#!/usr/bin/python '''This tool loads the Bcfg2 core into an interactive debugger''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from code import InteractiveConsole import cmd import errno import logging import lxml.etree import os import profile import pstats import sys import tempfile import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Server.Core import Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2-info') class dummyError(Exception): pass class ConfigFileNotBuilt(Exception): ''' Thrown when ConfigFile entry contains no content''' def __init__(self, value): Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def printTabular(rows): '''print data in tabular format''' cmax = tuple([max([len(str(row[index])) for row in rows]) + 1 \ for index in range(len(rows[0]))]) fstring = (" %%-%ss |" * len(cmax)) % cmax fstring = ('|'.join([" %%-%ss "] * len(cmax))) % cmax print(fstring % rows[0]) print((sum(cmax) + (len(cmax) * 2) + (len(cmax) - 1)) * '=') for row in rows[1:]: print(fstring % row) def displayTrace(trace, num=80, sort=('time', 'calls')): stats = pstats.Stats(trace) stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'calls', 'time') stats.print_stats(200) def write_config_file(outputdir, cfg): '''Store file content of an ... entry in the appropriate directory under the output directory.''' name = cfg.get('name') # directory creation try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outputdir + name)) except OSError, err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise except: raise # write config file config_file = open(outputdir + name, "w") try: config_file.write(cfg.text) except: # plugin throw an exception and therefore there is no content => None raise ConfigFileNotBuilt(name) config_file.close() class infoCore(cmd.Cmd, Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core): def __init__(self, repo, plgs, passwd, encoding, event_debug): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) try: Bcfg2.Server.Core.Core.__init__(self, repo, plgs, passwd, encoding) if event_debug: self.fam.debug = True except Bcfg2.Server.Core.CoreInitError, msg: print("Core load failed because %s" % msg) raise SystemExit(1) self.prompt = '> ' self.cont = True self.fam.handle_events_in_interval(4) def do_loop(self): self.cont = True while self.cont: try: self.cmdloop('Welcome to bcfg2-info\n' 'Type "help" for more information') except SystemExit, val: raise except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError: continue except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Ctrl-C pressed exiting...") self.do_exit([]) except dummyError: continue except: logger.error("command failure", exc_info=1) def do_debug(self, _): self.cont = False print("dropping to python interpreter; press ^D to resume") sh = InteractiveConsole(locals()) sh.interact() def do_quit(self, _): """Exit program. Usage: [quit|exit]""" for plugin in self.plugins.values(): plugin.shutdown() os._exit(0) do_EOF = do_quit do_exit = do_quit def do_help(self, _): '''print out usage info''' print 'Commands:' print 'build - build config for hostname, writing to filename' print 'builddir - build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname' print 'buildall - build configs for all clients in directory' print 'buildfile - build config file for hostname (not written to disk)' print 'bundles - print out group/bundle information' print 'clients - print out client/profile information' print 'debug - shell out to native python interpreter' print 'event_debug - display filesystem events as they are processed' print 'generators - list current versions of generators' print 'groups - list groups' print 'help - print this text' print 'mappings - print generator mappings for optional type and name' print 'profile - profile a single bcfg2-info command' print 'quit' print 'showentries - show abstract configuration entries for a given host' print 'showclient - show metadata for given hosts' print 'update - process pending file events' print 'version - print version of this tool' def do_update(self, _): '''Process pending fs events''' self.fam.handle_events_in_interval(0.1) def do_version(self, _): '''print out code version''' print(__revision__) def do_build(self, args): '''build client configuration''' alist = args.split() path_force = False if '-f' in args: alist.remove('-f') path_force = True if len(alist) == 2: client, ofile = alist if not ofile.startswith('/tmp') and not path_force: print("Refusing to write files outside of /tmp without -f option") return output = open(ofile, 'w') data = lxml.etree.tostring(self.BuildConfiguration(client), encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) output.write(data) output.close() else: print('Usage: build [-f] ') def help_builddir(self): '''Display help for builddir command''' print('Usage: builddir [-f] ') print('') print('Generates a config for client and writes the') print('individual configuration files out separately in a tree') print('under . The directory must be') print('rooted under /tmp unless the -f argument is provided, in') print('which case it can be located anywhere.') print('') print('NOTE: Currently only handles ConfigFile entries and writes') print('all content with the default owner and permissions. These') print('could be much more permissive than would be created by the') print('bcfg2 client itself.') def do_builddir(self, args): '''build client configuration as separate files within a dir''' alist = args.split() path_force = False if '-f' in args: alist.remove('-f') path_force = True if len(alist) == 2: client, odir = alist if not odir.startswith('/tmp') and not path_force: print("Refusing to write files outside of /tmp without -f option") return client_config = self.BuildConfiguration(client) if client_config.tag == 'error': print("Building client configuration failed.") return # handle entries for configfile in [cfile for cfile in client_config.findall(".