#!/usr/bin/env python """This tool loads the Bcfg2 core into an interactive debugger.""" import os import re import sys import cmd import getopt import fnmatch import logging import lxml.etree import traceback from code import InteractiveConsole import Bcfg2.Logger import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Server.Core import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX from Bcfg2.Compat import unicode try: try: import cProfile as profile except ImportError: import profile import pstats HAS_PROFILE = True except ImportError: HAS_PROFILE = False class MockLog(object): """ Fake logger that just discards all messages in order to mask errors from builddir being unable to chown files it creates """ def error(self, *args, **kwargs): """ discard error messages """ pass def warning(self, *args, **kwargs): """ discard warning messages """ pass def info(self, *args, **kwargs): """ discard info messages """ pass def debug(self, *args, **kwargs): """ discard debug messages """ pass class FileNotBuilt(Exception): """Thrown when File entry contains no content.""" def __init__(self, value): Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def print_tabular(rows): """Print data in tabular format.""" cmax = tuple([max([len(str(row[index])) for row in rows]) + 1 for index in range(len(rows[0]))]) fstring = (" %%-%ss |" * len(cmax)) % cmax fstring = ('|'.join([" %%-%ss "] * len(cmax))) % cmax print(fstring % rows[0]) print((sum(cmax) + (len(cmax) * 2) + (len(cmax) - 1)) * '=') for row in rows[1:]: print(fstring % row) def display_trace(trace): """ display statistics from a profile trace """ stats = pstats.Stats(trace) stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'calls', 'time') stats.print_stats(200) def load_interpreters(): """ Load a dict of available Python interpreters """ interpreters = dict(python=lambda v: InteractiveConsole(v).interact()) best = "python" try: import bpython.cli interpreters["bpython"] = lambda v: bpython.cli.main(args=[], locals_=v) best = "bpython" except ImportError: pass try: # whether ipython is actually better than bpython is # up for debate, but this is the behavior that existed # before --interpreter was added, so we call IPython # better import IPython # pylint: disable=E1101 if hasattr(IPython, "Shell"): interpreters["ipython"] = lambda v: \ IPython.Shell.IPShell(argv=[], user_ns=v).mainloop() best = "ipython" elif hasattr(IPython, "embed"): interpreters["ipython"] = lambda v: IPython.embed(user_ns=v) best = "ipython" else: print("Unknown IPython API version") # pylint: enable=E1101 except ImportError: pass interpreters['best'] = interpreters[best] return interpreters class InfoCore(cmd.Cmd, Bcfg2.Server.Core.BaseCore): """Main class for bcfg2-info.""" doc_header = "bcfg2-info commands (type help ):" prompt = 'bcfg2-info> ' def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.setup = Bcfg2.Options.get_option_parser() self.setup.update(Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_COMMON_OPTIONS) self.setup.update(dict(interpreter=Bcfg2.Options.INTERPRETER)) Bcfg2.Server.Core.BaseCore.__init__(self) def _get_client_list(self, hostglobs): """ given a host glob, get a list of clients that match it """ # special cases to speed things up: if '*' in hostglobs: return self.metadata.clients has_wildcards = False for glob in hostglobs: # check if any wildcard characters are in the string if set('*?[]') & set(glob): has_wildcards = True break if not has_wildcards: return hostglobs rv = set() clist = set(self.metadata.clients) for glob in hostglobs: for client in clist: if fnmatch.fnmatch(client, glob): rv.update(client) clist.difference_update(rv) return list(rv) def do_debug(self, args): """debug [-n] [-f ] Shell out to native python interpreter""" try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(args.split(), 'nf:') except getopt.GetoptError: print(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) print(self.do_debug.__doc__) return scriptmode = False interactive = True for opt in opts: if opt[0] == '-f': scriptmode = True spath = opt[1] elif opt[0] == '-n': interactive = False if scriptmode: console = InteractiveConsole(locals()) for command in [c.strip() for c in open(spath).readlines()]: if command: console.push(command) if interactive: interpreters = load_interpreters() if self.setup['interpreter'] in interpreters: print("Dropping to %s interpreter; press ^D to resume" % self.setup['interpreter']) interpreters[self.setup['interpreter']](locals()) else: self.logger.error("Invalid interpreter %s" % self.setup['interpreter']) self.logger.error("Valid interpreters are: %s" % ", ".join(interpreters.keys())) def do_quit(self, _): """quit|exit Exit program""" print("") # put user's prompt on a new line self.shutdown() os._exit(0) # pylint: disable=W0212 do_EOF = do_quit do_exit = do_quit def do_update(self, _): """update Process pending filesystem events""" self.fam.handle_events_in_interval(0.1) def do_build(self, args): """build [-f] Build config for hostname, writing to filename""" alist = args.split() path_force = False for arg in alist: if arg == '-f': alist.remove('-f') path_force = True if len(alist) == 2: client, ofile = alist if not ofile.startswith('/tmp') and not path_force: print("Refusing to write files outside of /tmp without -f " "option") return try: lxml.etree.ElementTree(self.BuildConfiguration(client)).write( ofile, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Failed to write File %s: %s" % (ofile, err)) else: print(self.do_build.