#!/usr/bin/env python '''Bcfg2 Client''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' import logging import os import signal import socket import sys import tempfile import time import xmlrpclib import fcntl import Bcfg2.Options import Bcfg2.Client.XML import Bcfg2.Client.Frame import Bcfg2.Client.Tools import Bcfg2.Daemon from Bcfg2.Component import SimpleXMLRPCServer, ComponentInitError, ComponentKeyError, CobaltXMLRPCRequestHandler, TLSServer from Bcfg2.tlslite.errors import TLSNoAuthenticationError, TLSFingerprintError import Bcfg2.Proxy import Bcfg2.Logger logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2') def cb_sigint_handler(signum, frame): '''Exit upon CTRL-C''' os._exit(1) DECISION_LIST = Bcfg2.Options.Option('Decision List', default=False, cmd="--decision-list", odesc='', long_arg=True) LOCKFILE = "/var/lock/bcfg2.run" class FPProxyCall(object): def __init__(self, proxy, method): self.proxy = proxy self.method_name = method self.method = getattr(self.proxy.proxy, method) def __call__(self, *args): try: return self.method(*args) except Bcfg2.tlslite.errors.TLSFingerprintError: self.proxy.proxy = self.proxy.get_proxy() self.method = getattr(self.proxy.proxy, self.method_name) return self.__call__(*args) class FPProxy(object): def __init__(self, url, user, password, fingerprints): self.url = url self.user = user self.password = password self.fingerprints = fingerprints self.no_fingerprint = len(fingerprints) == 0 self.proxy = self.get_proxy() def __getattr__(self, field): if field not in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[field] = FPProxyCall(self, field) return self.__dict__[field] def get_proxy(self): if self.fingerprints: fprint = self.fingerprints.pop() elif self.no_fingerprint: msg = 'no server x509 fingerprint; no server verification performed!' print >> sys.stderr, msg fprint = None else: print >> sys.stderr, "Ran out of fingerprints to try" raise SystemExit(1) try: proxy = Bcfg2.Proxy.ComponentProxy(self.url, self.user, self.password, fprint) return proxy except: logger.error("Unexpected proxy error", exc_info=1) raise SystemExit(1) class Client: ''' The main bcfg2 client class ''' def __init__(self): self.toolset = None self.config = None optinfo = { # 'optname': (('-a', argdesc, optdesc), # env, cfpath, default, boolean)), 'verbose': Bcfg2.Options.VERBOSE, 'extra': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_EXTRA_DISPLAY, 'quick': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_QUICK, 'debug': Bcfg2.Options.DEBUG, 'drivers': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_DRIVERS, 'fingerprint': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_FINGERPRINT, 'dryrun': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_DRYRUN, 'build': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_BUILD, 'paranoid': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_PARANOID, 'bundle': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_BUNDLE, 'file': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_FILE, 'interactive': Bcfg2.Options.INTERACTIVE, 'cache': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_CACHE, 'profile': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_PROFILE, 'remove': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_REMOVE, 'help': Bcfg2.Options.HELP, 'setup': Bcfg2.Options.CFILE, 'server': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_LOCATION, 'user': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_USER, 'password': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_PASSWORD, 'retries': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_RETRIES, 'kevlar': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_KEVLAR, 'agent': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_AGENT, 'agent-port': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_PORT, 'agent-background': Bcfg2.Options.CLIENT_BACKGROUND, 'key': Bcfg2.Options.SERVER_KEY, 'decision-list': DECISION_LIST, 'encoding': Bcfg2.Options.ENCODING, 'omit-lock-check': Bcfg2.Options.OMIT_LOCK_CHECK, } self.setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(optinfo) self.setup.parse(sys.argv[1:]) if self.setup['args']: print "Bcfg2 takes no arguments, only options" print self.setup.buildHelpMessage() raise SystemExit(1) level = 30 if self.setup['verbose']: