#! /usr/bin/env python '''Query reporting system for client status''' __revision__ = '$Revision: 4639 $' import os, sys try: import Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings except: sys.stderr.write("Failed to load configuration settings. is /etc/bcfg2.conf readable?") sys.exit(1) project_directory = os.path.dirname(Bcfg2.Server.Reports.settings.__file__) project_name = os.path.basename(project_directory) sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_directory, '..')) project_module = __import__(project_name, '', '', ['']) sys.path.pop() # Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE appropriately. os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % project_name from Bcfg2.Server.Reports.reports.models import Client from getopt import getopt import datetime import fileinput def timecompare(client1, client2): '''compares two clients by their timestamps''' return cmp(client1.current_interaction.timestamp, client2.current_interaction.timestamp) def namecompare(client1, client2): '''compares two clients by their names''' return cmp(client1.name, client2.name) def statecompare(client1, client2): '''compares two clients by their states''' clean1 = client1.current_interaction.isclean() clean2 = client2.current_interaction.isclean() if clean1 and not clean2: return -1 elif clean2 and not clean1: return 1 else: return 0 def crit_compare(criterion, client1, client2): '''compares two clients by the criteria provided in criterion''' for crit in criterion: comp = 0 if crit == 'name': comp = namecompare(client1, client2) elif crit == 'state': comp = statecompare(client1, client2) elif crit == 'time': comp = timecompare(client1, client2) if comp != 0: return comp return 0 def print_fields(fields, cli, max_name, entrydict): '''prints the fields specified in fields of cli, max_name specifies the column width of the name column''' fmt = '' for field in fields: if field == 'name': fmt += ("%%-%ds " % (max_name)) else: fmt += "%s " fdata = [] for field in fields: if field == 'time': fdata.append(str(cli.current_interaction.timestamp)) elif field == 'state': if cli.current_interaction.isclean(): fdata.append("clean") else: fdata.append("dirty") else: try: fdata.append(getattr(cli, field)) except: fdata.append("N/A") display = fmt % tuple(fdata) if len(entrydict) > 0: display += " " display += str(entrydict[cli]) print display def print_entry(item, max_name): fmt = ("%%-%ds " % (max_name)) fdata = item.kind + ":" + item.name display = fmt % (fdata) print display fields = "" sort = "" badentry = "" extraentry = "" expire = "" singlehost = "" c_list = Client.objects.all() result = list() entrydict = dict() args = sys.argv[1:] opts, pargs = getopt(args, 'abcdehs:x:', ['sort=', 'fields=', 'badentry=','extraentry=']) for option in opts: if len(option) > 0: if option[0] == '--fields': fields = option[1] if option[0] == '--sort': sort = option[1] if option[0] == '--badentry': badentry = option[1] if option[0] == '--extraentry': extraentry = option[1] if option[0] == '-x': expire = option[1] if option[0] == '-s' or option[0] == '-b' or option[0] == '-e': singlehost = option[1] if expire != "": for c_inst in c_list: if expire == c_inst.name: if c_inst.expiration == None: c_inst.expiration = datetime.datetime.now() print "Host expired." else: c_inst.expiration = None print "Host un-expired." c_inst.save() elif '-h' in args: print '''usage: python bcfg2-reports [option] ... Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables): -a : shows all hosts, including expired hosts -b NAME : single-host mode - shows bad entries from the current interaction of NAME -c : shows only clean hosts -d : shows only dirty hosts -e NAME : single-host mode - shows extra entries from the current interaction of NAME -h : shows help and usage info about bcfg2-reports -s NAME : single-host mode - shows bad and extra entries from the current interaction of NAME -x NAME : toggles expired/unexpired state of NAME --badentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has bad entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1 --extraentry=KIND,NAME : shows only hosts whose current interaction has extra entries in of KIND kind and NAME name; if a single argument ARG1 is given, then KIND,NAME pairs will be read from a file of name ARG1 --fields=ARG1,ARG2,... : only displays the fields ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state) --sort=ARG1,ARG2,... : sorts output on ARG1,ARG2,... (name,time,state)''' elif singlehost != "": for c_inst in c_list: if singlehost == c_inst.name: baditems = c_inst.current_interaction.bad_items.all() if len(baditems) > 0 and ('-b' in args or '-s' in args): print "Bad Entries:" max_name = -1 for item in baditems: if len(item.name) > max_name: max_name = len(item.name) for item in baditems: print_entry(item, max_name) extraitems = c_inst.current_interaction.extra_items.all() if len(extraitems) > 0 and ('-e' in args or '-s' in args): print "Extra Entries:" max_name = -1 for item in extraitems: if len(item.name) > max_name: max_name = len(item.name) for item in extraitems: print_entry(item, max_name) else: if fields == "": fields = ['name', 'time', 'state'] else: fields = fields.split(',') if sort != "": sort = sort.split(',') if badentry != "": badentry = badentry.split(',') if extraentry != "": extraentry = extraentry.split(',') if '-c' in args: for c_inst in c_list: if c_inst.current_interaction.isclean(): result.append(c_inst) elif '-d' in args: for c_inst in c_list: if not c_inst.current_interaction.isclean(): result.append(c_inst) elif badentry != "": if len(badentry) == 1: fileread =fileinput.input(badentry[0]) for line in fileread: badentry = line.strip().split(',') for c_inst in c_list: baditems = c_inst.current_interaction.bad_items.all() for item in baditems: if item.name == badentry[1] and item.kind == badentry[0]: result.append(c_inst) if entrydict.has_key(c_inst): entrydict.get(c_inst).append(badentry[1]) else: entrydict[c_inst] = [badentry[1]] break else: for c_inst in c_list: baditems = c_inst.current_interaction.bad_items.all() for item in baditems: if item.name == badentry[1] and item.kind == badentry[0]: result.append(c_inst) break elif extraentry != "": if len(extraentry) == 1: fileread =fileinput.input(extraentry[0]) for line in fileread: extraentry = line.strip().split(',') for c_inst in c_list: extraitems = c_inst.current_interaction.extra_items.all() for item in extraitems: if item.name == extraentry[1] and item.kind == extraentry[0]: result.append(c_inst) if entrydict.has_key(c_inst): entrydict.get(c_inst).append(extraentry[1]) else: entrydict[c_inst] = [extraentry[1]] break else: for c_inst in c_list: extraitems = c_inst.current_interaction.extra_items.all() for item in extraitems: if item.name == extraentry[1] and item.kind == extraentry[0]: result.append(c_inst) break else: for c_inst in c_list: result.append(c_inst) max_name = -1 if 'name' in fields: for c_inst in result: if len(c_inst.name) > max_name: max_name = len(c_inst.name) if sort != "": result.sort(lambda x, y: crit_compare(sort, x, y)) if fields != "": for c_inst in result: if '-a' in args or c_inst.expiration == None: print_fields(fields, c_inst, max_name, entrydict)