__doc__) def help_builddir(self): """Display help for builddir command.""" print("""Usage: builddir [-f] Generates a config for client and writes the individual configuration files out separately in a tree under . The directory must be rooted under /tmp unless the -f argument is provided, in which case it can be located anywhere. NOTE: Currently only handles file entries and writes all content with the default owner and permissions. These could be much more permissive than would be created by the Bcfg2 client itself.""") def do_builddir(self, args): """ builddir [-f] Build config for hostname, writing separate files to dirname""" alist = args.split() path_force = False if '-f' in args: alist.remove('-f') path_force = True if len(alist) == 2: client, odir = alist if not odir.startswith('/tmp') and not path_force: print("Refusing to write files outside of /tmp without -f " "option") return client_config = self.BuildConfiguration(client) if client_config.tag == 'error': print("Building client configuration failed.") return for struct in client_config: for entry in struct: if entry.tag == 'Path': entry.set('name', odir + '/' + entry.get('name')) posix = Bcfg2.Client.Tools.POSIX.POSIX(MockLog(), self.setup, client_config) states = posix.Inventory() posix.Install(list(states.keys())) else: print('Error: Incorrect number of parameters.') print(self.do_builddir.__doc__) def do_buildall(self, args): """buildall [] Build configs for all clients in directory""" alist = args.split() if len(alist) < 1: print(self.do_buildall.__doc__) return destdir = alist[0] try: os.mkdir(destdir) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err.errno != 17: print("Could not create %s: %s" % (destdir, err)) if len(alist) > 1: clients = self._get_client_list(alist[1:]) else: clients = self.metadata.clients for client in clients: self.do_build("%s %s" % (client, os.path.join(destdir, client + ".xml"))) def do_buildallfile(self, args): """ buildallfile [] Build config file for all clients in directory""" try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args.split(), '', ['altsrc=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) print(self.do_buildallfile.__doc__) return altsrc = None for opt in opts: if opt[0] == '--altsrc': altsrc = opt[1] if len(args) < 2: print(self.do_buildallfile.__doc__) return destdir = args[0] filename = args[1] try: os.mkdir(destdir) except OSError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if err.errno != 17: print("Could not create %s: %s" % (destdir, err)) if len(args) > 2: clients = self._get_client_list(args[1:]) else: clients = self.metadata.clients if altsrc: args = "--altsrc %s -f %%s %%s %%s" % altsrc else: args = "-f %s %s %s" for client in clients: self.do_buildfile(args % (os.path.join(destdir, client), filename, client)) def do_buildfile(self, args): """buildfile [-f ] [--altsrc=] Build config file for hostname (not written to disk)""" try: opts, alist = getopt.gnu_getopt(args.split(), 'f:', ['altsrc=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) print(self.do_buildfile.__doc__) return altsrc = None outfile = None for opt in opts: if opt[0] == '--altsrc': altsrc = opt[1] elif opt[0] == '-f': outfile = opt[1] if len(alist) != 2: print(self.do_buildfile.__doc__) return fname, client = alist entry = lxml.etree.Element('Path', type='file', name=fname) if altsrc: entry.set("altsrc", altsrc) try: metadata = self.build_metadata(client) self.Bind(entry, metadata) data = lxml.etree.tostring(entry, xml_declaration=False).decode('UTF-8') except Exception: print("Failed to build entry %s for host %s: %s" % (fname, client, traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1])) raise try: if outfile: open(outfile, 'w').write(data) else: print(data) except IOError: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Could not write to %s: %s" % (outfile, err)) print(data) def do_buildbundle(self, args): """buildbundle Render a templated bundle for hostname (not written to disk)""" if len(args.split()) != 2: print(self.do_buildbundle.__doc__) return bname, client = args.split() try: metadata = self.build_metadata(client) bundle = self.plugins['Bundler'].entries[bname] print(lxml.etree.tostring(bundle.get_xml_value(metadata), xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True).decode('UTF-8')) except KeyError: print("No such bundle %s" % bname) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Failed to render bundle %s for host %s: %s" % (bname, client, err)) def do_automatch(self, args): """automatch [-f] Perform automatch on a Properties file""" alist = args.split() force = False for arg in alist: if arg == '-f': alist.remove('-f') force = True if len(alist) != 2: print(self.do_automatch.