#!/usr/bin/env python '''Bcfg2 Client''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from os import popen, chmod, unlink, _exit from signal import signal, SIGINT from sys import argv from tempfile import mktemp from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError from lxml.etree import Element, XML, tostring, XMLSyntaxError from time import time from sys import exc_info from traceback import extract_tb import xmlrpclib import Bcfg2.Client.Proxy def cb_sigint_handler(signum, frame): '''Exit upon CTRL-C''' _exit(1) def if_then(cond, value_if, value_else): ''' Replacement for ternary operator ''' if cond == True: return value_if else: return value_else class Client: ''' The main bcfg2 client class ''' def __init__(self, args): self.toolset = None self.config = None self.options = { 'verbose': 'v', 'quick': 'q', 'debug': 'd', 'dryrun': 'n', 'build': 'B', 'paranoid': 'P', 'bundle': 'b', 'file': 'f', 'cache': 'c', 'profile': 'p', 'image': 'i', 'remove': 'r', 'help': 'h', 'setup': 's', 'server': 'S', 'user': 'u', 'password': 'x', 'retries': 'R' } self.argOptions = { 'v': 'verbose', 'q': 'quick', 'd': 'debug', 'n': 'dryrun', 'B': 'build', 'P': 'paranoid', 'b': 'bundle', 'f': 'file', 'c': 'cache', 'p': 'profile', 'i': 'image', 'r': 'remove', 'h': 'help', 's': 'setup', 'S': 'server', 'u': 'user', 'x': 'password', 'R': 'retries' } self.descriptions = { 'verbose': "enable verbose output", 'quick': "disable some checksum verification", 'debug': "enable debugging output", 'dryrun': "do not actually change the system", 'build': "disable service control (implies -q)", 'paranoid': "make automatic backups of config files", 'bundle': "only configure the given bundle", 'file': "configure from a file rather than querying the server", 'cache': "store the configuration in a file", 'image': "assert the given image for the host", 'profile': "assert the given profile for the host", 'remove': "force removal of additional configuration items", 'help': "print this help message", 'setup': "use given setup file (default /etc/bcfg2.conf)", 'server': 'the server hostname to connect to', 'user': 'the user to provide for authentication', 'password': 'the password to use', 'retries': 'the number of times to retry network communication' } self.argumentDescriptions = { 'bundle': "", 'file': "", 'cache': "", 'profile': "", 'image': "", 'remove': "(pkgs | svcs | all)", 'setup': "", 'server': ' ', 'user': ' ', 'password': ' ', 'retries': '' } self.setup = {} self.get_setup(args) self.cond_print_setup('debug') def cond_print_setup(self, state): ''' Display the clients current setup information ''' for (key, value) in self.setup.iteritems(): if self.setup[key]: self.cond_print(state, "%s => %s" % (key, value)) def load_toolset(self, toolset_name): '''Import client toolset modules''' toolset_packages = { 'debian': "Bcfg2.Client.Debian", 'rh': "Bcfg2.Client.Redhat", 'solaris': "Bcfg2.Client.Solaris" } if toolset_packages.has_key(toolset_name): toolset_class = toolset_packages[toolset_name] else: toolset_class = toolset_name try: mod = __import__(toolset_class, globals(), locals(), ['*']) except: self.fatal_error("got unsupported toolset %s from server." % (toolset_name)) try: self.toolset = mod.ToolsetImpl(self.config, self.setup) self.cond_print('debug', "Selected %s toolset..." % (toolset_name)) except: self.critical_error("instantiating toolset %s" % (toolset_name)) def run_probe(self, probe): '''Execute probe''' probe_name = probe.attrib['name'] ret = Element("probe-data", probe_name, source=probe.attrib['source']) try: script = open(mktemp(), 'w+') try: script.write("#!%s\n" % (probe.attrib.get('interpreter', '/bin/sh'))) script.write(probe.text) script.close() chmod(script.name, 0755) ret.text = popen(script.name).read() finally: unlink(script.name) except: self.critical_error("executing probe %s" % (probe_name)) return ret def critical_error(self, operation): '''Print tracebacks in unexpected cases''' print "Traceback information (please include in any bug report):" (ttype, value, trace) = exc_info() for line in extract_tb(trace): print "File %s, line %i, in %s\n %s\n" % (line) print "%s: %s\n" % (ttype, value) self.fatal_error("An unexpected failure occurred in %s" % (operation) ) def fatal_error(self, message): '''Signal a fatal error''' print "Fatal error: %s" % (message) raise SystemExit, 1 def warning_error(self, message): '''Warn about a problem but continue''' print "Warning: %s" % (message) def usage_error(self, message): '''Die because script was called the wrong way''' print "Usage error: %s" % (message) self.print_usage() raise SystemExit, 2 def cond_print(self, state, message): '''Output debugging information''' if self.setup[state]: print "bcfg2[%s]: %s" % (state, message) def print_usage(self): ''' Display usage information for bcfg2 ''' print "bcfg2 usage:" for arg in self.options.iteritems(): if self.argumentDescriptions.has_key(arg[0]): print " -%s %s\t%s" % (arg[1], self.argumentDescriptions[arg[0]], self.descriptions[arg[0]]) else: print " -%s\t\t\t%s" % (arg[1], self.descriptions[arg[0]]) def fill_setup_from_file(self, setup_file, ret): ''' Read any missing configuration information from a file''' default = { 'server': 'http://localhost:6789/', 'user': 'root', 'retries': '6' } config_locations = { 'server': ('components', 'bcfg2'), 'user': ('communication', 'user'), 'password': ('communication', 'password'), 'retries': ('communicaton', 'retries') } self.cond_print_setup('debug') config_parser = None for (key, (section, option)) in config_locations.iteritems(): try: if not (ret.has_key(key) and ret[key]): if config_parser == None: self.cond_print('debug', "no %s provided, reading setup info from %s" % (key, setup_file)) config_parser = ConfigParser() config_parser.read(setup_file) try: ret[key] = config_parser.get(section, option) except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): if default.has_key(key): ret[key] = default[key] else: self.fatal_error( "%s does not contain a value for %s (in %s)" % (setup_file, option, section)) except IOError, io_error: self.fatal_error("unable to read %s: %s" % (setup_file, io_error)) except SystemExit: raise except: self.critical_error("reading config file") def get_setup(self, args): '''parse options into a dictionary''' for option in self.options.keys(): self.setup[option] = False gstr = "".join([self.options[option] + if_then(self.argumentDescriptions.has_key(option), ':', '') for option in self.options.keys()]) try: ginfo = getopt(args, gstr) except GetoptError, gerr: self.usage_error(gerr) for (gopt, garg) in ginfo[0]: option = self.argOptions[gopt[1:]] if self.argumentDescriptions.has_key(option): self.setup[option] = garg else: self.setup[option] = True if (self.setup["file"] != False) and (self.setup["cache"] != False): self.usage_error("cannot use -f and -c together") if self.setup["help"] == True: self.print_usage() raise SystemExit, 0 if self.setup["setup"]: setup_file = self.setup["setup"] else: setup_file = '/etc/bcfg2.conf' self.fill_setup_from_file(setup_file, self.setup) def run(self): ''' Perform client execution phase ''' times = {} # begin configuration times['start'] = time() if self.setup['file']: # read config from file try: self.cond_print('debug', "reading cached configuration from %s" % (self.setup['file'])) configfile = open(self.setup['file'], 'r') rawconfig = configfile.read() configfile.close() except IOError: self.fatal_error("failed to read cached configuration from: %s" % (self.setup['file'])) else: # retrieve config from server proxy = Bcfg2.Client.Proxy.SafeProxy(self.setup, self) probe_data = proxy.run_method("probe download", "GetProbes", ()) times['probe_download'] = time() try: probes = XML(probe_data) except XMLSyntaxError, syntax_error: self.fatal_error( "server returned invalid probe requests: %s" % (syntax_error)) # execute probes try: probe_info = [self.run_probe(probe) for probe in probes.findall(".//probe")] except: self.critical_error("executing probes") # upload probe responses proxy.run_method("probe data upload", "RecvProbeData", (probe_info, )) times['probe_upload'] = time() rawconfig = proxy.run_method("configuration download", "GetConfig", (self.setup['image'], self.setup['profile'])) times['config_download'] = time() if self.setup['cache']: try: open(self.setup['cache'], 'w').write(rawconfig) except IOError: self.warning_error("failed to write config cache file %s" % (self.setup['cache'])) times['caching'] = time() try: self.config = XML(rawconfig) except XMLSyntaxError, syntax_error: self.fatal_error("the configuration could not be parsed: %s" % (syntax_error)) times['config_parse'] = time() if self.config.tag == 'error': self.fatal_error("server error: %s" % (self.config.text)) # Get toolset from server try: toolset_name = self.config.get('toolset') except: self.fatal_error("server did not specify a toolset") if self.setup['bundle']: replacement_xml = Element("Configuration", version='2.0') for child in self.config.getroot().getchildren(): if ((child.tag == 'Bundle') and (child.attrib['name'] == self.setup['bundle'])): replacement_xml.append(child) self.config = replacement_xml # Create toolset handle self.load_toolset(toolset_name) times['initialization'] = time() # verify state self.toolset.Inventory() times['inventory'] = time() # summarize current state self.toolset.CondDisplayState('verbose', 'initial') # install incorrect aspects of configuration self.toolset.Install() self.toolset.CondDisplayState('verbose', "final") times['install'] = time() times['finished'] = time() if not self.setup['file']: # upload statistics feedback = Element("upload-statistics") timeinfo = Element("OpStamps") for (event, timestamp) in times.iteritems(): timeinfo.set(event, str(timestamp)) stats = self.toolset.GenerateStats(__revision__) stats.append(timeinfo) feedback.append(stats) proxy.run_method("uploading statistics", "RecvStats", (tostring(feedback),)) if __name__ == '__main__': signal(SIGINT, cb_sigint_handler) Client(argv[1:]).run()