylesheetDoc(styledoc) except: print("StatReports: invalid XSLT transform file.") raise SystemExit, 1 if deliverymechanism == 'mail': if delivtype == 'nodes-individual': reportdata = deepcopy(procnodereport) for noden in procnodereport.findall("Node"): [reportdata.remove(y) for y in reportdata.findall("Node")] reportdata.append(noden) else: reportdata = procnodereport outputstring = tostring(stylesheet.apply(reportdata).getroot()) if not outputstring == None: toastring = '' for desti in deliv.findall("Destination"): toastring = "%s%s " % \ (toastring, desti.get('address')) #prepend To: and From: outputstring = "To: %s\nFrom: root@%s\n%s"% \ (toastring, getfqdn(), outputstring) mail(outputstring, c) #call function to send else: outputstring = tostring(stylesheet.apply(ElementTree(procnodereport)).getroot()) if deliverymechanism == 'rss': rss(outputstring, deliv, reprt) else: # must be deliverymechanism == 'www': www(outputstring, deliv)