__doc__) return if 'Properties' not in self.plugins: print("Properties plugin not enabled") return pname, client = alist automatch = self.setup.cfp.getboolean("properties", "automatch", default=False) pfile = self.plugins['Properties'].entries[pname] if (not force and not automatch and pfile.xdata.get("automatch", "false").lower() != "true"): print("Automatch not enabled on %s" % pname) else: metadata = self.build_metadata(client) print(lxml.etree.tostring(pfile.XMLMatch(metadata), xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True).decode('UTF-8')) def do_bundles(self, _): """bundles Print out group/bundle info""" data = [('Group', 'Bundles')] groups = list(self.metadata.groups.keys()) groups.sort() for group in groups: data.append((group, ','.join(self.metadata.groups[group][0]))) print_tabular(data) def do_clients(self, _): """clients Print out client/profile info""" data = [('Client', 'Profile')] for client in sorted(self.metadata.list_clients()): imd = self.metadata.get_initial_metadata(client) data.append((client, imd.profile)) print_tabular(data) def do_config(self, _): """config Print out the current configuration of Bcfg2""" output = [ ('Description', 'Value'), ('Path Bcfg2 repository', self.setup['repo']), ('Plugins', self.setup['plugins']), ('Password', self.setup['password']), ('Filemonitor', self.setup['filemonitor']), ('Server address', self.setup['location']), ('Path to key', self.setup['key']), ('Path to SSL certificate', self.setup['cert']), ('Path to SSL CA certificate', self.setup['ca']), ('Protocol', self.setup['protocol']), ('Logging', self.setup['logging'])] print_tabular(output) def do_probes(self, args): """probes [-p] Get probe list for the given host, in XML (the default) \ or human-readable pretty (with -p) format""" alist = args.split() pretty = False if '-p' in alist: pretty = True alist.remove('-p') if len(alist) != 1: print(self.do_probes.__doc__) return hostname = alist[0] if pretty: probes = [] else: probes = lxml.etree.Element('probes') metadata = self.build_metadata(hostname) for plugin in self.plugins_by_type(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Probing): for probe in plugin.GetProbes(metadata): probes.append(probe) if pretty: for probe in probes: pname = probe.get("name") print("=" * (len(pname) + 2)) print(" %s" % pname) print("=" * (len(pname) + 2)) print("") print(probe.text) print("") else: print(lxml.etree.tostring(probes, xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True).decode('UTF-8')) def do_showentries(self, args): """showentries Show abstract configuration entries for a given host""" arglen = len(args.split()) if arglen not in [1, 2]: print(self.do_showentries.__doc__) return client = args.split()[0] try: meta = self.build_metadata(client) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.MetadataConsistencyError: print("Unable to find metadata for host %s" % client) return structures = self.GetStructures(meta) output = [('entrytype', 'name')] if arglen == 1: for item in structures: for child in item.getchildren(): output.append((child.tag, child.get('name'))) if arglen == 2: etype = args.split()[1] for item in structures: for child in item.getchildren(): if child.tag in [etype, "Bound%s" % etype]: output.append((child.tag, child.get('name'))) print_tabular(output) def do_groups(self, _): """groups Print out group info""" data = [("Groups", "Profile", "Category")] grouplist = list(self.metadata.groups.keys()) grouplist.sort() for group in grouplist: if self.metadata.groups[group].is_profile: prof = 'yes' else: prof = 'no' cat = self.metadata.groups[group].category data.append((group, prof, cat)) print_tabular(data) def do_showclient(self, args): """showclient [ ...] Show metadata for the given hosts""" if not len(args): print(self.do_showclient.__doc__) return for client in args.split(): try: client_meta = self.build_metadata(client) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.MetadataConsistencyError: print("Client %s not defined" % client) continue fmt = "%-10s %s" print(fmt % ("Hostname:", client_meta.hostname)) print(fmt % ("Profile:", client_meta.profile)) group_fmt = "%-10s %-30s %s" header = False for group in list(client_meta.groups): category = "" for cat, grp in client_meta.categories.items(): if grp == group: category = "Category: %s" % cat break if not header: print(group_fmt % ("Groups:", group, category)) header = True else: print(group_fmt % ("", group, category)) if client_meta.bundles: print(fmt % ("Bundles:", list(client_meta.bundles)[0])) for bnd in list(client_meta.bundles)[1:]: print(fmt % ("", bnd)) if client_meta.connectors: print("Connector data") print("=" * 80) for conn in client_meta.connectors: if getattr(client_meta, conn): print(fmt % (conn + ":", getattr(client_meta, conn))) print("=" * 80) def do_mappings(self, args): """mappings Print generator mappings for optional type and name""" # Dump all mappings unless type specified data = [('Plugin', 'Type', 'Name')] arglen = len(args.split()) for