level = 20 if self.setup['debug']: level = 0 Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging('bcfg2', to_syslog=False, level=level) self.logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2') self.logger.debug(self.setup) if 'drivers' in self.setup and self.setup['drivers'] == 'help': self.logger.info("The following drivers are available:") self.logger.info(Bcfg2.Client.Tools.drivers) raise SystemExit(0) if self.setup['remove'] and 'services' in self.setup['remove']: self.logger.error("Service removal is nonsensical, disable services to get former behavior") if self.setup['remove'] not in [False, 'all', 'services', 'packages']: self.logger.error("Got unknown argument %s for -r" % (self.setup['remove'])) if (self.setup["file"] != False) and (self.setup["cache"] != False): print "cannot use -f and -c together" raise SystemExit(1) if (self.setup["agent"] != False) and (self.setup["interactive"] != False): print "cannot use -A and -I together" raise SystemExit(1) if (self.setup["agent"] and not self.setup["fingerprint"]): print "Agent mode requires specification of x509 fingerprint" raise SystemExit(1) if (self.setup["agent"] and not self.setup["key"]): print "Agent mode requires specification of ssl cert + key file" raise SystemExit(1) def run_probe(self, probe): '''Execute probe''' name = probe.get('name') self.logger.info("Running probe %s" % name) ret = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("probe-data", name=name, source=probe.get('source')) try: script = open(tempfile.mktemp(), 'w+') try: script.write("#!%s\n" % (probe.attrib.get('interpreter', '/bin/sh'))) script.write(probe.text) script.close() os.chmod(script.name, 0755) ret.text = os.popen(script.name).read().strip() self.logger.info("Probe %s has result:\n%s" % (name, ret.text)) finally: os.unlink(script.name) except: self.logger.error("Failed to execute probe: %s" % (name), exc_info=1) raise SystemExit(1) return ret def fatal_error(self, message): '''Signal a fatal error''' self.logger.error("Fatal error: %s" % (message)) if not self.setup["agent"]: raise SystemExit(1) else: self.logger.error("Continuing...") def run(self): ''' Perform client execution phase ''' times = {} # begin configuration times['start'] = time.time() if self.setup['file']: # read config from file try: self.logger.debug("reading cached configuration from %s" % (self.setup['file'])) configfile = open(self.setup['file'], 'r') rawconfig = configfile.read() configfile.close() except IOError: self.fatal_error("failed to read cached configuration from: %s" % (self.setup['file'])) return(1) else: # retrieve config from server proxy = FPProxy(self.setup['server'], self.setup['user'], self.setup['password'], self.setup['fingerprint']) if self.setup['profile']: try: proxy.AssertProfile(self.setup['profile']) except xmlrpclib.Fault: self.fatal_error("Failed to set client profile") return(1) try: probe_data = proxy.GetProbes() except xmlrpclib.Fault, flt: self.logger.error("Failed to download probes from bcfg2") self.logger.error(flt.faultString) raise SystemExit(1) times['probe_download'] = time.time() try: probes = Bcfg2.Client.XML.XML(probe_data) except Bcfg2.Client.XML.ParseError, syntax_error: self.fatal_error( "server returned invalid probe requests: %s" % (syntax_error)) return(1) # execute probes try: probedata = Bcfg2.Client.XML.Element("ProbeData") [probedata.append(self.run_probe(probe)) for probe in probes.findall(".//probe")] except: self.logger.error("Failed to Execute probes") raise SystemExit(1) if len(probes.findall(".//probe")) > 0: try: # upload probe responses proxy.RecvProbeData(Bcfg2.Client.XML.tostring(probedata, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)) except: self.logger.error("Failed to upload probe data", exc_info=1) raise SystemExit(1) times['probe_upload'] = time.time() try: rawconfig = proxy.GetConfig() except xmlrpclib.Fault: self.logger.error("Failed to download configuration from bcfg2") raise SystemExit(2) times['config_download'] = time.time() if self.setup['cache']: try: open(self.setup['cache'], 'w').write(rawconfig) os.chmod(self.setup['cache'], 33152) except IOError: self.logger.warning("failed to write config cache file %s" % (self.setup['cache'])) times['caching'] = time.time() try: self.config = Bcfg2.Client.XML.XML(rawconfig) except