//ConfigFile")]: try: write_config_file(odir, configfile) except ConfigFileNotBuilt, ex: print("Warning: No file content generated for ConfigFile %s!" % ex) pass except Exception, ex: print("unknown error, I give up: %s" %ex) return print("Config for %s written to %s" % (client, odir)) else: print('Error: Incorrect number of parameters') self.help_builddir() def do_buildall(self, args): if len(args.split()) != 1: print("Usage: buildall ") return try: os.mkdir(args) except: pass for client in self.metadata.clients: self.do_build("%s %s/%s.xml" % (client, args, client)) def do_buildfile(self, args): '''build a config file for client''' if len(args.split()) == 2: fname, client = args.split() entry = lxml.etree.Element('ConfigFile', name=fname) metadata = self.build_metadata(client) self.Bind(entry, metadata) print(lxml.etree.tostring(entry, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)) else: print('Usage: buildfile filename hostname') def do_bundles(self, _): '''print out group/bundle info''' data = [('Group', 'Bundles')] groups = list(self.metadata.groups.keys()) groups.sort() for group in groups: data.append((group, ','.join(self.metadata.groups[group][0]))) printTabular(data) def do_clients(self, _): '''print out client info''' data = [('Client', 'Profile')] clist = list(self.metadata.clients.keys()) clist.sort() for client in clist: data.append((client, self.metadata.clients[client])) printTabular(data) def do_generators(self, _): '''print out generator info''' for generator in self.generators: print(generator.__version__) def do_showentries(self, args): '''show abstract configuration entries for a given host''' arglen = len(args.split()) if arglen not in [2, 3]: print("Usage: showentries ") return client = args.split()[0] try: meta = self.build_metadata(client) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataConsistencyError: print("Unable to find metadata for host %s" % client) return structures = self.GetStructures(meta) output = [('entrytype', 'name')] if arglen == 1: for item in structures: for child in item.getchildren(): output.append((child.tag, child.get('name'))) if arglen == 2: etype = args.split()[1] for item in structures: for child in item.getchildren(): if child.tag in [etype, "Bound%s" % etype]: output.append((child.tag, child.get('name'))) printTabular(output) def do_groups(self, _): '''print out group info''' data = [("Groups", "Profile", "Category", "Contains")] grouplist = list(self.metadata.groups.keys()) grouplist.sort() for group in grouplist: if group in self.metadata.profiles: prof = 'yes' else: prof = 'no' if group in self.metadata.categories: cat = self.metadata.categories[group] else: cat = '' gdata = [grp for grp in self.metadata.groups[group][1]] if group in gdata: gdata.remove(group) data.append((group, prof, cat, ','.join(gdata))) printTabular(data) def do_showclient(self, args): ''' print host metadata''' data = [('Client', 'Profile', "Groups", "Bundles")] if not len(args): print("Usage:\nshowclient ... ") return for client in args.split(): try: client_meta = self.build_metadata(client) except: print("Client %s not defined" % client) continue print "Hostname:\t", client_meta.hostname print "Profile:\t", client_meta.profile print "Groups:\t\t", list(client_meta.groups)[0] for grp in list(client_meta.groups)[1:]: print '\t\t%s' % grp if client_meta.bundles: print "Bundles:\t", list(client_meta.bundles)[0] for bnd in list(client_meta.bundles)[1:]: print '\t\t%s' % bnd if client_meta.connectors: print "Connector data" print "=" * 80 for conn in client_meta.connectors: if getattr(client_meta, conn): print "%s:\t" % (conn), getattr(client_meta, conn) print "=" * 80 def do_mappings(self, args): '''print out mapping info''' # dump all mappings unless type specified data = [('Plugin', 'Type', 'Name')] arglen = len(args.split()) for generator in self.generators: if arglen == 0: etypes = list(generator.Entries.keys()) else: etypes = [args.split()[0]] if arglen == 2: interested = [(etype, [args.split()[1]]) \ for etype in etypes] else: interested = [(etype, generator.Entries[etype]) \ for etype in etypes \ if etype in generator.Entries] for etype, names in interested: for name in [name for name in names if name in \ generator.Entries.get(etype, {})]: data.append((generator.name, etype, name)) printTabular(data) def do_event_debug(self, args): self.fam.debug = True def do_cfgdebug(self, args): try: meta = self.build_metadata(args) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataConsistencyError: print("Unable to find metadata for host %s" % client) return structures = self.GetStructures(meta) for clist in [struct.findall('ConfigFile') for struct in structures]: for cfile in clist: if cfile.get('name') in self.plugins['Cfg'].Entries['ConfigFile']: cset = self.plugins['Cfg'].entries[cfile.get('name')] cand = cset.get_matching(meta) fields = ['all', 'group'] while len(cand) > 1 and fields: field = fields.pop(0) [cand.remove(c) for c in cand[:] if getattr(c.specific, field)] if len(cand) != 1: sys.stderr.write("Entry %s failed" % cfile.get('name')) continue print(cand[0].name) def do_profile(self, arg): tracefname = tempfile.mktemp() p = profile.Profile() p.runcall(self.onecmd, arg) displayTrace(p) def Run(self, args): if args: self.onecmd(" ".join(args)) os._exit(0) else: self.do_loop() if __name__ == '__main__': Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging('bcfg2-info', to_syslog=False) optinfo = { 'configfile': Bcfg2.Options.CFILE, 'help': Bcfg2.Options.HELP, } optinfo.update({'repo': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_REPOSITORY, 'plugins': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_PLUGINS, 'password': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_PASSWORD, 'event debug': Bcfg2.Options.DEBUG, 'profile': Bcfg2.Options.CORE_PROFILE, 'encoding': Bcfg2.Options.ENCODING}) setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(optinfo) setup.parse(sys.argv[1:]) print(setup) if setup['profile']: prof = profile.Profile() loop = prof.runcall(infoCore, setup['repo'], setup['plugins'], setup['password'], setup['encoding'], setup['event debug']) displayTrace(prof) else: loop = infoCore(setup['repo'], setup['plugins'], setup['password'], setup['encoding'], setup['event debug']) loop.Run(setup['args'])