generator in self.plugins_by_type(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator): if arglen == 0: etypes = list(generator.Entries.keys()) else: etypes = [args.split()[0]] if arglen == 2: interested = [(etype, [args.split()[1]]) for etype in etypes] else: interested = [(etype, generator.Entries[etype]) for etype in etypes if etype in generator.Entries] for etype, names in interested: for name in [name for name in names if name in generator.Entries.get(etype, {})]: data.append((generator.name, etype, name)) print_tabular(data) def do_event_debug(self, _): """event_debug Display filesystem events as they are processed""" self.fam.debug = True def do_packageresolve(self, args): """packageresolve [ [...]] Resolve packages for the given host, optionally specifying a \ set of packages""" arglist = args.split(" ") if len(arglist) < 1: print(self.do_packageresolve.__doc__) return try: pkgs = self.plugins['Packages'] except KeyError: print("Packages plugin not enabled") return pkgs.toggle_debug() hostname = arglist[0] metadata = self.build_metadata(hostname) indep = lxml.etree.Element("Independent") if len(arglist) > 1: structures = [lxml.etree.Element("Bundle", name="packages")] for arg in arglist[1:]: lxml.etree.SubElement(structures[0], "Package", name=arg) else: structures = self.GetStructures(metadata) pkgs._build_packages(metadata, indep, # pylint: disable=W0212 structures) print("%d new packages added" % len(indep.getchildren())) if len(indep.getchildren()): print(" %s" % "\n ".join(lxml.etree.tostring(p, encoding=unicode) for p in indep.getchildren())) def do_packagesources(self, args): """packagesources Show package sources""" if not args: print(self.do_packagesources.__doc__) return if 'Packages' not in self.plugins: print("Packages plugin not enabled") return try: metadata = self.build_metadata(args) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.MetadataConsistencyError: print("Unable to build metadata for host %s" % args) return collection = self.plugins['Packages'].get_collection(metadata) print(collection.sourcelist()) def do_query(self, args): """query <-g group|-p profile|-b bundle> Query clients""" if len(args) == 0: print("\n".join(self.metadata.clients)) return arglist = args.split(" ") if len(arglist) != 2: print(self.do_query.__doc__) return qtype, qparam = arglist if qtype == '-p': res = self.metadata.get_client_names_by_profiles(qparam.split(',')) elif qtype == '-g': res = self.metadata.get_client_names_by_groups(qparam.split(',')) elif qtype == '-b': res = self.metadata.get_client_names_by_bundles(qparam.split(',')) else: print(self.do_query.__doc__) return print("\n".join(res)) def do_profile(self, arg): """profile Profile a single bcfg2-info command""" if not HAS_PROFILE: print("Profiling functionality not available.") return if len(arg) == 0: print(self.do_profile.__doc__) return prof = profile.Profile() prof.runcall(self.onecmd, arg) display_trace(prof) def run(self, args): # pylint: disable=W0221 try: self.load_plugins() self.fam.handle_events_in_interval(1) if args: self.onecmd(" ".join(args)) else: try: self.cmdloop('Welcome to bcfg2-info\n' 'Type "help" for more information') except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCtrl-C pressed exiting...") self.do_exit([]) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError: pass finally: self.shutdown() def _daemonize(self): pass def _run(self): pass def _block(self): pass def build_usage(): """build usage message""" cmd_blacklist = ["do_loop", "do_EOF"] usage = dict() for attrname in dir(InfoCore): attr = getattr(InfoCore, attrname) # shim for python 2.4, __func__ is im_func funcattr = getattr(attr, "__func__", getattr(attr, "im_func", None)) if (funcattr is not None and funcattr.func_name not in cmd_blacklist and funcattr.func_name.startswith("do_") and funcattr.func_doc): usage[attr.__name__] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', attr.__doc__) return "Commands:\n" + "\n".join(usage[k] for k in sorted(usage.keys())) USAGE = build_usage() def main(): optinfo = dict(profile=Bcfg2.Options.CORE_PROFILE, interactive=Bcfg2.Options.INTERACTIVE, interpreter=Bcfg2.Options.INTERPRETER, command_timeout=Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) optinfo.update(Bcfg2.Options.INFO_COMMON_OPTIONS) setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(optinfo) setup.hm = "\n".join(["bcfg2-info [options] [command ]", "Options:", setup.buildHelpMessage(), USAGE]) setup.parse(sys.argv[1:]) if setup['debug']: level = logging.DEBUG elif setup['verbose']: level = logging.INFO else: level = logging.WARNING Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging('bcfg2-info', to_syslog=False, level=level) if setup['args'] and setup['args'][0] == 'help': print(setup.hm) sys.exit(0) elif setup['profile'] and HAS_PROFILE: prof = profile.Profile() loop = prof.runcall(InfoCore) display_trace(prof) else: if setup['profile']: print("Profiling functionality not available.") loop = InfoCore() loop.run(setup['args']) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())