Bcfg2.Client.XML.ParseError, syntax_error: self.fatal_error("the configuration could not be parsed: %s" % (syntax_error)) return(1) times['config_parse'] = time.time() if self.config.tag == 'error': self.fatal_error("server error: %s" % (self.config.text)) return(1) self.tools = Bcfg2.Client.Frame.Frame(self.config, self.setup, times, self.setup['drivers'], self.setup['dryrun']) if not self.setup['omit-lock-check']: #check lock here lockfile = open(LOCKFILE, 'w') try: fcntl.lockf(lockfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: #otherwise exit and give a warning to the user self.fatal_error("An other instance of bcfg2 is running. If you what to bypass the check, run with %s option" % (Bcfg2.Options.OMIT_LOCK_CHECK.cmd)) return(1) # execute the said configuration self.tools.Execute() if not self.setup['omit-lock-check']: #unlock here fcntl.lockf(lockfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.remove(LOCKFILE) if not self.setup['file']: # upload statistics feedback = self.tools.GenerateStats() try: proxy.RecvStats(Bcfg2.Client.XML.tostring(feedback, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)) except xmlrpclib.Fault: self.logger.error("Failed to upload configuration statistics") raise SystemExit(2) class FingerCheck(object): def __init__(self, fprints): self.fingerprints = fprints self.logger = logging.getLogger('checker') def __call__(self, connection): if connection._client: chain = connection.session.serverCertChain else: chain = connection.session.clientCertChain if chain == None: self.logger.error("Fingerprint authentication error") raise TLSNoAuthenticationError() if chain.getFingerprint() not in self.fingerprints: self.logger.error("Got connection with bad fingerprint %s" \ % (chain.getFingerprint())) raise TLSFingerprintError(\ "X.509 fingerprint mismatch: %s, %s" % \ (chain.getFingerprint(), self.fingerprints)) class Agent(Bcfg2.Component.Component): """The Bcfg2 Agent component providing XML-RPC access to 'run'""" __name__ = 'bcfg2-agent' __implementation__ = 'bcfg2-agent' def __init__(self, client): # need to get addr self.setup = client.setup self.shut = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.start_shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.start_shutdown) self.logger = logging.getLogger('Agent') self.static = True if self.setup["agent-port"]: port = int(self.setup["agent-port"]) elif self.setup["server"]: port = int(self.setup["server"].split(':')[1]) else: print "port or server URL not specified" raise SystemExit, 1 location = (socket.gethostname(), port) keyfile = self.setup["key"] self.password = self.setup["password"] try: TLSServer.__init__(self, location, keyfile, CobaltXMLRPCRequestHandler, FingerCheck(self.setup["fingerprint"]), reqCert=True) except socket.error: self.logger.error("Failed to bind to socket") raise ComponentInitError except ComponentKeyError: self.logger.error("Failed to parse key" % (keyfile)) raise ComponentInitError except: self.logger.error("Failed to load ssl key %s" % (keyfile), exc_info=1) raise ComponentInitError try: SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self) except TypeError: SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.__init__(self, False, None) self.logRequests = 0 self.port = self.socket.getsockname()[1] self.url = "https://%s:%s" % (socket.gethostname(), self.port) self.logger.info("Bound to port %s" % self.port) self.funcs.update({'system.listMethods':self.addr_system_listMethods}) self.atime = 0 self.client = client self.funcs.update({ "run": self.run, }) def run(self, address): try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) except: pass self.logger.info("Got run request from %s" % (address[0])) if os.fork(): return True else: try: self.client.run() except SystemExit: self.logger.error("Client failed to execute") self.shut = True return False if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cb_sigint_handler) client = Client() spid = os.getpid() if client.setup["agent"]: agent = Agent(client) if client.setup["agent-background"]: Bcfg2.Daemon.daemonize(client.setup["agent-background"]) while not agent.shut: try: agent.serve_forever() except: agent.logger.error('Error in service loop') agent.logger.error('Continuing') if os.getpid() == spid: print("Shutting down") else: client.run()